A comprehensive and biophysically detailed computational model of the whole human heart electromechanics
2023-01-01 Fedele, Marco; Piersanti, Roberto; Regazzoni, Francesco; Salvador, Matteo; Africa, Pasquale Claudio; Bucelli, Michele; Zingaro, Alberto; Dede’, Luca; Quarteroni, Alfio
A mathematical model that integrates cardiac electrophysiology, mechanics, and fluid dynamics: Application to the human left heart
2023-01-01 Bucelli, Michele; Zingaro, Alberto; Africa, Pasquale Claudio; Fumagalli, Ivan; Dede', Luca; Quarteroni, Alfio
A software benchmark for cardiac elastodynamics
2025-01-01 Aróstica, Reidmen; Nolte, David; Brown, Aaron; Gebauer, Amadeus; Karabelas, Elias; Jilberto, Javiera; Salvador, Matteo; Bucelli, Michele; Piersanti, Roberto; Osouli, Kasra; Augustin, Christoph; Finsberg, Henrik; Shi, Lei; Hirschvogel, Marc; Pfaller, Martin; Africa, Pasquale Claudio; Gsell, Matthias; Marsden, Alison; Nordsletten, David; Regazzoni, Francesco; Plank, Gernot; Sundnes, Joakim; Dede', Luca; Peirlinck, Mathias; Vedula, Vijay; Wall, Wolfgang; Bertoglio, Cristóbal
A stable loosely-coupled scheme for cardiac electro-fluid-structure interaction
2023-01-01 Bucelli, M.; Geraint Gabriel, M.; Quarteroni, A.; Gigante, G.; Vergara, C.
Advanced multiphysics and multiscale cardiac models: bridging numerical simulations with digital twins for human heart simulation
2024-01-01 Dede', L.; Bucelli, M.; Pagani, S.; Piersanti, R.; Regazzoni, F.; Tonini, A.; Quarteroni, A.
An electromechanical model of the entire human heart coupled with a lumped parameters model of the circulatory system
2022-01-01 Fedele, M.; Piersanti, R.; Regazzoni, F.; Salvador, M.; Africa, P. C.; Bucelli, M.; Dede', L.; Quarteroni, A.
An electromechanics-driven fluid dynamics model for the simulation of the whole human heart
2024-01-01 Zingaro, Alberto; Bucelli, Michele; Piersanti, Roberto; Regazzoni, Francesco; Dede', Luca; Quarteroni, Alfio
Integrated fluid-structure-electrophysiology computational modeling of a healthy human heart
2022-01-01 Bucelli, M.; Dede', L.; Quarteroni, A.
lifex-cfd: An open-source computational fluid dynamics solver for cardiovascular applications
2024-01-01 Africa, P. C.; Fumagalli, I.; Bucelli, M.; Zingaro, A.; Fedele, M.; Dede', L.; Quarteroni, A.
lifex-ep: a robust and efficient software for cardiac electrophysiology simulations
2023-01-01 Africa, Pasquale Claudio; Piersanti, Roberto; Regazzoni, Francesco; Bucelli, Michele; Salvador, Matteo; Fedele, Marco; Pagani, Stefano; Dede', Luca; Quarteroni, Alfio
Modeling isovolumetric phases in cardiac flows by an Augmented Resistive Immersed Implicit Surface method
2023-01-01 Zingaro, Alberto; Bucelli, Michele; Fumagalli, Ivan; Dede', Luca; Quarteroni, Alfio
Multipatch Isogeometric Analysis for electrophysiology: Simulation in a human heart
2021-01-01 Bucelli, Michele; Salvador, Matteo; Dede’, Luca; Quarteroni, Alfio
Multiphysics and multiscale models for the numerical simulation of the cardiac function
2022-01-01 Dede', L.; Africa, P.; Bucelli, M.; Fedele, M.; Piersanti, R.; Quarteroni, A.; Regazzoni, F.; Salvador, M.; Zingaro, A.
Partitioned and Monolithic Algorithms for the Numerical Solution of Cardiac Fluid-Structure Interaction
2023-01-01 Bucelli, Michele; Dede, Luca; Quarteroni, Alfio; Vergara, Christian
Preserving the positivity of the deformation gradient determinant in intergrid interpolation by combining RBFs and SVD: Application to cardiac electromechanics
2023-01-01 Bucelli, M; Regazzoni, F; Dede', L; Quarteroni, A