A Bayes Hilbert Space for Compartment Model Computing in Diffusion MRI
2018-01-01 Stamm, A.; Commowick, O.; Menafoglio, A.; Warfield, S. K.
A Generalization of Hotelling’s Theorem for Large p Small n Data
2011-01-01 Secchi, Piercesare; Stamm, Aymeric; Vantini, Simone
A leap into functional Hilbert spaces with Harold Hotelling
2017-01-01 Pini, A.; Stamm, A.; Vantini, S.
A personalized mathematical tool for neuro-oncology: A clinical case study
2018-01-01 Agosti, Abramo; Giverso, Chiara; Faggiano, Elena; Stamm, Aymeric; Ciarletta, Pasquale
Comprehensive maximum likelihood estimation of diffusion compartment models towards reliable mapping of brain microstructure
2016-01-01 Stamm, Aymeric; Commowick, Olivier; Warfield, Simon K.; Vantini, Simone
Domain selection and familywise error rate for functional data: A unified framework
2022-01-01 Abramowicz, Konrad; Pini, Alessia; Schelin, Lina; Sjöstedt de Luna, Sara; Stamm, Aymeric; Vantini, Simone
Hotelling in wonderland
2017-01-01 Pini, A.; Stamm, A.; Vantini, S.
Hotelling meets Hilbert: inference on the mean in functional Hilbert spaces
2017-01-01 Pini, A.; Stamm, A.; Vantini, S.
Hotelling’s T2 in separable Hilbert spaces
2018-01-01 Pini, Alessia; Stamm, Aymeric; Vantini, Simone
Inference for the mean of large p small n data: a high dimensional generalization of Hotelling’s theorem
2013-01-01 Secchi, Piercesare; Stamm, Aymeric; Vantini, Simone
Inference in Functional Hilbert Spaces Generalizing the Hotelling’s T^2
2015-01-01 Pini, Alessia; Stamm, Aymeric; Vantini, Simone
Large p Small n: Inference for the Mean
2010-01-01 Stamm, Aymeric; Secchi, Piercesare; Vantini, Simone
Model-free two-sample test for network-valued data
2020-01-01 Lovato, I.; Pini, A.; Stamm, A.; Vantini, S.