A Way To Net Zero Energy Buildings For Italy: How The Earth-To-Air Heat Exchanger Could Contribute To Reach The Target In Warm Climates
2010-01-01 Pagliano, Lorenzo; Zangheri, Paolo; Carlucci, Salvatore
An optimization procedure based on thermal discomfort minimization to support the design of comfortable Net Zero Energy Buildings
2013-01-01 Carlucci, Salvatore; Pagliano, Lorenzo
Combining high-end architecture and low energy: energy analysis to support the design of a large office building within the GreenBuildingplus project
2008-01-01 Pagliano, Lorenzo; Carlucci, Salvatore; Toppi, Tommaso; Zangheri, Paolo
Computational optimization for Zero Energy Buildings Design: Interview results with twenty-eight International experts
2013-01-01 S., Attia; M., Hamdy; W., O’Brien; Carlucci, Salvatore
Design, Optimization, and Modelling Issues of Net-Zero Energy Solar Buildings
2010-01-01 A., Athienitis; P., Torcellini; A., Hirsch; W., O’Brien; M., Cellura; R., Klein; V., Delisle; S., Attia; P., Bourdoukan; Carlucci, Salvatore
Estensione dello Standard Passivhaus al sud Europa: requisiti energetici e di comfort
2008-01-01 Carlucci, Salvatore; Pagliano, Lorenzo; Toppi, Tommaso; Zangheri, Paolo
La valutazione delle caratteristiche termiche dinamiche delle chiusure opache dell'involucro edilizio
2012-01-01 Carlucci, Salvatore; Sangalli, A.; Pagliano, Lorenzo
Optimization of air tightness and night ventilation for Passive houses in Italian climates under Fanger and Adaptive comfort models
2009-01-01 Pagliano, Lorenzo; Zangheri, Paolo; Carlucci, Salvatore
Optimization of the installation of an Earth-to-Air Heat Exchanger and detailed design of a dedicated experimental set-up
2014-01-01 Carlucci, S.; Cattarin, G.; Pagliano, L.; Pietrobon, M.
Passive house optimization for Southern Italy based on the “New Passivhaus Standard”
2009-01-01 Zangheri, Paolo; Pagliano, Lorenzo; Carlucci, Salvatore
Recent Trends and Developments Regarding Summer Comfort and Low Energy Cooling in Italy
2009-01-01 Pagliano, Lorenzo; Carlucci, Salvatore; Roscetti, Andrea; Zangheri, Paolo
Ventilation strategies for the deep energy retrofit of a kindergarten
2015-01-01 Causone, Francesco; Moazami, Amin; Carlucci, Salvatore; Pagliano, Lorenzo; Pietrobon, Marco