3D FE pushover and non-linear dynamic analyses of a masonry chimney before and after shortening
2015-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Delgrosso, Antonio; Milani, Gabriele; Minghini, Fabio; Tralli, Antonio
A Finite Element non-linear heterogeneous approach for the analysis of Fibre Reinforced Polymer masonry arches
2015-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele; Fedele, Roberto
Advanced and Simplified Modeling Approaches for the Study of the Bond Behavior of FRP Systems on Curved Masonry Substrates
2022-01-01 Bertolesi, E.; Fagone, M.; Grande, E.; Milani, G.; Rotunno, T.
Ancient masonry arches and vaults strengthened with TRM, SRG and FRP composites: Experimental evaluation
2018-01-01 Carozzi, Francesca Giulia; Poggi, Carlo; Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele
Ancient masonry arches and vaults strengthened with TRM, SRG and FRP composites: Numerical analyses
2018-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele; Carozzi, Francesca Giulia; Poggi, Carlo
Augustus Bridge in Narni (Italy): Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of the Still Standing Part, Possible Causes of Collapse, and Importance of the Roman Concrete Infill in the Seismic-Resistant Behavior
2017-01-01 Bertolesi, E.; Milani, G.; Lopane, F. D.; Acito, M.
Closed form homogenization model for masonry in-plane loaded
2016-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele
Coupled interface-based modelling approach for the numerical analysis of curved masonry specimens strengthened by CFRP
2018-01-01 Grande, Ernesto; Fagone, Mario; Rotunno, Tommaso; Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele
Delamination of FRP reinforced curved masonry pillars: Experimentation and advanced numerical analyses
2018-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele; Grande, Ernesto; Fagone, Mario; Rotunno, Tommaso
Experimental Study on the Local Behavior of CFRP Anchor Spikes Fixed to Masonry Substrates
2022-01-01 Fagone, M.; Rotunno, T.; Bertolesi, E.; Grande, E.; Milani, G.
Fast and reliable non-linear heterogeneous FE approach for the analysis of FRP-reinforced masonry arches
2016-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele; Fedele, Roberto
FRP-strengthening of curved masonry structures: Local Bond behavior and global response
2017-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Fabbrocino, Francesco; Formisano, Antonio; Grande, Ernesto; Milani, Gabriele
Full 3D FE micro-modelling for single lap shear tests on FRCM reinforcing systems
2018-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele; Ghiassi, Bahman; Grande, Ernesto
Fully analytical model for the analysis of externally bonded composites applied to brittle supports: sensitivity analysis
2023-01-01 Bertolesi, E.; Milani, G.; Grande, E.; Capozucca, R.
Heterogeneous FE model for single lap shear tests on FRP reinforced masonry curved pillars with spike anchors
2020-01-01 Bertolesi, E.; Milani, G.; Fagone, M.; Rotunno, T.; Grande, E.
Homogenization towards a mechanistic Rigid Body and Spring Model (HRBSM) for the non-linear dynamic analysis of 3D masonry structures
2018-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele; Casolo, Siro
Homogenized approach for the non linear dynamic analysis of entire masonry buildings by means of rigid plate elements and damaging interfaces
2017-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele
Homogenized Rigid Body and Spring Model (RBSM) for the non-linear dynamic analysis of historic masonry church facades
2017-01-01 Bertolesi, E.; Milani, G.; Casolo, S.
Homogenized Rigid Body and Spring-Mass (HRBSM) model for the pushover analysis of out-of-plane loaded unreinforced and FRP reinforced walls
2017-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele
Implementation and validation of a total displacement non-linear homogenization approach for in-plane loaded masonry
2016-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele; Lourenço, Paulo B.