A framework for operative and social sustainability functionalities in Human-Centric Cyber-Physical Production Systems
2020-01-01 Pinzone, Marta; Albe', Federico; Orlandelli, Davide; Barletta, Ilaria; Berlin, Cecilia; Johansson, Björn; Taisch, Marco
Challenges and Opportunities to Advance Manufacturing Research for Sustainable Battery Life Cycles
2024-01-01 Johansson, B.; Despeisse, M.; Bokrantz, J.; Braun, G.; Cao, H.; Chari, A.; Fang, Q.; González Chávez, C. A.; Skoogh, A.; Söderlund, H.; Wang, H.; Wärmefjord, K.; Nyborg, L.; Sun, J.; Örtengren, R.; Schumacher, K. A.; Espinal, L.; Morris, K. C.; Nunley, J.; Kishita, Y.; Umeda, Y.; Acerbi, F.; Pinzone, M.; Persson, H.; Charpentier, S.; Edström, K.; Brandell, D.; Gopalakrishnan, M.; Rahnama, H.; Abrahamsson, L.; Öhrwall Rönnbäck, A.; Stahre, J.
COMPETENZE E LIFELONG LEARNING per l’Additive Manufacturing in Europa
2019-01-01 Colosimo, BIANCA MARIA; Grasso, MARCO LUIGI GIUSEPPE; Fantini, PAOLA MARIA; Pinzone, Marta
Digital Assistance Systems to Implement Machine Learning in Manufacturing: A Systematic Review
2024-01-01 Rosemeyer, Jannik; Pinzone, Marta; Metternich, Joachim
Effects of ‘green’ training on pro-environmental behaviors and job satisfaction: Evidence from the Italian healthcare sector
2019-01-01 Pinzone, Marta; Guerci, Marco; Lettieri, Emanuele; Huisingh, Donald
Manufacturing in prospettiva: cultura, strumenti e pratiche della Sostenibilità Sociale come leve per il vantaggio competitivo
2015-01-01 Fantini, PAOLA MARIA; Pinzone, Marta
Placing the operator at the centre of Industry 4.0 design: Modelling and assessing human activities within cyber-physical systems
2020-01-01 Fantini, PAOLA MARIA; Pinzone, Marta; Taisch, Marco
Proactive Environmental Strategies in Healthcare Organizations: Drivers and Barriers in Italy
2015-01-01 Pinzone, Marta; Lettieri, Emanuele; Masella, Cristina
Progressing in the change journey towards sustainability in healthcare: the role of ‘Green’ HRM
2016-01-01 Pinzone, Marta; Guerci, Marco; Lettieri, Emanuele; Redman, Tom
Skills for Industry 4.0: a structured repository grounded on a generalized enterprise reference architecture and methodology-based framework
2023-01-01 Pinzone, Marta; Fantini, Paola; Taisch, Marco
Stakeholder pressure and the adoption of proactive environmental strategies in healthcare: The mediating effect of “green” HRM
2016-01-01 Pinzone, M.; Lettieri, E.
Sustainability in Healthcare: Combining Organizational and Architectural Levers
2012-01-01 Pinzone, Marta; Lettieri, Emanuele; Masella, Cristina
Unleashing the role of skills and job profiles in circular manufacturing
2024-01-01 Beducci, Elena; Acerbi, Federica; Pinzone, Marta; Taisch, Marco
Why social sustainability counts: The impact of corporate social sustainability culture on financial success
2019-01-01 Schönborn, Gregor; Berlin, Cecilia; Pinzone, Marta; Hanisch, Christoph; Georgoulias, Konstantinos; Lanz, Minna