Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.208
NA - Nord America 2.589
AS - Asia 894
SA - Sud America 114
AF - Africa 48
OC - Oceania 34
Totale 7.887
Nazione #
IT - Italia 2.849
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.511
SG - Singapore 252
DE - Germania 229
CN - Cina 221
RU - Federazione Russa 194
IE - Irlanda 121
AT - Austria 120
NL - Olanda 117
GB - Regno Unito 112
FI - Finlandia 93
BR - Brasile 88
ES - Italia 81
FR - Francia 79
VN - Vietnam 74
BE - Belgio 69
CA - Canada 69
PH - Filippine 62
TR - Turchia 47
IN - India 46
ID - Indonesia 38
HK - Hong Kong 37
AU - Australia 31
SE - Svezia 31
CH - Svizzera 27
JP - Giappone 23
KR - Corea 23
PL - Polonia 23
CI - Costa d'Avorio 21
JO - Giordania 20
PT - Portogallo 20
IR - Iran 11
UA - Ucraina 11
CO - Colombia 9
BJ - Benin 8
TW - Taiwan 8
CL - Cile 7
DK - Danimarca 7
MX - Messico 6
ET - Etiopia 5
RO - Romania 5
AR - Argentina 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
GR - Grecia 4
MY - Malesia 4
NO - Norvegia 4
PK - Pakistan 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
ZA - Sudafrica 4
DZ - Algeria 3
IL - Israele 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
EG - Egitto 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
MA - Marocco 2
SD - Sudan 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
VE - Venezuela 2
AN - Antille olandesi 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
GT - Guatemala 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KW - Kuwait 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LB - Libano 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
PY - Paraguay 1
QA - Qatar 1
RS - Serbia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 7.887
Città #
Milan 1.105
Chandler 244
Santa Clara 215
Fairfield 200
Ashburn 195
Woodbridge 128
Singapore 124
Dublin 119
Wilmington 119
Vienna 113
Rome 99
Ann Arbor 93
Houston 90
Boardman 86
Cambridge 86
Seattle 85
Council Bluffs 71
Amsterdam 64
Helsinki 62
Málaga 62
Crema 56
Medford 56
Redwood City 55
Davao City 54
Lawrence 54
Ottawa 44
Ciampino 38
Giussano 37
Dong Ket 36
Jakarta 36
Dearborn 34
Boltiere 32
Pedrengo 32
Frankfurt am Main 31
Pavia 30
London 29
Beijing 26
Fremont 26
Shanghai 26
Munich 25
San Diego 24
Bresso 23
Redmond 23
Bovisio Masciago 22
Bristol 22
Muggiò 22
Abidjan 21
Sesto San Giovanni 21
Amman 20
Brindisi 20
Busto Arsizio 20
Delft 20
Nanjing 20
New York 20
Brussels 19
Novara 19
Como 17
Lecco 16
Monza 16
Falkenstein 15
Mountain View 15
Torino 15
Ankara 14
Besana in Brianza 14
Robbiate 14
Istanbul 13
Legnano 13
Marseille 13
Padova 13
Chongqing 12
Miami 12
Piacenza 12
San Giuliano 12
Seregno 12
Washington 12
Lappeenranta 11
Mugnano di Napoli 11
Bareggio 10
Central District 10
Clifton 10
Melbourne 10
Palo Alto 10
Seoul 10
Brescia 9
Canberra 9
Changsha 9
Changzhou 9
Florence 9
Hangzhou 9
Lissone 9
Luft 9
Marnate 9
Nuremberg 9
Bergamo 8
Bologna 8
Braunschweig 8
Casei Gerola 8
Chicago 8
Cotonou 8
Mount Olive 8
Totale 4.941
Nome #
Simulation of Tiltrotor Maneuvers by a Coupled Multibody-Mid Fidelity Aerodynamic Solver 281
Coupled Multibody-Mid Fidelity Aerodynamic Solver for Tiltrotor Aeroelastic Simulation 235
A Coupled Multibody - Mid Fidelity Aerodynamic Tool for the Simulation of Tiltrotor Manoeuvres 215
Sensore di pressione ottico 213
Design and Optimization of Innovative Tiltrotor Wing Control Surfaces Through Coupled Multibody - Mid-Fidelity Aerodynamics Simulations 200
Helicopter Pilot Biomechanics by Multibody Analysis 198
FRAME-Sim: A Free-Software, Multibody-Based, Pilot in the Loop Rotorcraft Flight Simulator 197
On Task Dependence of Helicopter Pilot Biodynamic Feedthrough and Neuromuscular Admittance: An Experimental and Numerical Study 187
Multibody dynamics analysis of the human upper body for rotorcraft–pilot interaction 164
Development of a Virtual Reality Real Time Helicopter Flight Simulator 159
Biodynamic Modeling Techniques for Rotorcraft Comfort Evaluation 150
Physics-Based Piloted Flight Simulation of Helicopters Using Multibody Dynamics 149
A tight coupling scheme for smooth/non-smooth multibody co-simulation of a particle damper 148
A numerical study of vibration-induced instrument reading capability degradation in helicopter pilots 145
Validation of a frustrated total internal reflection test bench for tire footprint pressure measurement 133
Dependence of Helicopter Pilots' Biodynamic Feedthrough on Upper Limbs' Muscular Activation Patterns 133
A generalized approach for implicit time integration of piecewise linear/nonlinear systems 132
Flight Simulator Testing to Enhance Comprehension and Modeling of Rotorcraft Pilot Couplings 130
A Generalized Index for the Assessment of Helicopter Pilot Vibration Exposure 129
Geometry generation and benchmarking of a complete multibody model of the upper limb 128
On the design of force sensors based on frustrated total internal reflection 127
A Handling Qualities Oriented Approach to Rotorcraft Conceptual Design 122
Pilot Biomechanics for the Definition of a Rotorcraft-Pilot Interaction Experiment 120
Human Biodynamic Models for Rotorcraft Comfort Assessment 119
Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Rotating Systems Using Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents Estimated From Multibody Dynamics 118
Rotorcraft Pilot Impedance from Inverse Dynamics-Based Biomechanical Model 118
Performance of implicit A-stable time integration methods for multibody system dynamics 118
A Virtual Reality Approach to Piloted Flight Simulation 117
An Optical Pressure Measurement System for Control Inceptors to Evaluate Pilots’ Workload 116
Generalized Measure of Vibration Exposure for Helicopter Pilots 112
Preliminary study on automated concrete bridge inspection 111
Uncertainty Quantification of Tiltrotor Whirl Flutter Aeroelastic Stability from Multibody Analysis 111
Flight Simulator Testing to Enhance Comprehension and Modeling of Rotorcraft Pilot Couplings 106
Augmented Rotorcraft Conceptual Design Driven by Handling Qualities Requirements 104
Visual Performance Evaluation Of Helicopter Pilots In Vibrating Cockpit 103
Projection Continuation for Minimal Coordinate Set Dynamics of Constrained Systems 101
A novel explicit three-sub-step time integration method for wave propagation problems 100
Smooth/Non-Smooth Multibody Co-Simulation of a Particle Damper 97
Optical Pressure Sensor 97
Effects of Flight Controls and Cockpit Layout Design in Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings: a Computational Approach 96
Online Evaluation of Helicopter Pilot Workload During a Flight Simulator Experiments 94
Piloted Flight Simulation Using General-Purpose Multibody Dynamics 91
Numerical Investigation on the Role of Control Inceptors Layout in Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings 89
Projection continuation for minimal coordinate set formulation and singularity detection of redundantly constrained system dynamics 88
A Detailed Biomechanical Pilot Model for Multi-Axis Involuntary Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings 88
Explicit smooth/nonsmooth cosimulation using kinematic constraints 87
Pilot in the Loop Simulation of Helicopter-Ship Operations Using Virtual Reality 85
Helicopter Collective Bounce Proneness: Which are the Good, the Bad (and the Ugly!) Pilot Biometrics? 84
Development of a computer vision tracking system for automated 3D reconstruction of concrete bridges 83
Explicit co-simulation for coupled multibody systems with kinematic coupling constraints 82
The Role of the Short-Range Stiffness in Pilot Biodynamic Response Characterization 81
A Generalized Solution Scheme Using an Implicit Time Integrator for Piecewise Linear and Nonlinear Systems 81
Impact of Design and Operational Parameters on Helicopter Vertical Bounce 79
A Novel Single-Step Unconditionally Stable Numerical Integration Scheme with Tunable Algorithmic Dissipation 78
Comprehensive Simulation of a Complete Tiltrotor with Pilot-In-the-loop for Whirl-Flutter Stability Analysis 73
Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling: a Multidisciplinary Point of View 68
A projection continuation approach for minimal coordinate set constrained dynamics 67
Multibody analysis and soft tissue strength refute supersonic dinosaur tail 61
Experimental Test-Bed for the Identification of Biodynamic Feedthrough of Helicopter-Pilot Systems 59
Stability Analysis of Arbitrarily Complex Multibody Problems Using Lyapunov Exponents 56
Rotorcraft stability analysis using Lyapunov characteristic exponents estimated from multibody dynamics 56
Upper Limb Mechanical Impedance Variability Estimation by Inverse Dynamics and Torque-Less Activation Modes 53
Tiltrotor Whirl-Flutter Stability Investigation Using Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents and Multibody Dynamics 52
Frustrated Total Internal Reflection Measurement System for Pilot Inceptor Grip Pressure 52
Moving Towards A-Priori Identification of Undesirable Pilot Biometrics for Collective Bounce Instability 52
Stability of Rotorcraft Ground Resonance by Estimating Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents from Multibody Dynamics 51
The Inter-2-Blade Lead-Lag Damper Concept 51
Multibody Analysis of Helicopter Pilot Biomechanics for Real-Time End Point Impedance Estimation 49
Analysis of Multimodal Signal in Rotorcraft Cockpit 49
Handling Qualities in Rotorcraft Conceptual Design 41
An Uncertainty Propagation Approach to Collective Bounce Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings Analysis 38
Rotorcraft-Pilot Interaction: How to Keep Pilot Biomechanics Out of the Control Loop 36
On the influence of airframe flexibility on rotorcraft pilot couplings 36
A Meta-Model for Comprehensive Pilot Modeling 33
Pilot-Vehicle Interaction from a Multibody Dynamics and Experimental Perspective 33
Decoupling Pilot Biomechanics from Control Device Dynamics in Biodynamic Feedthrough: a Multibody Dynamics Approach 32
Simplified Models of Pilot Biomechanics for Rotorcraft Vertical Bounce Analysis 31
Tiltrotor whirl-flutter stability analysis using the maximum Lyapunov characteristic exponent estimated from time series 29
Haptic Device Embedded in Rotorcraft Seats to Provide Motion Onset Cues in Flight Simulator 27
Pilot Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis for Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings Robust Design 25
Comfort Assessment in Urban Air Mobility Vehicles 24
How to Simulate Soft Tissues in Extinct Animals. Using Sauropod Dinosaurs as a Case Study 18
Totale 8.081
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.884
article - articoli 7.403
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 16.797
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 684
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 49.768

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020258 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 54 47 60 30
2020/20211.096 26 32 78 96 116 153 82 78 53 86 140 156
2021/20221.377 63 94 153 120 110 71 113 153 90 76 190 144
2022/20231.397 140 98 115 125 142 117 65 88 154 109 155 89
2023/20241.016 49 104 62 97 108 131 119 33 63 69 75 106
2024/20251.803 200 66 122 180 614 224 240 157 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.081