2D and 3D elastic wave propagation by a pseudo-spectral domain decomposition method
1997-01-01 Faccioli, Ezio; Maggio, F; Paolucci, Roberto; Quarteroni, A.
3D forced vibration of a layered half-space coupled with surface rigid-base oscillators
2025-01-01 Feng, Duo; Paolucci, Roberto; Xu, Linrong; Lu, Zhiqiang
3D numerical simulations in complex near-field geological configurations during the Mw 6.3 L’Aquila earthquake
2012-01-01 Smerzini, Chiara; Villani, Manuela; Faccioli, Ezio; Paolucci, Roberto
2011-01-01 Paolucci, Roberto; Smerzini, Chiara
3D physics-based earthquake scenarios in Istanbul for seismic risk assessment
2017-01-01 Paolucci, R.; Mazzieri, I.; Özcebe, A. G.; Smerzini, C.; Stupazzini, M.; Infantino, M.
3D Physics-Based Numerical Simulations of the MW6 May 29 2012 Emilia Earthquake
2015-01-01 Smerzini, Chiara; Mazzieri, Ilario; Paolucci, Roberto
3D physics-based numerical simulations: Advantages and current limitations of a new frontier to earthquake ground motion prediction. The Istanbul case study
2018-01-01 Paolucci, R.; Infantino, Maria; Mazzieri, I.; Özcebe, A. G.; Smerzini, C.; Stupazzini, M.
3D Physics‐Based Numerical Simulations of Ground Motion in Istanbul from Earthquakes along the Marmara Segment of the North Anatolian Fault
2020-01-01 Infantino, M.; Mazzieri, I.; Özcebe, A. G.; Paolucci, R.; Stupazzini, M.
3D response analysis of an instrumented hill at Matsuzaki, Japan, by a spectral method
1999-01-01 Paolucci, Roberto; Faccioli, Ezio; Maggio, F.
A macro-element model for non‐linear soil–shallow foundation–structure interaction under seismic loads: theoretical development and experimental validation on large scale tests
2012-01-01 R., Figini; Paolucci, Roberto; C., Chatzigogos
A numerical study of the pressurized gas pipeline-normal fault interaction problem
2015-01-01 Özcebe, ALI GÜNEY; Paolucci, Roberto; Mariani, Stefano; Santoro, D.
A simple numerical tool for dynamic soil-structure interaction analyses including nonlinear behaviour of both structure and foundation
2010-01-01 Figini, Raffaele; Paolucci, Roberto
Amplification of earthquake ground motion by step topographic irregularities
2002-01-01 Paolucci, Roberto
Analysis of the spatial correlation of earthquake ground motion from physics-based numerical simulations
2018-01-01 Infantino, M.; Paolucci, R.; Smerzini, C.
Analysis of the “Casa dello Studente” collapse during the L’Aquila 6th April 2009 earthquake
2012-01-01 Mulas, MARIA GABRIELLA; Coronelli, DARIO ANGELO MARIA; Martinelli, Luca; Paolucci, Roberto; Perotti, Federico; Pavesi, ANGELA SILVIA
Analytical Solutions for the Seismic Response of Underground Structures under SH Wave Propagation
2008-01-01 Smerzini, Chiara; J., Aviles; F. J., Sanchez Sesma; Paolucci, Roberto
Anatomy of strong ground motion: near-source records and three-dimensional physics-based numerical simulations of the Mw 6.0 2012 May 29 Po Plain earthquake
2015-01-01 Paolucci, Roberto; Mazzieri, Ilario; Smerzini, Chiara
Applicazione di tecniche spettrali per la valutazione della sicurezza strutturale
2004-01-01 Fava, Giulia; Mussio, Luigi; Paolucci, Roberto
Assessment of seismic site effects in 2-D alluvial valleys using neural networks
2000-01-01 Paolucci, Roberto; P., Colli; G., Giacinto
BB-SPEEDset: A Validated Dataset of Simulated Earthquake Ground Motions for Engineering Aims
2023-01-01 Smerzini, C.; Paolucci, R.; Vanini, M.; Amendola, C.