DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA STRUTTURALE (attivo dal 01/01/1900 al 31/12/2012)
3D Physics‐Based Numerical Simulations of Ground Motion in Istanbul from Earthquakes along the Marmara Segment of the North Anatolian Fault
2020-01-01 Infantino, M.; Mazzieri, I.; Özcebe, A. G.; Paolucci, R.; Stupazzini, M.
Broad-band ground motions from 3D physics-based numerical simulations using Artificial Neural Networks
2018-01-01 Paolucci, R:; Gatti, Filippo; Infantino, Maria; Smerzini, C.; Özcebe, A. G.; Stupazzini, M.
Comment on "Domain Reduction Method for Three-Dimensional Earthquake Modeling in Localized Regions, Part I: Theory," by J. Bielak, K. Loukakis, Y. Hisada, and C. Yoshimura, and "Part II: Verification and Applications," by C. Yoshimura, J. Bielak, Y. Hisada, and A. Fernandez
2005-01-01 Faccioli, Ezio; Vanini, Manuela; Paolucci, Roberto; Stupazzini, Marco
Comment on"broadband ground-motion simulation of the 2011 Mw 6.2 Christchurch, new Zealand, Earthquake" by H. N. T. Razafindrakoto, B. A. Bradley, and R. W. Graves
2019-01-01 Guidotti, R.; Stupazzini, M.; Smerzini, C.; Paolucci, R.
Experimental and Numerical Results on Earthquake-Induced Rotational Ground Motions
2009-01-01 Smerzini, Chiara; Paolucci, Roberto; Stupazzini, Marco
From the seismic source to the structural response: advanced modelling by the spectral element method
2006-01-01 Paolucci, Roberto; Scandella, Laura; Stupazzini, Marco; Vanini, Manuela
GEO-ELSEvp: a spectral element approach for 2D or 3D dynamic elasto-viscoplastic problems
2005-01-01 Stupazzini, Marco; Zambelli, Clara
GeoELSEvp: a spectral element approach for dynamic elasto-viscoplastic problems
2006-01-01 Stupazzini, Marco; Zambelli, Clara
Near-fault earthquake ground motion prediction by a high-performance spectral element numerical code
2008-01-01 Paolucci, Roberto; Stupazzini, Marco
Near-fault earthquake ground motion simulation in the Grenoble Valley by a high-performance spectral element code
2009-01-01 Stupazzini, Marco; Paolucci, Roberto; H., Igel
Non-conforming Spectral Approximations for the Elastic Wave Equation in Heterogeneous Media
2011-01-01 Mazzieri, Ilario; Smerzini, Chiara; Antonietti, PAOLA FRANCESCA; F., Rapetti; Stupazzini, Marco; Paolucci, Roberto; Quarteroni, ALFIO MARIA
Non-linear SEM numerical analyses of dry dense sand specimens under rapid and dynamic loading
2007-01-01 DI PRISCO, CLAUDIO GIULIO; Stupazzini, Marco; Zambelli, Clara
Nonlinear SEM numerical analyses of dry dense sand specimens under rapid and dynamic loading
2006-01-01 DI PRISCO, CLAUDIO GIULIO; Stupazzini, Marco; Zambelli, Clara
Numerical modeling of seismic waves by discontinuous spectral element methods
2018-01-01 Antonietti, Paola F.; Ferroni, Alberto; Mazzieri, Ilario; Paolucci, Roberto; Quarteroni, Alfio; Smerzini, Chiara; Stupazzini, Marco
Numerical prediction of low-frequency ground vibrations induced by high-speed trains at Ledsgaard, Sweden
2003-01-01 Paolucci, Roberto; Maffeis, Andrea; Scandella, Laura; Stupazzini, Marco; Vanini, Manuela
Numerical prediction of low-frequency ground vibrations induced by high-speed trains at Ledsgaard, Sweden
2003-01-01 Paolucci, Roberto; Maffeis, Andrea; L., Scandella; Stupazzini, Marco; Vanini, Manuela
Numerical simulation of seismic response at Gubbio basin, Central Italy
2011-01-01 Smerzini, Chiara; Stupazzini, Marco; Paolucci, Roberto
Numerical Simulation of the Athens 1999 Earthquake Including Simplified Models of the Acropolis and the Parthenon: Initial Results and Outlook
2023-01-01 Antonietti, P. F.; Cauzzi, C.; Mazzieri, I.; Melas, L.; Stupazzini, M.
Physics-based probabilistic seismic hazard and loss assessment in large urban areas: A simplified application to Istanbul
2021-01-01 Stupazzini, M.; Infantino, M.; Allmann, A.; Paolucci, R.
PSHA incorporating physics-based numeric simulations: the case study of Beijing
2019-01-01 Infantino, M.; Mazzieri, I.; Paolucci, R.; Allmann, A.; Stupazzini, M.