6-Axis Measuring Wheels for Trucks or Heavy Vehicles
2014-01-01 Gobbi, Massimiliano; Mastinu, Gianpiero; Previati, Giorgio; Pennati, Mario
A Comprehensive Model to Compute Roll Gap Profile for a Rolling Mill Including Bearing and Mill Housing Deflections
2024-01-01 Previati, Giorgio; Stabile, Pietro; Ballo, Federico; Sghirlanzoni, Davide; Frascino, Leonardo
A Driving Simulator for UN157 Homologation Activities
2022-01-01 Gobbi, Massimiliano; Mastinu, Gianpiero; Melzi, Stefano; Previati, Giorgio; Ronconi, Luca; Sabbioni, Edoardo
A McPherson Lightweight Suspension Arm
2020-01-01 Belingardi, G.; Bernasconi, A.; Chessari, M.; Maccarinelli, S.; Mastinu, G.; Previati, G.; Scattina, A.; Spini, E.
A method for measuring the inertia properties of rigid bodies
2011-01-01 Gobbi, Massimiliano; Mastinu, Gianpiero; Previati, Giorgio
A Method for the Assessment of the Dynamic Performance of Neck Protection Devices
2013-01-01 Gianmarco, Galmarini; Gobbi, Massimiliano; Mastinu, Gianpiero; Previati, Giorgio
A method for the indoor testing of a road vehicle suspensionsystem
2010-01-01 Gobbi, Massimiliano; Mastinu, Gianpiero; Previati, Giorgio
2012-01-01 Gobbi, Massimiliano; Mastinu, Gianpiero; Previati, Giorgio
A multibody model for the evaluation of the dynamic response of the human neck: development, validation and application to a new neck protection device
2011-01-01 E., Tarallo; Gobbi, Massimiliano; Mastinu, Gianpiero; Previati, Giorgio
A New Combined Finite Element - Analytical Model for Strip Profile Control in Cold Rolling Mills
2024-01-01 Stabile, P.; Ballo, F.; Previati, G.
A new electric powertrain for light trucks: Indoor testing and advanced simulation
2014-01-01 Golimbioschi, Robert; Mastinu, Gianpiero; Cordioli, Luca; Gobbi, Massimiliano; Tagliabue, Davide; Previati, Giorgio; Braga, Francesco
A new generation Cable-driven Dynamic Driving Simulator for the Assessment of CCAM Deployment
2024-01-01 Cheli, F.; Gobbi, M.; Mastinu, G.; Melzi, S.; Previati, G.; Sabbioni, E.; Cappiello, A.; Luè, A.
A New Six-axis Load Cell. Part I: Design
2011-01-01 Mastinu, Gianpiero; Gobbi, Massimiliano; Previati, Giorgio
A New Six-Axis Load Cell. Part II: Error Analysis, Construction and Experimental Assessment of Performances
2011-01-01 Gobbi, Massimiliano; Previati, Giorgio; P., Guarneri; Mastinu, Gianpiero
A New Test Rig for measuring the Inertia Properties of Vehicles and their Subsystems
2004-01-01 Previati, Giorgio; Mastinu, Gianpiero; Gobbi, Massimiliano; Piccardi, Carlo; L., Bolzoni; Rinaldi, Sergio
A Portable device for measuring the cog: Design, error analysis and calibration
2020-01-01 Previati, G.; Ballo, F.; Gobbi, M.
A semi-analytical tyre model for the study of tyre/rim interaction on a road vehicle
2017-01-01 Ballo, Federico; Previati, Giorgio; Gobbi, Massimiliano; Mastinu, Gianpiero
A sensitivity interpolation algorithm for the concurrent optimization of bodies sharing a common design space
2023-01-01 Previati, G.; Gobbi, M.; Ballo, F.
A shape function based interpolation approach for nodal design variable based structural optimization
2022-01-01 Previati, G.; Ballo, F.; Gobbi, M.
A six axis load cell for the analysis of the dynamic impact response of a hybrid III dummy
2016-01-01 Ballo, FEDERICO MARIA; Gobbi, Massimiliano; Mastinu, Gianpiero; Previati, Giorgio