A persistent concealed non-Kekulé nanographene: synthesis and in situ characterization
2024-01-01 Imran, M.; Yang, L.; Zhang, J. -J.; Qiu, Z. -L.; Fu, Y.; Israel, N.; Dmitrieva, E.; Lucotti, A.; Serra, G.; Tommasini, M.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.
Bottom‐up Solution Synthesis of Graphene Nanoribbons with Precisely Engineered Nanopores
2023-01-01 Niu, Wenhui; Fu, Yubin; Serra, Gianluca; Liu, Kun; Droste, Jörn; Lee, Yeonju; Ling, Zhitian; Xu, Fugui; González, José D. Cojal; Lucotti, Andrea; Rabe, Jürgen P.; Hansen, Michael Ryan; Pisula, Wojciech; Blom, Paul W. M.; Palma, Carlos-Andres; Tommasini, Matteo; Mai, Yiyong; Ma, Ji; Feng, Xinliang
Combining micro-infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy with density functional theory for investigating the adsorption of organic friction modifiers on steel surfaces
2022-01-01 Villa, N. S.; Serra, G.; Bonoldi, L.; Assanelli, G.; Notari, M.; Lucotti, A.; Tommasini, M.
Cove-Edged Graphene Nanoribbons with Incorporation of Periodic Zigzag-Edge Segments
2022-01-01 Wang, X.; Ma, J.; Zheng, W.; Osella, S.; Arisnabarreta, N.; Droste, J.; Serra, G.; Ivasenko, O.; Lucotti, A.; Beljonne, D.; Bonn, M.; Liu, X.; Hansen, M. R.; Tommasini, M.; De Feyter, S.; Liu, J.; Wang, H. I.; Feng, X.
Investigating Perampanel drug by DFT and Raman spectroscopy
2023-01-01 Picarelli, Chiara; Serra, Gianluca; Simone Villa, Nicolò; Tommasini, Matteo
Molecular Mechanism of the Piezoelectric Response in the β-Phase PVDF Crystals Interpreted by Periodic Boundary Conditions DFT Calculations
2023-01-01 Serra, Gianluca; Arrigoni, Alessia; Del Zoppo, Mirella; Castiglioni, Chiara; Tommasini, Matteo
Monitoring flame soot maturity by variable temperature Raman spectroscopy
2022-01-01 Commodo, Mario; Serra, Gianluca; Bocchicchio, Serafina; Minutolo, Patrizia; Tommasini, Matteo; D'Anna, Andrea
Morphology and Intramolecular Interactions in P(VDF-TrFE) Electrospun Nanofibers Doped with Disperse Orange 3 Dye: A Joint Infrared Spectroscopy and Electron Microscopy Study
2022-01-01 Arrigoni, Alessia; Serra, Gianluca; Manidi, Jacopo; Bertarelli, Chiara; Castiglioni, Chiara
Nanographene-Based Decoration as a Panchromatic Antenna for Metalloporphyrin Conjugates
2023-01-01 Garcia-Orrit, Saül; Vega-Mayoral, Victor; Chen, Qiang; Serra, Gianluca; Paternò, Giuseppe M; Cánovas, Enrique; Narita, Akimitsu; Müllen, Klaus; Tommasini, Matteo; Cabanillas-González, Juan
P(VDF-TrFE) nanofibers: Structure of the ferroelectric and paraelectric phases through IR and Raman spectroscopies
2020-01-01 Arrigoni, A.; Brambilla, L.; Bertarelli, C.; Serra, G.; Tommasini, M.; Castiglioni, C.
Persistent peri‐Heptacene: Synthesis and In Situ Characterization
2021-01-01 Ajayakumar, M. R.; Ma, Ji; Lucotti, Andrea; Schellhammer, Karl Sebastian; Serra, Gianluca; Dmitrieva, Evgenia; Rosenkranz, Marco; Komber, Hartmut; Liu, Junzhi; Ortmann, Frank; Tommasini, Matteo; Feng, Xinliang
Pushing Up the Size Limit of Boron-doped peri-Acenes: Modular Synthesis and Characterizations
2023-01-01 Zhang, J. -J.; Yang, L.; Liu, F.; Serra, G.; Fu, Y.; Lucotti, A.; Popov, A. A.; Tommasini, M.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.
Synthesis of zigzag- and fjord-edged nanographene with dual amplified spontaneous emission
2022-01-01 Xu, Xiushang; Serra, Gianluca; Villa, Andrea; Muñoz-Mármol, Rafael; Vasylevskyi, Serhii; Gadea, Marcos; Lucotti, Andrea; Lin, Zensen; Boj, Pedro G.; Kabe, Ryota; Tommasini, Matteo; Díaz-García, María Á.; Scotognella, Francesco; Paternò, Giuseppe Maria; Narita, Akimitsu
Thin-layer chromatography–surface-enhanced Raman scattering
2022-01-01 Lucotti, Andrea; Villa, Nicolo Simone; Serra, Gianluca; Maria Ossi, Paolo; Tommasini, Matteo
Visualizing Thermally Activated Conical Intersections Governing Non-Radiative Triplet Decay in a Ni(II) Porphyrin-Nanographene Conjugate with Variable Temperature Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
2024-01-01 Garcia-Orrit, Saül; Vega-Mayoral, Víctor; Chen, Qiang; Serra, Gianluca; Guizzardi, Michele; Romano, Valentino; Dal Conte, Stefano; Cerullo, Giulio; Di Mario, Lorenzo; Kot, Mordechai; Loi, Maria Antonietta; Narita, Akimitsu; Müllen, Klaus; Tommasini, Matteo; Cabanillas-González, Juan
Wavy Graphene Nanoribbons Containing Periodic Eight-Membered Rings for Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells
2024-01-01 Obermann, S.; Zhou, X.; Guerrero-Leon, L. A.; Serra, G.; Bockmann, S.; Fu, Y.; Dmitrieva, E.; Zhang, J. -J.; Liu, F.; Popov, A. A.; Lucotti, A.; Hansen, M. R.; Tommasini, M.; Li, Y.; Blom, P. W. M.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.