Creative conceptual design of tall concrete buildings – 40 years of ideas
2015-01-01 Mola, Franco; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA
Cyclic test on a full scale prototype of RC precast one storey industrial building
2006-01-01 Ferrara, Liberato; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; P., Negro; Toniolo, Giandomenico
Design of earthquake resistant precast strucutures: lessons derived from a co-normative research project
2007-01-01 Ferrara, Liberato; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; P., Negro
Dynamic behavior of ‘Palazzo Lombardia’ helisurface, comparison between Operational and Experimental Modal Analysis
2011-01-01 Busca, Giorgio; Cigada, Alfredo; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; Mola, Franco; Vanali, Marcello
Dynamic testing for design and construction validation of the new bridges on the Ticino river, Italy
2015-01-01 Cigada, Alfredo; Busca, Giorgio; Cheng, Liangliang; Mola, Franco; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA
Dynamic testing of the Oglio bridge as a tool for design validation and maintenance operations
2014-01-01 Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; Mola, Franco; Cigada, Alfredo; Vanali, Marcello; C., Pozzuoli
Dynamic testing on the new ticino bridge of the A4 highway
2017-01-01 Mola, Elena; Mola, Franco; Cigada, Alfredo; Busca, Giorgio
Indagine sperimentale sul comportamento sismico di edifici monopiano prefabbricati in c.a.
2007-01-01 Ferrara, Liberato; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; P., Negro
Intervento di Adeguamento Sismico del Ponte sui Fiumi Tanaro e Bormida dell'Autostrada A21
2014-01-01 Mola, F.; Pozzuoli, C.; Lo Monte, F.; Mola, E.; Pasqualato, G.; Re, V.
La deformabilità istantanea e differita dei solai alveolari
2002-01-01 Mola, Franco; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; F., Pigni
Modal Analysis of the Palazzo Lombardia Tower in Milano
2012-01-01 Cigada, Alfredo; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; Mola, Franco; G., Stella; Vanali, Marcello
Numerical Modeling and Dynamic testing on the Oglio Flyover of the new BreBeMi Highway in Italy
2014-01-01 Cigada, Alfredo; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; S., Moschini; M. A., Paksoy; C., Pozzuoli; Vanali, Marcello
Operational Modal Analysis of a Slender Footbridge to Serviceability Purposes
2013-01-01 Cappellini, ANNA MARIA CHIARA; Manzoni, Stefano; Vanali, Marcello; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA
Pseudodynamic and cyclic testing of full scale prototypes of RC precast single storey industrial buildings
2006-01-01 Ferrara, Liberato; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; P., Negro
Pseudodynamic testing on full scale precast/RC one story buildings
2007-01-01 Ferrara, Liberato; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; P., Negro
Recent developments in the conceptual design of r.c. and p.c. structures
2011-01-01 Mola, Franco; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; L. M., Pellegrini
Seismic behaviour of RC precast frame buildings: design, scope and lessons of a state-of-the-art, experimental investigation
2007-01-01 Ferrara, Liberato; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; P., Negro; Toniolo, Giandomenico
The modal properties of the ‘Palazzo Lombardia’ Building, the new Seat for the Regione Lombardia in Milan: a comparison between numerical analysis and experimental results
2010-01-01 Mola, Franco; Cigada, Alfredo; Vanali, Marcello; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; G., Stella
Validazione sperimentale dell'approccio EC8 per la progettazione sismica di edifici prefabbricati monopiano in calcestruzzo armato
2007-01-01 Ferrara, Liberato; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; P., Negro
2010-01-01 Mola, Franco; Cigada, Alfredo; Vanali, Marcello; Mola, ELENA FRANCESCA; G., Stella