A combined numerical and experimental study on the mechanical aging of high slag content High Performance Concrete
2024-01-01 Cibelli, Antonio; Ferrara, Liberato; Di Luzio, Giovanni
A comparative study of hardened-state mechanical properties of 3D printed and conventionally cast Fibre Reinforced Concrete
2022-01-01 Kompella, S.; Lo Monte, F.; Bassani, A.; Guanziroli, S.; Levi, M.; Ferrara, L.
A comprehensive methodology to test the performance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (SFR-SCC)
2012-01-01 Ferrara, Liberato; Bamonte, Patrick; Caverzan, Alessio; A., Musa; I., Sanal
A comprehensive review of cementitious grouts: Composition, properties, requirements and advanced performance
2023-01-01 da Rocha Gomes, Suelen; Ferrara, Liberato; Sánchez, Luis; Moreno, Mercedes Sánchez
A cost-effective method to assess the fiber content and orientation in steel fiber reinforced concrete
2019-01-01 Lei, T.; Ottoboni, R.; Faifer, M.; Toscani, S.; Ferrara, L.
A Data-Driven Model to Predict the Self-healing Performance of Ultra High-Performance Concrete
2025-01-01 Xi, Bin; Upadhyay, Aayush; Pillai, Radakrishna G.; Ferrara, Liberato
A discrete numerical model for the effects of crack healing on the behaviour of ordinary plain concrete: Implementation, calibration, and validation
2022-01-01 Cibelli, Antonio; Pathirage, Madura; Cusatis, Gianluca; Ferrara, Liberato; Di Luzio, Giovanni
A durability- based design approach for structural applications with advanced cement-based materials
2025-01-01 Soave, Francesco; Ferrara, Liberato
2013-01-01 Ferrara, Liberato; V., Krelani
A holistic life cycle design approach to enhance the sustainability of concrete structures
2023-01-01 di Summa, Davide; Parpanesi, Matteo; Ferrara, Liberato; De Belie, Nele
A magnetic method for non destructive monitoring of fiber dispersion and orientation in Steel Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites – part 1: method calibration
2012-01-01 Ferrara, Liberato; Faifer, Marco; Toscani, Sergio
A magnetic method for non destructive monitoring of fiber dispersion and orientation in Steel Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites – part 2: correlation to tensile fracture toughness
2012-01-01 Ferrara, Liberato; Faifer, Marco; Toscani, Sergio; Muhaxheri, Milot
A method for mix-design of fiber reinforced self compacting concrete
2007-01-01 Ferrara, Liberato; Park, Y. D.; Shah, S. P.
A methodology to assess crack-sealing effectiveness of crystalline admixtures under repeated cracking-healing cycles
2018-01-01 Cuenca, Estefanía; Tejedor, Antonio; Ferrara, Liberato
A Methodology to Assess Early Age Fracture Performance of 3D Printable Cementitious Mixes
2021-01-01 Kompella, K. S.; Lo Monte, F.; Cucchi, M.; Marcucci, A.; Bassani, A.; Guanziroli, S.; Ferrara, L.
A methodology to assess the evolution of mechanical performance of UHPC as affected by autogenous healing under sustained loadings and aggressive exposure conditions
2023-01-01 Davolio, Marco; Al-Obaidi, Salam; Altomare, Maria Ylenia; Lo Monte, Francesco; Ferrara, Liberato
A multi-electrode measurement system for steel fiber reinforced concrete materials monitoring
2009-01-01 Faifer, Marco; Ottoboni, Roberto; Toscani, Sergio; Ferrara, Liberato; Felicetti, Roberto
A new concept of Additive Manufacturing for the regeneration of existing tunnels
2022-01-01 Guanziroli, S.; Marcucci, A.; Negrini, A.; Ferrara, L.; Chiaia, B.
A non-local approach with evolutionary internal length for the analysis of mode I fracture processes in concrete
2002-01-01 DI PRISCO, Marco; Ferrara, Liberato
A numerical model for the self-healing capacity of cementitious Composites
2014-01-01 DI LUZIO, Giovanni; Ferrara, Liberato; Krelani, Visar