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Magnetic Circuit Based Criteria for the Transformation of FEM 3D Structures to FEM 2D Equivalent Problems of Radial Flux, PM Rotating Machines 1-gen-2010 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
2-D Analytical Evaluation of Magnetic Field and Unbalanced Magnetic Pull in Isotropic Electrical Machines with Eccentric Rotor 1-gen-2010 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
Torque and Losses in the Metallic Shell of a Dual Mechanical Port PM Electrical Machine, for Dangerous Fluid Pumps 1-gen-2010 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
Evaluation of Manufacturing Dissymmetry Effects in Axial Flux Permanent-Magnet Machines: Analysis Method Based on Field Functions 1-gen-2011 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
Axial Flux PM Machines with Concentrated Armature Windings: Design Analysis and Test Validation of Wind Energy Generators 1-gen-2011 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
FEM2D Based Analytical Model of the Air Gap Magnetic Field in Surface PM Synchronous Machines 1-gen-2012 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICE
Mixed FEM2D – Analytical Method to Evaluate E.M.F. and Torque in Surface PM Synchronous Machines 1-gen-2012 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICE
Analysis and Test of Diode Rectifiers Solutions in Grid Connected Wind Energy Conversion Systems Employing Modular Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators 1-gen-2012 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
An MRAS Observer for Sensorless DFIM Drives With Direct Estimation of the Torque and Flux Rotor Current Components 1-gen-2012 CASTELLI DEZZA, FRANCESCOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
Comprehensive steady-state analytical model of a three-phase diode rectifier connected to a constant DC voltage source 1-gen-2013 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
Effects of Manufacturing Imperfections in Concentrated Coil Axial Flux PM Machines: Evaluation and Tests 1-gen-2014 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
Analysis of stray paths for parasitic currents in some topologies of yokeless and segmented armature axial flux PM machines 1-gen-2014 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
Sizing comparison of axial flux PM motors, for automotive application 1-gen-2014 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
A novel circuital model for power electronic transformer: sizing and simulation7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014) 1-gen-2014 FOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAPIEGARI, LUIGI +
Thermal modeling for the design and check of an axial flux PM motor 1-gen-2014 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
Optimized Coil Arrangement in Wound Interphase Reactors for High-Power Rectifier Systems 1-gen-2014 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEUBALDINI, MARIO GIUSEPPE
Analytical Evaluation of Surface-Mounted PMSG Performances Connected to a Diode Rectifier 1-gen-2015 IACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIADI GERLANDO, ANTONINO +
Control loops design in a grid supporting mode inverter connected to a microgrid 1-gen-2015 FOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIacchetti, Matteo F.PERINI, ROBERTO +
Operation characteristics of isotropic synchronous generators connected to a stand-alone DC system 1-gen-2015 IACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEMAURI, MARCOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAPERINI, ROBERTO +
Contactless energy transmission system for electrical vehicles batteries charging 1-gen-2015 CARMELI, MARIA STEFANIACASTELLI DEZZA, FRANCESCOMAURI, MARCOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIA
Parasitic Currents in Structural Paths of YASA Axial Flux PM Machines: Estimation and Tests 1-gen-2016 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIacchetti, Matteo FelicePERINI, ROBERTO
Parasitic Currents in Stray Paths of Some Topologies of YASA AFPM Machines: Trend with Machine Size 1-gen-2016 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICEPERINI, ROBERTO
Design guidelines for wound Inter-Phase Reactors in high-power rectifier systems 1-gen-2016 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOFOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAIACCHETTI, MATTEO FELICE
DC side current and torque ripples reduction in multi-modular PMSG for wind applications 1-gen-2016 DI GERLANDO, ANTONINOElshawarby, K.FOGLIA, GIOVANNI MARIAPERINI, ROBERTO
Dispositivo per l'assistenza controllata della presa 1-gen-2017 Pedrocchi A.Foglia G.
Device for controlled assistance of the grip 1-gen-2018 A. PedrocchiG. Foglia
Torsional Vibration Mitigation by Harmonic Inversion through SPWM Carrier Signal Control 1-gen-2018 Di Gerlando, AntoninoElshawarby, KhaledFoglia, Giovanni MariaPerini, Roberto
Torque and Current Ripple Reduction in PM Generator Based Multi Modular - Multi MW WECSs with Extended PWM Inverter Modulation 1-gen-2018 Di Gerlando, AntoninoElShawarby, KhaledFoglia, Giovanni MariaPerini, Roberto
DC Current and torque ripple mitigation in modular PMSG drives for Multi-MW WECSs with linear PWM inverter modulation 1-gen-2018 Di Gerlando, A.ElShawarby, K.Foglia, G. M.Iacchetti, M. F.Perini, R.
Impact of line and control parameters on Droop Stability in Inverters for Distributed Generation 1-gen-2018 Bolzoni, A.Foglia, G. M.Frosio, L.Iacchetti, M. F.Perini, R.
Design and Modeling of Multi-Winding Transformers Interfacing Inverters and Mains 1-gen-2018 Di Gerlando, AntoninoElShawarby, KhaledFoglia, Giovanni MariaPerini, Roberto
A Practical Solution for Torsional Vibrations Evasion in Variable Speed Drives 1-gen-2019 Khaled ElShawarbyRoberto PeriniGiovanni M. FogliaAntonino Di GerlandoMattia RossiFrancesco Castelli Dezza
DC Voltage and Torque Ripple Mitigation in Modular PMSG Drives for Off-Shore Multi-MW WECSs with Linear SPWM modulation 1-gen-2019 K. ElShawarbyA. Di GerlandoG. M. FogliaR. Perini
Electric stress in power electronics applications 1-gen-2019 Carboni A.Elshawarby K.Foglia G. M.Perini R.Di Gerlando A.Ragaini E.
Performance Comparison between Sequential Command SPWM and MLI-NPC in Multi-MW drives for WECSs 1-gen-2019 K. ElShawarbyA. Di GerlandoG. M. FogliaR. Perini
Analysis of modular inverter-fed six-winding transformers for WECS-mains interface 1-gen-2020 Antonino Di GerlandoGiovanni Maria FogliaRoberto Perini +
Analytical Design of a High Torque Density In-Wheel YASA AFPM Motor 1-gen-2020 A. Di GerlandoG. FogliaC. Ricca
Assessment of energy lost in the winding in road vehicle IPM machines, considering saturation, cross coupling, battery state of charge 1-gen-2020 A. Di GerlandoG. M. FogliaR. Perini +
Procedure to define an accurate model for saturation and cross-coupling in interior permanent magnet machines 1-gen-2020 A. Di GerlandoG. M. FogliaR. Perini
Analytical Thermal Model of Natural-Convection Cooling in Axial Flux Machines 1-gen-2020 Nasab P. S.Perini R.Di Gerlando A.Foglia G. M. +
Analytical Model of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine in/around Resonance 1-gen-2022 D. PejovskiA. Di GerlandoG. M. FogliaR. Perini
Hand grip support for rehabilitation and assistance: from patent to TRL5 1-gen-2022 Gandolla, MMariani, CPozzi, LMancini, MFoglia, G MPedrocchi, A
Electrical Drive in/around Torsional Resonance Analytical Model 1-gen-2022 D. PejovskiA. Di GerlandoG. M. FogliaR. Perini
Macchine e convertitori modulari per l'energia eolica 1-gen-2023 A. Di GerlandoG. FogliaM. IacchettiR. Perini
Current Harmonics in Surface-Mounted PMSM Electrical Drive for Monitoring Torsional Vibrations 1-gen-2024 Pejovski, DejanPerini, RobertoIacchetti, Matteo FeliceFoglia, Giovanni MariaDi Gerlando, Antonino
A new traction system with asymmetrical six-phase permanent magnet synchronous motors for hydrogen trains 1-gen-2024 Maggiulli, FrancescoFoglia, Giovanni Maria +
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