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A Large-Area 2X4 Monolithic SDD Array Detector For Lab-Based XAS Instrument 1-gen-2024 Toscano, L. G.Sant, R.Ghiringhelli, G.Moretti, M.Borghi, G.Carminati, M.Fiorini, C. +
Collective Nature of Orbital Excitations in Layered Cuprates in the Absence of Apical Oxygens 1-gen-2024 Martinelli, LeonardoWohlfeld, KrzysztofArpaia, RiccardoBraicovich, LucioSala, Marco MorettiGhiringhelli, Giacomo +
Charge response function probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering: Signature of electronic gaps of YBa2⁢Cu3⁢O7-\delta 1-gen-2024 Merzoni, GiacomoMartinelli, LeonardoBraicovich, LucioRosa, FrancescoMoretti Sala, MarcoGhiringhelli, Giacomo +
ID20 – opportunities for inelastic X-ray scattering at extreme conditions 1-gen-2024 Moretti Sala, Marco +
Origin of Magnetism in a Supposedly Nonmagnetic Osmium Oxide 1-gen-2024 Florio, P.Ghiringhelli, G.Moretti Sala, M. +
Disordered magnetic ground state in a quasi-1-D d4 columnar iridate Sr3LiIrO6 1-gen-2024 Moretti Sala, M +
Spin-orbit coupling in a half-filled t2g shell: The case of 5d3 K2⁢ReCl6 1-gen-2024 M. Moretti Sala +
Spin orbital lattice entanglement in the ideal 𝑗=1/2 compound K2⁢IrCl6 1-gen-2024 Moretti Sala, M. +
Signature of quantum criticality in cuprates by charge density fluctuations 1-gen-2023 Martinelli, LeonardoSala, Marco MorettiCamisa, PietroBraicovich, LucioGhiringhelli, Giacomo +
Electronic excitations in 5d4 J=0 Os4+ halides studied by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering and optical spectroscopy 1-gen-2023 Moretti Sala, M. +
RIXS interferometry and the role of disorder in the quantum magnet Ba3Ti3-xIrxO9 1-gen-2023 Moretti Sala, M +
Absence of localized electrons in interface superconductors 1-gen-2023 Leonardo MartinelliPiero FlorioMatteo CortiGiacomo GhiringhelliMarco Moretti Sala +
Doping dependence of the electron-phonon coupling in two families of bilayer superconducting cuprates 1-gen-2022 Peng Y.Martinelli L.Rossi M.Arpaia R.Sala M. M.Braicovich L.Ghiringhelli G. +
Charge and Spin Order Dichotomy in NdNiO_{2} Driven by the Capping Layer 1-gen-2022 Martinelli, LArpaia, RMoretti Sala, MGhiringhelli, G +
Fractional Spin Excitations in the Infinite-Layer Cuprate CaCuO2 1-gen-2022 Martinelli, LeonardoArpaia, RiccardoBraicovich, LucioMoretti Sala, MarcoGhiringhelli, Giacomo +
Quasimolecular electronic structure of the spin-liquid candidate Ba3InIr2O9 1-gen-2022 Moretti Sala, M. +
Charge ordering in Ir dimers in the ground state of Ba5AlIr2O11 1-gen-2022 Sala, M. Moretti +
Breakdown of atomic spin-orbit coupling picture in an apparently isolated pseudo-one-dimensional iridate: Sr3NaIrO6 1-gen-2022 Sala, M. M. +
Optical magnons with dominant bond-directional exchange interactions in the honeycomb lattice iridate α−Li2IrO3 1-gen-2021 Sala, M. Moretti +
Phase inhomogeneity and inapplicability of Jeff=0 description in dilute Ir5+ doped Ba2YSb1−xIrxO6 (x=0.1, 0.2, 0.3) 1-gen-2021 Sala, M. Moretti +
Crystalline and magnetic structure of Ba2CuO3+δ investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering 1-gen-2021 Fumagalli, RobertoBetto, DavideBraicovich, LucioGhiringhelli, GiacomoMoretti Sala, Marco +
International Tables for Crystallography 1-gen-2020 Moretti Sala +
Determining the electron-phonon coupling in superconducting cuprates by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering: Methods and results on Nd1+xBa2−xCu3O7−δ 1-gen-2020 Braicovich, LucioRossi, MatteoFumagalli, RobertoPeng, YingyingArpaia, RiccardoBetto, DavideMoretti Sala, MarcoPagetti, MattiaGhiringhelli, Giacomo +
International Tables for Crystallography 1-gen-2020 Marco Moretti +
Mobile orbitons in Ca2CuO3: Crucial role of Hund's exchange 1-gen-2020 Fumagalli, R.Betto, D.Arpaia, R.Rossi, M.Moretti Sala, M.Braicovich, L.Wohlfeld, K.Ghiringhelli, G. +
Spin and orbital excitations through the metal-to-insulator transition in Cd2Os2O7 probed with high-resolution resonant inelastic x-ray scattering 1-gen-2020 Sala, M. Moretti +
A $j_{mathrm{eff}} = 1/2$ pseudospinon continuum in CaIrO$_3$ 1-gen-2020 Rossi, MatteoMarabotti, PietroWohlfeld, KrzysztofMoretti Sala, Marco +
Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of a Few Nanometer-Thick Superconducting NdBa2Cu3O7 Films 1-gen-2020 Moretti Sala, MarcoMinola, MatteoDellea, GretaLe Tacon, MatthieuDallera, ClaudiaBraicovich, LucioGhiringhelli, Giacomo +
Fingerprints of Kitaev physics in the magnetic excitations of honeycomb iridates 1-gen-2020 Moretti Sala, M. +
Magnetically induced metal-insulator transition in Pb2CaOsO6 1-gen-2020 Sala, Marco Moretti +
Pseudospin-lattice coupling in the spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 1-gen-2019 Sala, M. Moretti +
Evolution of electronic and magnetic properties in a series of iridate double perovskites Pr2-xSrxMgIrO6 (x=0,0.5,1.0) 1-gen-2019 Moretti Sala, M. +
Spin-orbit entangled j=1/2 moments in Ba2CeIrO6: A frustrated fcc quantum magnet 1-gen-2019 Moretti Sala, M. +
Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering of magnetic excitations under pressure 1-gen-2019 ROSSI, MATTEOFumagalli, RobertoSala, Marco +
Hopping-Induced Ground-State Magnetism in 6H Perovskite Iridates 1-gen-2019 Sala, M. Moretti +
Resonant Inelastic Soft X-ray Scattering Study of Co-Doped Maghemite Nanoparticles 1-gen-2019 Sala, Marco MorettiMinola, MatteoGhiringhelli, GiacomoBraicovich, Lucio +
Resonant inelastic x-ray incarnation of Young’s double-slit experiment 1-gen-2019 Moretti Sala M. +
Orientation of the ground-state orbital in CeCoIn5 and CeRhIn5 1-gen-2019 Sala, M. Moretti +
Experimental Determination of Momentum-Resolved Electron-Phonon Coupling 1-gen-2019 Rossi, MatteoARPAIA, RICCARDOFumagalli, RobertoMoretti Sala, MarcoBraicovich, LucioGhiringhelli, Giacomo +
MariX, an advanced MHz-class repetition rate X-ray source for linear regime time-resolved spectroscopy and photon scattering 1-gen-2019 BERTUCCI, MICHELEBROGGI, MORENO FRANCESCOCanella, F.Castoldi, A.Coluccelli, N.DEL VECCHIO, ANGELOFiorini, C.Galzerano, G.Ghiringhelli, G.Giannotti, D.Groppi, F.Guazzoni, C.Laporta, P.LEONI, SIMONELORIA, TIZIANA ANTONIAMERONI, CLAUDIA DOMENICAMoretti Sala, M.PAPARELLA, ROCCOPAROLI, BRUNOPinotti, E.Pullia, A.Puppin, E.Ramponi, R.RUSSO, PAOLOTagliaferri, A. +
Evolution of the Magnetic Excitations in NaOsO3 through its Metal-Insulator Transition 1-gen-2018 Moretti Sala M. +
A high-energy-resolution resonant inelastic X-ray scattering spectrometer at ID20 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility 1-gen-2018 Sala, M. Moretti +
Origin of magnetic moments and presence of spin-orbit singlets in Ba2YIrO6 1-gen-2018 Moretti Sala, M.MENEGHINI, CLAUDIO +
Observation of heavy spin-orbit excitons propagating in a nonmagnetic background: The case of (Ba,Sr)2YIrO6 1-gen-2018 Sala, M. Moretti +
Crossover from itinerant to localized magnetic excitations through the metal-insulator transition in NaOsO3 1-gen-2018 Moretti Sala M. +
The Effect of Ni Doping on the Performance and Electronic Structure of LSCF Cathodes Used for IT-SOFCs 1-gen-2018 Moretti Sala, Marco +
High-pressure insulator-to-metal transition in Sr3Ir2 O7 studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy 1-gen-2018 Sala, M. Moretti +
Spin and charge excitations in artificial hole- and electron-doped infinite layer cuprate superconductors 1-gen-2017 Moretti Sala, M.GHIRINGHELLI, GIACOMO CLAUDIO +
Anisotropic exchange and spin-wave damping in pure and electron-doped Sr2IrO4 1-gen-2017 Moretti Sala, M. +
Long-range interactions in the effective low-energy Hamiltonian of Sr2 IrO4: A core-to-core resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study 1-gen-2017 Moretti Sala, M.Rossi, M. +
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