A Bayesian model for network flow data: an application to BikeMi trips
2019-01-01 Bissoli, G.; Principi, C.; Rinaldi, G. M.; Beraha, Mario; Guglielmi, A.
A Bayesian model to induce dependence between mixtures
2020-01-01 Beraha, M.; Pegoraro, M.; Peli, R.; Guglielmi, A.
A transdimensional MCMC sampler for spatially dependent mixture models
2021-01-01 Guglielmi, A.; Beraha, M.; Gianella, M.; Pegoraro, M.; Peli, R.
Anisotropic determinantal point processes and their application in Bayesian mixtures
2021-01-01 Ghilotti, L.; Beraha, M.; Guglielmi, A.
Bayesian Nonparametric Model-based Clustering with Intractable Distributions: An ABC Approach
2024-01-01 Beraha, Mario; Corradin, Riccardo
Childhood obesity in Singapore: A Bayesian nonparametric approach
2023-01-01 Beraha, Mario; Guglielmi, Alessandra; Andres Quintana, Fernando; De Iorio, Maria; Gunnar Eriksson, Johan; Yap, Fabian
Choosing the right tool for the job: a systematic analysis of general purpose MCMC software
2020-01-01 Beraha, M.; Gualtieri, G.; Villa, E.; Vitali, R.; Guglielmi, A.
Feature Selection via Mutual Information: New Theoretical Insights
2019-01-01 Beraha, M.; Metelli, A. M.; Papini, M.; Tirinzoni, A.; Restelli, M.
Invited discussion on ``Latent nested nonparametric priors'' by Camerlenghi F., Dunson D. B., Lijoi A., Prunster I. and Rodriguez A., Bayesian Analysis
2019-01-01 Beraha, Mario; Guglielmi, Alessandra
MCMC computations for Bayesian mixture models using repulsive point processes
2022-01-01 Beraha, Mario; Argiento, Raffaele; Møller, Jesper; Guglielmi, Alessandra
MCMC for Bayesian nonparametric mixture modeling under differential privacy
In corso di stampa Beraha, Mario; Favaro, Stefano; Rao, Vinayak
Normalised latent measure factor models
2023-01-01 Beraha, Mario; Griffin, Jim E
Projected Statistical Methods for Distributional Data on the Real Line with the Wasserstein Metric
2022-01-01 Pegoraro, Matteo; Beraha, Mario
Random measure priors in Bayesian recovery from sketches
2024-01-01 Beraha, M.; Favaro, S.; Sesia, M.
Repulsive mixture models for high-dimensional data
2022-01-01 Ghilotti, L.; Beraha, M.; Guglielmi, A.
Spatially dependent mixture models via the logistic multivariate CAR prior
2021-01-01 Beraha, Mario; Pegoraro, Matteo; Peli, Riccardo; Guglielmi, Alessandra
Spatially dependent mixture models with a random number of components
2021-01-01 Gianella, M.; Beraha, M.; Guglielmi, A.
The semi-hierarchical Dirichlet process and its application to clustering homogeneous distributions
2021-01-01 Beraha, Mario; Guglielmi, Alessandra; Quintana, Fernando A.
Wasserstein principal component analysis for circular measures
2024-01-01 Beraha, M.; Pegoraro, M.