A multi-layer energy modelling methodology to assess the impact of heat-electricity integration strategies: The case of the residential cooking sector in Italy
2019-01-01 Lombardi, Francesco; Rocco, Matteo Vincenzo; Colombo, Emanuela
A two-stage linear programming optimization framework for isolated hybrid microgrids in a rural context: The case study of the “El Espino” community
2019-01-01 Balderrama, Sergio; Lombardi, Francesco; Riva, Fabio; Canedo, Walter; Colombo, Emanuela; Quoilin, Sylvain
Bottom-up Lumped-parameters Thermodynamic Modelling of the Italian Residential Building Stock: Assessment of High-resolution Heat Demand Profiles
2019-01-01 Lombardi, F.; Rocco, M. V.; Locatelli, S.; Magni, C.; Colombo, E.; Belussi, L.; Danza, L.
Dealing with small sets of laboratory test replicates for Improved Cooking Stoves (ICSs): Insights for a robust statistical analysis of results
2018-01-01 Lombardi, Francesco; Riva, Fabio; Colombo, Emanuela
Design and validation of a Cooking Stoves Thermal Performance Simulator (Cook-STePS) to simulate water heating procedures in selected conditions
2017-01-01 Lombardi, Francesco; Colombo, Luigi; Colombo, Emanuela
Enabling combined access to electricity and clean cooking with PV-microgrids: new evidences from a high-resolution model of cooking loads
2019-01-01 Lombardi, Francesco; Riva, Fabio; Sacchi, Marco; Colombo, Emanuela
Fuzzy interval propagation of uncertainties in experimental analysis for improved and traditional three – Stone fire cookstoves
2016-01-01 Riva, Fabio; Lombardi, Francesco; Pavarini, Claudia; Colombo, Emanuela
Generating high-resolution multi-energy load profiles for remote areas with an open-source stochastic model
2019-01-01 Lombardi, Francesco; Balderrama, Sergio; Quoilin, Sylvain; Colombo, Emanuela
Incorporating high-resolution demand and techno-economic optimization to evaluate micro-grids into the Open Source Spatial Electrification Tool (OnSSET)
2020-01-01 Peña Balderrama, J. G.; Balderrama Subieta, S.; Lombardi, F.; Stevanato, N.; Sahlberg, A.; Howells, M.; Colombo, E.; Quoilin, S.
Laboratory protocols for testing of Improved Cooking Stoves (ICSs): A review of state-of-the-art and further developments
2017-01-01 Lombardi, Francesco; Riva, Fabio; Bonamini, Giorgio; Barbieri, Jacopo; Colombo, Emanuela
Long-term sizing of rural microgrids: Accounting for load evolution through multi-step investment plan and stochastic optimization
2020-01-01 Stevanato, Nicolo'; Lombardi, Francesco; Guidicini, Giulia; Rinaldi, Lorenzo; L Balderrama, Sergio; Pavicevic, Matija; Quoilin, Sylvain; Colombo, Emanuela
Policy Decision Support for Renewables Deployment through Spatially Explicit Practically Optimal Alternatives
2020-01-01 Lombardi, Francesco; Pickering, Bryn; Colombo, Emanuela; Pfenninger, Stefan
Surrogate models for rural energy planning: Application to Bolivian lowlands isolated communities
2021-01-01 Balderrama, Sergio; Lombardi, Francesco; Stevanato, Nicolo; Pena, Gabriela; Colombo, Emanuela; Quoilin, Sylvain
The potential of sector coupling in future European energy systems: Soft linking between the Dispa-SET and JRC-EU-TIMES models
2020-01-01 Pavicevic, M.; Mangipinto, A.; Nijs, W.; Lombardi, F.; Kavvadias, K.; Jimenez Navarro, J. P.; Colombo, E.; Quoilin, S.
Weather-induced variability of country-scale space heating demand under different refurbishment scenarios for residential buildings
2022-01-01 Lombardi, F.; Rocco, M. V.; Belussi, L.; Danza, L.; Magni, C.; Colombo, E.