Bridge structural monitoring: the Lombardia regional guidelines
2024-01-01 Limongelli, Mp; Gentile, C; Biondini, F; di Prisco, M; Ballio, F; Zonno, G; Borlenghi, P; Bianchi, S; Capacci, L; Anghileri, M; Zani, G; Scalbi, A; Flores Ferreira, K; D'Angelo, M; Cazzulani, G; Benedetti, L; Somaschini, C; Bernardini, L; Belloli, M; Resta, F; Vigo, P; Colombo, A
Bridge visual inspections: Experience of local authorities and the case study of the Corso Grosseto viaduct
2021-01-01 Beltrami, C.; Bianchi, S.; Cervio, M.; Anghileri, M.; Felicetti, R.; Quattrone, A.; Chiara, M.; Salza, B.; Masala, D.
Bridge vulnerability and hazard assessment for risk-based infrastructure management
2022-01-01 Biondini, F.; Ballio, F.; di Prisco, M.; Bianchi, S.; D’Angelo, M.; Zani, G.; Capacci, L.; Anghileri, M.; Scalbi, A.; Flores Ferreira, K.
Computational and Experimental Insights into Life-Cycle Structural Reliability Assessment of Concrete Bridges under Corrosion
2022-01-01 Anghileri, M.; Capacci, L.; Biondini, F.
Corso Grosseto viaduct: Historical and technical overview
2021-01-01 Savino, P.; Anghileri, M.; Chiara, M.; Salza, B.; Quaranta, L.
Deconstruction of the Corso Grosseto viaduct and setup of a testing site for full scale load tests
2021-01-01 Anghileri, M.; Biondini, F.; Rosati, G.; Savino, P.; Tondolo, F.; Sabia, D.; Manto, S.; Nivriera, M.; Trincianti, C.; Ventura, D.; Monti, G.; Legramandi, C.; Caruso, C.
Energy-based robustness measure for deteriorating structures
2019-01-01 Capalbo, M.; Anghileri, Mattia; Biondini, F.
Experimental Program and Full-Scale Load Tests on PC Deck Beams
2022-01-01 Tondolo, F.; Biondini, F.; Sabia, D.; Rosati, G.; Chiaia, B.; Quattrone, A.; Savino, P.; Anghileri, M.
Experimental tests for mechanical characterization of prestressed concrete bridge deck beams
2023-01-01 Anghileri, M.; Rosati, G.; Biondini, F.; Savino, P.; Tondolo, F.
Experimental validation of nonlinear finite element analysis of PC bridge deck beams based on the results of full-scale load tests
2023-01-01 Anghileri, M.; Biondini, F.
Formulation and experimental validation of nonlinear finite element analysis of PC bridge deck beams
2022-01-01 Anghileri, M.; Biondini, F.
Full-scale testing and analysis of 50-year old prestressed concrete bridge girders
2022-01-01 Tondolo, F.; Sabia, D.; Chiaia, B.; Quattrone, A.; Savino, P.; Biondini, F.; Rosati, G.; Anghileri, M.
GNSS-based Structural Monitoring of the Isola Dovarese Bridge, Italy
2022-01-01 Bianchi, S.; Biondini, F.; Anghileri, M.; Capacci, L.; Rosati, G.; Cazzulani, G.; Caldera, S.
Large-Scale Experimental Static Testing on 50-Year-Old Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders
2023-01-01 Savino, P.; Tondolo, F.; Sabia, D.; Quattrone, A.; Biondini, F.; Rosati, G.; Anghileri, M.; Chiaia, B.
Large-scale experimental testing of 50-year-old prestressed concrete bridge girder
2023-01-01 Savino, P.; Quattrone, A.; Sabia, D.; Chiaia, B.; Tondolo, F.; Anghileri, M.; Biondini, F.; Rosati, G.
Life-cycle structural reliability of concrete bridges considering spatial variability of corrosion and model updating
2023-01-01 Anghileri, M.; Biondini, F.
Non Destructive Testing and Model Validation of Corroded PC Bridge Deck Beams
2022-01-01 Anghileri, M.; Savino, P.; Capacci, L.; Bianchi, S.; Rosati, G.; Tondolo, F.; Biondini, F.
Nonlinear Structural Analysis of PC Bridge Deck Beams
2022-01-01 Anghileri, M.; Biondini, F.
OMA Applied to a Reinforced Concrete Railway Bridge Through a Reduced Measurement Set-Up
2024-01-01 Bono, F. M.; Bernardini, L.; Argentino, A.; Anghileri, M.; Capacci, L.; Cazzulani, G.; Somaschini, C.; Biondini, F.; Belloli, M.
Satellite-Based Structural and Hydraulic Monitoring of a 50-Year-Old Bridge over the Oglio River in Italy
2022-01-01 Bianchi, S.; Biondini, F.; D'Angelo, M.; Ballio, F.; Anghileri, M.; Rosati, G.; Cazzulani, G.