Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.083
NA - Nord America 7.073
AS - Asia 1.531
OC - Oceania 88
SA - Sud America 54
AF - Africa 43
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 15.881
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.917
IT - Italia 4.519
SG - Singapore 439
DE - Germania 366
CN - Cina 278
GB - Regno Unito 232
SE - Svezia 223
ES - Italia 212
RU - Federazione Russa 206
FI - Finlandia 196
UA - Ucraina 189
NL - Olanda 185
IE - Irlanda 158
VN - Vietnam 144
FR - Francia 141
CA - Canada 135
AT - Austria 131
IN - India 121
MT - Malta 97
JP - Giappone 91
HK - Hong Kong 82
AU - Australia 76
JO - Giordania 69
ID - Indonesia 65
PH - Filippine 64
TR - Turchia 42
BE - Belgio 41
PL - Polonia 38
BR - Brasile 37
CH - Svizzera 35
KR - Corea 33
RO - Romania 30
GR - Grecia 26
TW - Taiwan 23
IR - Iran 19
LU - Lussemburgo 17
MX - Messico 15
BD - Bangladesh 14
LT - Lituania 13
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 12
MA - Marocco 11
EU - Europa 9
CI - Costa d'Avorio 8
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
BJ - Benin 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
EG - Egitto 7
PK - Pakistan 7
SA - Arabia Saudita 7
CL - Cile 6
CO - Colombia 6
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 6
PT - Portogallo 6
DK - Danimarca 4
DZ - Algeria 4
IL - Israele 3
KE - Kenya 3
NP - Nepal 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
BH - Bahrain 2
CR - Costa Rica 2
CY - Cipro 2
HR - Croazia 2
MY - Malesia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PE - Perù 2
QA - Qatar 2
SI - Slovenia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
UY - Uruguay 2
EE - Estonia 1
GT - Guatemala 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LY - Libia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
PA - Panama 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
PY - Paraguay 1
RS - Serbia 1
SV - El Salvador 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 15.881
Città #
Milan 1.685
Chandler 1.216
Fairfield 644
Santa Clara 546
Woodbridge 471
Ashburn 374
Houston 331
Singapore 330
Wilmington 313
Ann Arbor 312
Seattle 247
Cambridge 237
Rome 185
Boardman 165
Dublin 144
Dearborn 131
Redwood City 125
Vienna 125
Málaga 124
Helsinki 122
Ottawa 118
Lawrence 116
Beijing 95
Jacksonville 94
Bologna 85
Dong Ket 74
Falkenstein 71
Amman 69
Bovisio Masciago 69
Giussano 69
Robbiate 69
Princeton 67
Jakarta 60
Medford 55
Davao City 54
Amsterdam 53
Padova 43
Tokyo 38
Pedrengo 34
Crema 32
Madrid 32
San Diego 31
Munich 30
Brussels 29
Boltiere 28
Delft 28
London 28
Bern 25
Fremont 25
Ciampino 24
Torino 24
Redmond 23
Shanghai 22
Central 21
Marnate 21
New York 21
Oldham 21
Gavirate 20
Italy 20
Naples 20
Turin 20
Besana in Brianza 19
Rho 19
Athens 18
Des Moines 18
Los Angeles 18
Monza 18
Pavia 18
Stuttgart 18
Atlanta 17
Paris 17
Busto Arsizio 16
Norwalk 16
Dallas 15
Frankfurt am Main 15
Guangzhou 15
Columbus 14
Latina 14
Mountain View 14
Boulder 13
Hangzhou 13
Sydney 13
Toulouse 13
Vilnius 13
Washington 13
Bareggio 12
Bresso 12
Hong Kong 12
Istanbul 12
Magenta 12
Nanjing 12
Novara 12
Portland 12
Amstelveen 11
Changsha 11
Chittagong 11
Massa Lombarda 11
Oxford 11
Taipei 11
Xian 11
Totale 10.255
Nome #
A Real-Time Space Debris Detection System for BIRALES 500
LUMIO: a Cubesat at Earth-Moon L2 361
A real-time space debris detection system for BIRALES 278
LUMIO: Charazterizing Lunar Meteoroid Impacts with a CubeSat 260
Chaser-Robotic Arm Combined Control and Optical Relative Navigation for Space Target Capture 259
Initial orbit determination with the multibeam radar sensor BIRALES 252
A New Approach to LEo Space Debris Survey: the Italian Multibeam Bi-Static Radar ‘BIRALES’ 244
The Multibeam Radar Sensor BIRALES: Performance Assessment for Space Surveillance and Tracking 232
System Design of LUMIO: a CubeSat at Earth-Moon l2 for Observing Lunar Meteoroid Impacts 223
Adaptive Hybrid System Framework for Unified Impedance and Admittance Control 219
Space Shepherd: Search and Rescue of Illegal Immigrants in the Mediterranean Sea Through Satellite Imagery 210
GTOC8: Results and Methods of POLIMI-UPM 203
On-board spacecraft relative pose estimation with high-order extended Kalman filter 188
Adaptive generalized ZEM-ZEV feedback guidance for planetary landing via a deep reinforcement learning approach 188
Combined Control and Navigation Approach to the Robotic Capture of Space Vehicles 179
PyBIRALES: A Radar Data Processing Backend for the Real-Time Detection of Space Debris 177
LUMIO: an Autonomous CubeSat for Lunar Exploration 177
Orbit Determination of Resident Space Objects with the Multibeam Radar Sensor BIRALES 173
Phase a Design of the LUMIO Spacecraft: a Cubesat for Observing and Characterizing Micro-Meteoroid Impacts on the Lunar far Side 172
LUMIO: achieving autonomous operations for Lunar exploration with a CubeSat 168
Exploration of an Innovative Ranging Method for Bi-Static Radar, Applied in LEO Space Debris Surveying 167
Mission Analysis and Design for an Active Debris Removal Service for Large Constellations 167
OBIA ship detection with multispectral and SAR images: A simulation for Copernicus security applications 165
Differential Algebra software library with automatic code generation for space embedded applications 165
Nonlinear Uncertainty Propagation in Astrodynamics Using Differential Algebra and Graphics Processing Units 165
Optimization of Multiple-Rendezvous Low-Thrust Missions on General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units 161
A Comprehensive Ranking Framework for Active Debris Removal Missions Candidates 159
Non Deterministic Planning with Evidence and Paradoxical Reasoning Theories 156
DA-based nonlinear filters for spacecraft relative state estimation 150
Modeling and Optimization of Hybrid Transfers to Near-Earth Objects 149
Autonomous Rover Control with Behavioral Algorithms and Neural Networks 144
Differential Algebra Space Toolbox for Nonlinear Uncertainty Propagation in Space Dynamics 144
The Multibeam Radar Sensor BIRALES: Performance Assessment for Space Surveillance and Tracking 144
Operational Challenges of the Multibeam Radar Sensor BIRALES for Space Surveillance 144
LUMIO: A CubeSat for observing and characterizing micro-meteoroid impacts on the Lunar far side 143
SENSIT: a Software Suite for Observation Scheduling and Performance Assessment of SST Sensor Networks 139
LUMIO Cubesat: a Mission to Refine Meteoroid Population Knowledge 137
A Non-Deterministic Planner for Planetary Rover Autonomy 135
Application of SDRE Technique to Orbital and Attitude Control of Spacecraft Formation Flying 134
LUMIO CubeSat: toward a Lunar Situational Awareness 134
Convex optimisation approach to constrained fuel optimal control of spacecraft in close relative motion 133
Data Fusion Application for Improving Orbit Determination and Re-Entry Predictions 133
Spaceship Earth. Space-driven technologies and systems for sustainability on ground 132
Predicting the Outcome of the LUMIO Lunar Cubesat 130
Semi-Active Damping System Characterization for Landing in Microgravity 126
Optimization of Low-Thrust Trajectories for Formation Flying with Parallel Multiple Shooting 125
Development of a Software Suite for Performance Assessment of SST Sensor Networks 125
On-board DA-based state estimation algorithm for spacecraft relative navigation 123
Real Time Space Object Tracklet Extraction from Telescope Survey Images with Machine Learning 123
A Re-Entry Analysis Software Module for Space Surveillance and Tracking Operations 122
An approach to contact detection and isolation for free-floating space robots based on momentum monitoring 122
Contact detection, isolation and estimation for orbital robots through an observer based on a centroid-joints dynamics 121
Design Challenges and Opportunities Offered by the LUMIO Spacecraft: a CubeSat for Observing and Characterizing Micro-Meteoroid Impacts on the Lunar Far Side 118
LUMIO: A CubeSat to Monitor Micro-Meteroid Impacts on the Lunar Farside 118
Approach to Model Interest for a Planetary Rover Through Dezert-Smarandache Theory 117
Real-time space object tracklet extraction from telescope survey images with machine learning 116
Adaptive track estimation on a radar array system for space surveillance 115
Resident Space Object Track Reconstruction Using a Multireceiver Radar System 113
Optimal Path Planning for Planetary Exploration Rovers based on Artificial Vision System for Environment Reconstruction 112
Nonlinear Control of Formation Flying with State Constraints 112
Control of a Legged Rover for Planetary Exploration Using Embedded and Evolved Dynamical Recurrent Artificial Neural Networks 111
Robust Control of Free-Flying Space Manipulator for Capturing Uncontrolled Tumbling Objects 110
Optimization of Low-Thrust Reconfiguration Maneuvers for Spacecraft Flying in Formation 110
Coordinated Control of Spacecraft-Manipulator with Singularity Avoidance Using Dual Quaternions 109
Realization and Control of a Prototype of Legged Rover for Planetary Exploration 108
Current Status of LUMIO Mission: Characterizing Lunar Meteoroid Impacts with a CubeSat 108
Autonomous Navigation of a Rover for Planetary Exploration 106
Space Shepherd: using space assets to monitor, track, and search-and-rescue illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean Sea 106
Optimal Formation Flying Reconfiguration and Station Keeping Maneuvers Using Low Thrust Propulsion 104
Greenspace: Towards a Systematic, Global and Innovative Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of Space Activities for a Safe and Sustainable Space Environment 103
Performance Assessment of the Multibeam Radar Sensor Birales for Space Surveillance and Tracking 102
Contact Force Observer for Space Robots 102
Application of SDRE Technique to Orbital and Attitude Control of Spacecraft Formation Flying 101
Unexpected Collision Detection, Estimation, and Reaction for a Free-Flying Orbital Robot 101
N.E.Me.Sys: a Planetary Legged Rover Controlled with Dynamical Artificial Neural Networks 100
Optimal Trajectory Design for SIMONE Mission Study 97
Fuel-Optimal Convex Trajectory Optimization of Rendezvous on Elliptical Orbits 94
A Software Suite for Orbit Determination in Space Surveillance and Tracking Applications 93
Massively Parallel Optimization of Target Sequences for Multiple-Rendezvous Low-Thrust Missions on GPUs 92
Resident Space Object Orbit Determination Using a Multireceiver Radar System 92
Automated Reconfiguration Manoeuvres for Swarm Formation of Satellites 89
Meteoroids detection with the LUMIO lunar CubeSat 88
POLIMI Optical Sensor for Space Surveillance and Tracking 88
Virtual Model Control for Planetary Hexapod Robot Walking on Rough Terrain 88
Autonomous Navigation with Stereo Vision System for Planetary Exploration 87
SIMONE: a Fleet of Near-Earth Object Rendezvous Microsatellites 87
Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning Approach to Relative Motion Guidance in Near-Rectilinear Orbit 87
Hybrid Propulsion Transfers for Mars Science Missions 86
On the Sophisticated Orbit Design of the Lunar Meteoroid Impacts Observer CubeSat 85
Multibeam Radar Technology applied to Space Surveillance in the LEO Regime 85
Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network for LEO Track Reconstruction from Multibeam Radar Measurements 85
Space Objects Tumbling Motion Reconstruction from Light Curves Analysis with Machine Learning Techniques 85
Trajectory Optimization for a Mission to NEOs, Using Low-Thrust Propulsion and Gravity Assist 84
Spaceship Earth. Space-Driven Technologies and Systems for Sustainability on Ground 84
Reflexive Control of a Rover for Planetary Exploration with Artificial Neural Networks 83
Numerical and Experimental Results on Closed Loop Tracking Control of Flexible Manipulators 82
Alternative Hybrid Propulsion Transfers for Marco Polo NEOs Sample Return Mission 82
Space Surveillance with the Multibeam Radar Sensor BIRALES 80
Performance Evaluation of a Semi-Active Damping System for Landing in Microgravity 79
Totale 13.938
Categoria #
all - tutte 135.535
article - articoli 9.972
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 113.107
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 12.147
Totale 270.761

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.541 0 0 0 0 0 402 268 172 249 152 207 91
2020/20211.900 138 99 95 151 183 183 116 157 154 192 164 268
2021/20222.091 92 147 103 170 337 140 97 213 153 151 189 299
2022/20232.961 298 315 244 388 263 360 94 226 358 212 119 84
2023/20241.456 102 147 86 107 143 178 192 71 104 98 63 165
2024/20252.272 393 147 191 202 907 432 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.075