A Case Study of Active, Continuous and Predictive Social Media Analytics for Smart City
2014-01-01 Balduini, Marco; S., Bocconi; A., Bozzon; DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; Y., Huang; J., Oosterman; T., Palpanas; M., Tsytsarau
A Conceptual Framework for Linked Data Exploration
2011-01-01 Bozzon, Alessandro; Brambilla, Marco; DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; Fraternali, Piero; Pasini, Chiara
A Conceptual Framework for Linked Data Exploration
2011-01-01 Bozzon, Alessandro; Brambilla, Marco; DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; Fraternali, Piero; Pasini, Chiara
A First Step Towards Stream Reasoning
2008-01-01 DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; Ceri, Stefano; Barbieri, DAVIDE FRANCESCO; Braga, DANIELE MARIA; Campi, Alessandro
A Restful Interface for RDF Stream Processors
2013-01-01 Balduini, Marco; DELLA VALLE, Emanuele
A Software Engineering Approach to Design and Development of Semantic Web Service Applications
2006-01-01 Brambilla, Marco; Irene, Celino; Ceri, Stefano; Dario, Cerizza; DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; Federico, Facca
Agreeing While Disagreeing, a Best Practice for Business Ontology Development
2008-01-01 DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; Celino, I; Cerizza, D.
An Experience in Applying User Centered Design to Search Computing
2011-01-01 Buganza, Tommaso; Corubolo, Marta; DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; Pellizzoni, Elena
An Outlook to Declarative Languages for Big Steaming Data
2019-01-01 Tommasini, Riccardo; Sakr, Sherif; Balduini, Marco; Valle, Emanuele Della
Analysis of Business Models for Search Computing
2011-01-01 Buganza, Tommaso; Corubolo, Marta; DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; Pellizzoni, Elena
Analyzing User Actions within a Web 2.0 Portal to Improve a Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System
2009-01-01 Turati, Andrea; Dario, Cerizza; Irene, Celino; DELLA VALLE, Emanuele
Approximate Continuous Query Answering over Streams and Dynamic Linked Data Sets
2015-01-01 Dehghanzadeh, Soheila; Dell'Aglio, Daniele; Gao, Shen; DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; Mileo, Alessandra; Bernstein, Abraham
Augmented Participation to Live Events through Social Network Content Enrichment
2014-01-01 Brambilla, Marco; Dell'Aglio, Daniele; DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; Mauri, Andrea; Volonterio, Riccardo
C-SMOTE: Continuous Synthetic Minority Oversampling for Evolving Data Streams
2020-01-01 Bernardo, Alessio; Gomes, Heitor Murilo; Montiel, Jacob; Pfahringer, Bernhard; Bifet, Albert; Valle, Emanuele Della
C-SPARQL: SPARQL for continuous querying
2009-01-01 Barbieri, DAVIDE FRANCESCO; Braga, DANIELE MARIA; Ceri, Stefano; DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; M., Grossniklaus
C-Sprite: Efficient Hierarchical Reasoning for Rapid RDF Stream Processing
2019-01-01 Bonte, Pieter; Tommasini, Riccardo; De Turck, Filip; Ongenae, Femke; Valle, Emanuele Della
Challenging the Internet of the Future with Urban Computing
2008-01-01 DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; Irene, Celino; Kono, Kim; Zhisheng, Huang; Volker, Tresp; Werner, Hauptmann; Yi, Huang
Chimera: A Bridge Between Big Data Analytics and Semantic Technologies
2021-01-01 Belcao, Matteo; Falzone, Emanuele; Bionda, Enea; Valle, Emanuele Della
Choosing the Right Time to Learn Evolving Data Streams
2023-01-01 Bernardo, Alessio; Valle, Emanuele Della; Bifet, Albert
City sensing: visualising mobile and social data about a city scale event
2014-01-01 Fabrizio, Antonelli; Azzi, Matteo; Balduini, Marco; Ciuccarelli, Paolo; DELLA VALLE, Emanuele; Roberto, Larcher