A fully distributed control scheme for power balancing in distribution networks
2020-01-01 La Bella, A.; Bonassi, F.; Klaus, P.; Scattolini, R.
A hierarchical approach for balancing service provision by microgrids aggregators
2020-01-01 La Bella, A.; Bonassi, F.; Sandroni, C.; Fagiano, L.; Scattolini, R.
A multi-layer control scheme for microgrid energy management
2016-01-01 RAIMONDI COMINESI, Stefano; LA BELLA, Alessio; Farina, Marcello; Scattolini, Riccardo
A Supervisory Control Structure for Voltage-Controlled Islanded DC Microgrids
2019-01-01 La Bella, A.; Nahata, P.; Ferrari-Trecate, G.
A Two-Layer Control Architecture for Islanded AC Microgrids with Storage Devices
2018-01-01 La Bella, Alessio; Negri, Simone; Scattolini, Riccardo; Tironi, Enrico
An innovative controller for optimal operation of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems
2023-01-01 Bianchi, Federico; Micolano, Enrica; Pellegrino, Luigi; La Bella, Alessio; Coletta, Guido; Conenna, Domenica Maria; Virone, Elisa; Giannuzzi, Giorgio Maria; Pisani, Cosimo
Data-based control design for nonlinear systems with recurrent neural network-based controllers
2023-01-01 D'Amico, William; La Bella, Alessio; Dercole, Fabio; Farina, Marcello
Data-driven modelling and optimal management of district heating networks
2021-01-01 La Bella, A.; Del Corno, A.; Scaburri, A.
Deep Long-Short Term Memory networks: Stability properties and Experimental validation
2023-01-01 Bonassi, F.; La Bella, A.; Panzani, G.; Farina, M.; Scattolini, R.
Development and Experimental Validation of an Open-Source Model Library for District Heating Network Simulation
2024-01-01 Marcelo, Alvarado; Anderis, Claudio; Lazzari, Riccardo; Nigro, Lorenzo; LA BELLA, Alessio
Distributed Two-Layer Predictive Control of Multi-Energy Systems
2024-01-01 Nigro, Lorenzo; LA BELLA, Alessio; Scattolini, Riccardo
Hierarchical Model Predictive Control for Waste Heat Recovery in Steel Mills
2024-01-01 Giacomelli, Gianluca; LA BELLA, Alessio; Lauricella, Marco; Breschi, Valentina; Scattolini, Riccardo
Lifelong Learning for Monitoring and Adaptation of Data-Based Dynamical Models: A Statistical Process Control Approach
2024-01-01 BOCA de GIULI, Laura; LA BELLA, Alessio; DE NICOLAO, Giuseppe; Scattolini, Riccardo
LMI-Based Control Design with Robust Local Stability Guarantees for Linear Discrete-Time Systems with Input Saturations
2024-01-01 D'Amico, W.; Zanini, S.; La Bella, A.; Farina, M.
Microgrids aggregation management providing ancillary services
2018-01-01 LA BELLA, Alessio; Farina, Marcello; Sandroni, Carlo; Scattolini, Riccardo
Model predictive control of battery-powered trains for catenary-free operation
2023-01-01 La Bella, Alessio; Incremona, Gian Paolo; Buzzi, Aline Cristiane; Colaneri, Patrizio
Object based modelling of hybrid electrical vehicle and power management control
2015-01-01 Bolzoni, Alberto; La Bella, A.; Moschetta, A.; Musacci, G.; Gruosso, Giambattista; STORTI GAJANI, Giancarlo; Aimo Boot, M.; Bellini, M.; Canepa, A.; Cardella, A.; Peluso, V.; Guglielmi, P.
On the design of a microgrids aggregation management framework to provide ancillary services
2018-01-01 La Bella, Alessio; Farina, Marcello; Sandroni, Carlo; Scattolini, Riccardo
On the design of microgrids aggregation management framework to provide ancillary services
2018-01-01 La Bella, A.; Farina, M.; Sandroni, C.; Scattolini, R.
Optimal distributed control of hybrid AC/DC grids
2023-01-01 Lazzari, R.; LA BELLA, Alessio