Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.549
EU - Europa 2.799
AS - Asia 930
OC - Oceania 46
AF - Africa 44
SA - Sud America 24
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 8.394
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.450
IT - Italia 1.178
CN - Cina 284
UA - Ucraina 247
SG - Singapore 234
DE - Germania 222
AT - Austria 178
SE - Svezia 165
GB - Regno Unito 159
FI - Finlandia 143
VN - Vietnam 122
FR - Francia 113
IE - Irlanda 95
CA - Canada 91
NL - Olanda 87
IN - India 51
HK - Hong Kong 43
JP - Giappone 37
ES - Italia 34
ID - Indonesia 32
TR - Turchia 30
BE - Belgio 29
AU - Australia 27
CH - Svizzera 26
PT - Portogallo 19
KR - Corea 18
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 18
GR - Grecia 17
NO - Norvegia 15
TW - Taiwan 15
DK - Danimarca 13
IR - Iran 12
RO - Romania 12
RU - Federazione Russa 12
PH - Filippine 11
PL - Polonia 11
CI - Costa d'Avorio 10
ZA - Sudafrica 10
AR - Argentina 8
BR - Brasile 8
TN - Tunisia 7
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
IL - Israele 5
MU - Mauritius 5
AZ - Azerbaigian 4
BG - Bulgaria 4
CO - Colombia 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
EG - Egitto 4
JO - Giordania 4
MX - Messico 4
PA - Panama 4
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 4
BJ - Benin 3
CL - Cile 3
CY - Cipro 3
EE - Estonia 3
LT - Lituania 3
NP - Nepal 3
PK - Pakistan 3
TH - Thailandia 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
EU - Europa 2
HU - Ungheria 2
KE - Kenya 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MA - Marocco 2
MY - Malesia 2
RS - Serbia 2
EC - Ecuador 1
ET - Etiopia 1
FJ - Figi 1
GE - Georgia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IS - Islanda 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 8.394
Città #
Fairfield 431
Woodbridge 430
Chandler 393
Ashburn 288
Wilmington 271
Ann Arbor 270
Houston 260
Milan 251
Santa Clara 189
Seattle 172
Vienna 172
Singapore 148
Cambridge 145
Jacksonville 142
Boardman 136
Lawrence 103
Dearborn 100
Dublin 94
Beijing 86
Medford 81
Ottawa 69
Dong Ket 57
Helsinki 51
Redwood City 48
Des Moines 42
Shanghai 34
Princeton 29
San Diego 29
Las Vegas 26
New York 26
Munich 24
Amsterdam 23
Central District 23
Rome 23
Turin 23
Zhengzhou 23
Málaga 22
Jakarta 20
Nantes 16
Istanbul 15
Auckland 14
London 14
Washington 14
Brussels 13
Delft 13
Tokyo 13
Hangzhou 12
Catania 11
Eindhoven 11
Redmond 11
Abidjan 10
Auburn Hills 10
Berlin 10
Bern 10
Bologna 10
Changsha 10
Genoa 10
Guangzhou 10
Norwalk 10
Adelaide 9
Birmingham 9
Chongqing 9
Dallas 9
Duncan 9
Frankfurt am Main 9
Kanchipuram 9
Athens 8
Bekasi 8
Belvedere Spinello 8
Falkenstein 8
Ispra 8
Los Angeles 8
Pavullo Nel Frignano 8
Pescara 8
Tappahannock 8
Warsaw 8
Chengdu 7
Lucca 7
Manchester 7
Miami 7
Monza 7
Mountain View 7
Naples 7
Taipei 7
Torino 7
Dalmine 6
Genova 6
Johannesburg 6
Nanjing 6
Ningbo 6
Osaka 6
Paris 6
Pignone 6
Stockholm 6
Trondheim 6
Verona 6
Aveiro 5
Bergamo 5
Bovisio Masciago 5
Edinburgh 5
Totale 5.293
Nome #
Vortex induced vibrations at high Reynolds numbers on circular cylinders 196
A Numerical Approach to Reproduce Subspan Oscillations and Comparison With Experimental Data 176
Aerodynamics of sailing yacht: full scale and wind tunnel tests 156
Optimization of the boundary layer characteristics simulated at Politecnico di Milano Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel in a wide scale ratio range 155
Wind tunnel tests on two cylinders to measure subspan oscillation aerodynamic forces 143
Experimental database of sails performance and flying shapes in upwind conditions 136
Experiments on a Flettner rotor at critical and supercritical Reynolds numbers 132
Aerodynamic instability of a bridge deck section model: Linear and nonlinear approach to force modeling 129
Specific power input: Comparison among rigid and flexible models 128
A novel full scale laboratory for yacht engineering research 126
Cross-sectional distributions versus integrated coefficients of flutter derivatives and aerodynamic admittances identified with surface pressure measurement 123
Adding aerodynamic damping: the wing design for the Third Bosphorus Bridge 119
On the aerodynamic and aeroelastic response of a bridge tower 118
Design of an aeroelastic physical model of the DTU 10MW wind turbine for a floating offshore multipurpose platform prototype 116
Pressure field and wake modes analysis of an oscillating cylinder 113
A device for pressure measurements on yacht sails 110
Pressure Measurements on Yacht Sails: Development of a New System for Wind Tunnel and Full Scale Testing 99
Crosswind action on rail vehicles: wind tunnel experimental analyses 98
CFD Modeling of Flow Induced Vibration on a Mobile Cylinder for a 30 K-60 K Reynolds Number Comparison Between Simulation and Experimental Results 97
Large Aeroelastic Model of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine: Mechanical and Mechatronics Design 93
Wind Resistant Design of a Very Large Observation Wheel 91
Impact of Turbulence on Vortex Induced Vibrations and Fatigue of Conductors: modelling and real span experimentation 89
Wind loading on trees integrated with a building envelope 89
Vortex induced vibrations of a bridge deck: dynamic response and surface pressure distribution 89
Design Methodology for a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Large-Scale Outdoor Prototype 89
Wind induced vibrations on large observation wheels 88
Aerodynamic Instability of Cables with Circular Appendages 88
Numerical and experimental investigation on a maritime radar scanner 87
Force and wake analysis on a single circular cylinder subjected to vortex induced vibrations at high mass ratio and high Reynolds number 86
Comportamento di una passerella pedonale strallata nei confronti delle azioni del vento 85
Energy input by the flow on a vibrating smooth circular cylinder in cross flow at Re=50000 85
Vortex induced vibrations of a bridge deck: Dynamic response and surface pressure distribution 84
Effects of turbulence intensity and surface roughness on stays of cable-stayed bridges 82
Wind Induced Vibrations on Bridge Towers: Vortex Shedding Investigation using Sectional Models 82
Experimental study on the aerodynamic behavior of a circular cylinder with perforated shrouding 82
Numerical Simulation of an Oscillating Cylinder at High Reynolds Number 80
Experimental analysis on vortex induced vibration of a long flexible cylinder 80
Modal parameters identification and monitoring of two arches 80
A numerical model to reproduce vortex induced vibrations of a circular cylinder 79
Pressure field analysis on oscillating circular cylinder 78
Pressure measurements on yacht sails: development of a new system for wind tunnel and full scale testing 77
Wind tunnel study on the Pescara footbridge 76
Wind effects on a pedestrian arch bridge with complex shape 75
Scaling strategies for multi-purpose floating structures physical modeling: state of art and new perspectives 75
Pressure field analysis on oscillating circular cylinder 73
The effects of Reynolds Number on aeolian vibration 72
Wind tunnel study of a cone-like shaped roof: Reynolds number effects 71
CFD prediction of steady and unsteady upwind sail aerodynamics 71
Aeolian vibrations of overhead transmission lines: a comparison among time and frequency domain 69
On the aerodynamic and aeroelastic response of a bridge tower 68
Wind-induced vibrations on non-circular section cables: application to a new Large Observation Wheel 68
Lo studio di Piani Velici Mediante Prove in Galleria del Vento 67
Approccio numerico sperimentale per la stima degli efetti del vento trasversale sulla dinamica del veicolo ferroviario ad assetto variabile 66
Wake visualization and pressure field analysis on an oscillating cylinder 66
Bifurcation of the aerodynamics of a bridge tower section 66
Wind-induced response of light and slender arched structures in twin arrangement: Wind tunnel tests and full-scale monitoring 66
The Vertical Forest: Wind Loads on Trees, Pedestrian Comfort, and Net Pressure Distributions on Facades 62
Aerodynamics of High Speed Small Craft 62
The effects of the aerodynamic interaction on the performance of two Flettner rotors 62
Wind-Tunnel Experiments on a Large-Scale Flettner Rotor 61
Effects of free-stream turbulence and angle of attack on a rectangular prism 59
Caratterizzazione dell'Aerodinamica di Imbarcazioni a Vela con Prove in Galleria del Vento 58
An Investigation Of Aerodynamic Force Modelling For Ims Rule Using Wind Tunnel Techniques 58
Numerical Modelling of Sail Aerodynamic Behaviour in Dynamic Conditions 58
Wind Tunnel Testing Developments in the Last 50 Years 58
Wind induced vibrations on a pedestrian arch bridge: wind tunnel tests on rigid and sectional models 58
Experimental and numerical wind tunnel investigation of the aerodynamics of upwind soft sails 58
Numerical design of a wind observer and feedforward control of wind turbines 58
Equivalent oscillator approach to model vortex induced vibrations on a circular cylinder 57
Wind Tunnel Aerodynamic Study of E-ELT Dome 57
On the pressure and force field on a circular cylinder oscillating in the lock-in regiona at sub-critical Reynolds number 56
A Thousand and One Sails for University: the Politecnico di Milano Experience 56
Experimental validation of a wave elevation observer on a floating wind turbine model 56
Ottimizzazione della forza di resistenza aerodinamica di atleti di Coppa del Mondo di Sci Alpino 55
Effetto del vento su strutture architettoniche complesse: influenza del numero di Reynolds 54
Changes and Development to Sail Aerodynamics in the ORC International Handicap Rule 53
Sull'aerodinamica di un cilindro inclinato al vento incidente nella zona critica del Numero di Reynolds 52
Experimental Analysis of VIV on Rigid and Flexible Circular Cylinder 52
Approccio numerico-sperimentale per la stima degli effetti del vento trasversale sulla dinamica di un veicolo ferroviario ad assetto variabile 50
Vortex shedding on circular cylinder at critical and postcritical Reynolds Number 50
Experimental investigation of sail aerodynamic behavior in dynamic conditions 50
Aerodynamic and structural strategies for the rotor design of a wind turbine scaled model 50
Studio numerico e sperimentale dell’aerodinamica dell’imbarcazione in andatura di bolina 49
Energy Input by the Flow on a Smooth Circular Cylinder in Cross Flow at Re=5E4 49
Experimental characterisation of the wake behind paired vertical-axis wind turbines 49
Turbulence intensity effect on the bluff bodies aerodynamic behavior 48
Experimental Techniques for Super and Mega Yacht Aerodynamics Assessment 48
Vortex induced vibration: Experimental analysis on smooth and stranded cylinder 46
High Speed Small Craft Aerodynamic Resistance 46
Tecniche di misura di forza e spostamento su modelli sezionali di ponti 44
Vortex induced vibrations of a circular cylinder subjected to sinusoidal wind flow 44
A large-scale wind turbine model installed on a floating structure:experimental validation of the numerical design 43
New engineering approach for the development and demonstration of a multi-purpose platform for the blue growth economy 43
A Techno-Economic Analysis of a Cargo Ship Using Flettner Rotors 42
Modeling of Aeolian vibrations of overhead line conductors with wind speed variations along and across the span 42
Totale 7.824
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.880
article - articoli 10.490
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 18.953
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 268
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 169
Totale 59.760

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020755 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 110 182 88 155 70
2020/20211.134 76 64 89 61 116 56 54 89 109 142 102 176
2021/2022955 36 106 82 38 104 40 41 74 98 57 83 196
2022/20231.180 124 77 55 97 112 144 19 103 193 78 99 79
2023/2024869 77 128 48 83 71 105 46 32 24 81 32 142
2024/2025817 28 119 71 77 353 169 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.592