A Bayes factor of a parametric model versus nonparametric alternatives
1999-01-01 J. O., Berger; Guglielmi, Alessandra
A Bayesian approach for modeling patient's demand and hidden health status: an application to Home Health Care
2013-01-01 Nawajah, Inad; Argiento, Raffaele; Guglielmi, Alessandra; Lanzarone, Ettore
A Bayesian Binomial Regression Model for Ozone Levels in Northern Italy
2024-01-01 Frigeri, Michela; Marchesin, Leonardo; Coppellotti, Matteo; Guglielmi, Alessandra
A Bayesian model for network flow data: an application to BikeMi trips
2019-01-01 Bissoli, G.; Principi, C.; Rinaldi, G. M.; Beraha, Mario; Guglielmi, A.
A Bayesian model to induce dependence between mixtures
2020-01-01 Beraha, M.; Pegoraro, M.; Peli, R.; Guglielmi, A.
A Bayesian nonparametric model for density and cluster estimation: the epsilon-NGG process mixture.
2014-01-01 R., Argiento; Bianchini, Ilaria; Guglielmi, Alessandra
A Bayesian spatio–temporal model of PM10 pollutant in the Po Valley
2022-01-01 Gianella, M.; Guglielmi, A.; Lonati, G.
A Bayesian weather–driven spatio–temporal model for PM10 in Lombardy
2023-01-01 Frigeri, Michela; Guglielmi, Alessandra; Lonati, Giovanni
A hierarchical random-effects model for survival in patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
2010-01-01 Guglielmi, Alessandra; Ieva, Francesca; Paganoni, ANNA MARIA; F., Ruggeri
A semiparametric Bayesian mixed-effects model for failure time data
2009-01-01 R., Argiento; Guglielmi, Alessandra; A., Pievatolo
A transdimensional MCMC sampler for spatially dependent mixture models
2021-01-01 Guglielmi, A.; Beraha, M.; Gianella, M.; Pegoraro, M.; Peli, R.
Anisotropic determinantal point processes and their application in Bayesian mixtures
2021-01-01 Ghilotti, L.; Beraha, M.; Guglielmi, A.
Bayesian autoregressive semiparametric models for gap times of recurrent events
2016-01-01 Paulon, Giorgio; Iorio, Maria De; Guglielmi, Alessandra
Bayesian modeling for large spatio-temporal data: an application to mobile networks
2019-01-01 Cadonna, Annalisa; Cremaschi, A.; Guglielmi, A.
Bayesian nonparametric AR(1)-models for multiple binary sequences.
2011-01-01 A., Cadonna; Guglielmi, Alessandra; F. A., Quintana
Bayesian nonparametric covariate driven clustering
2018-01-01 Argiento, R.; Bianchini, I.; Guglielmi, A.; Lanzarone, E.
Bayesian principal curve clustering by NGG-mixture models
2014-01-01 R., Argiento; Bianchini, Ilaria; Guglielmi, Alessandra
Bayesian principal curve clustering by species-sampling mixture models
2014-01-01 R., Argiento; Guglielmi, Alessandra
Bayesian semiparametric inference for the accelerated failure time model using hierarchical mixture modeling with N-IG priors
2007-01-01 R., Argiento; Guglielmi, Alessandra; A., Pievatolo; F., Ruggeri
Bayesian semiparametric inference for the AFT model, using N-IG mixture priors
2007-01-01 R., Argiento; Guglielmi, Alessandra; A., Pievatolo