Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.111
EU - Europa 2.107
AS - Asia 722
SA - Sud America 82
AF - Africa 28
OC - Oceania 22
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 6.074
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.032
IT - Italia 896
SG - Singapore 264
UA - Ucraina 199
DE - Germania 169
GB - Regno Unito 146
SE - Svezia 133
FI - Finlandia 131
AT - Austria 115
ES - Italia 110
VN - Vietnam 108
CN - Cina 106
CA - Canada 74
IE - Irlanda 61
BR - Brasile 46
TR - Turchia 41
JO - Giordania 33
IN - India 32
BE - Belgio 28
FR - Francia 27
IR - Iran 22
NL - Olanda 22
HK - Hong Kong 20
JP - Giappone 16
PK - Pakistan 16
PE - Perù 15
AU - Australia 12
ID - Indonesia 12
KR - Corea 12
PT - Portogallo 12
CO - Colombia 11
CI - Costa d'Avorio 10
MY - Malesia 10
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 10
TW - Taiwan 8
AL - Albania 7
CH - Svizzera 7
MA - Marocco 7
CL - Cile 6
DK - Danimarca 6
GR - Grecia 6
PL - Polonia 6
RU - Federazione Russa 6
PH - Filippine 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
LV - Lettonia 4
NO - Norvegia 4
RO - Romania 4
SI - Slovenia 4
AR - Argentina 3
EG - Egitto 3
MX - Messico 3
NG - Nigeria 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
EU - Europa 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AM - Armenia 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EC - Ecuador 1
IL - Israele 1
IS - Islanda 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KH - Cambogia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
PA - Panama 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
QA - Qatar 1
SO - Somalia 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 6.074
Città #
Chandler 339
Ann Arbor 252
Fairfield 237
Woodbridge 205
Singapore 200
Wilmington 184
Milan 177
Ashburn 157
Houston 151
Jacksonville 114
Vienna 113
Seattle 105
Santa Clara 101
Cambridge 100
Boardman 85
Dearborn 79
Málaga 78
Council Bluffs 65
Lawrence 65
Ottawa 65
Helsinki 63
Dong Ket 58
Dublin 57
Beijing 47
Medford 42
Redwood City 38
Amman 33
Grafing 27
Florence 26
Washington 26
Princeton 25
Brussels 24
San Diego 24
Rome 23
Auburn Hills 20
London 20
Lucca 16
Des Moines 15
Verona 15
Mountain View 14
Norwalk 14
L'aquila 13
Los Angeles 13
Cagliari 12
Amsterdam 11
Dallas 11
Istanbul 11
Abidjan 10
Jakarta 10
New York 10
Auckland 8
Liverpool 8
Segrate 8
Central 7
Nanjing 7
Napoli 7
Tirana 7
Bologna 6
Boltiere 6
Brescia 6
Fars 6
Kuala Lumpur 6
Miami 6
Zagarolo 6
Barranquilla 5
Baton Rouge 5
Dresden 5
Foggia 5
Hefei 5
Lima 5
Paris 5
Phoenix 5
Pushkin 5
Rescaldina 5
Shanghai 5
Stockholm 5
The Dalles 5
Torino 5
Turin 5
Zurich 5
Évora 5
Ankara 4
Athens 4
Bogotá 4
Casablanca 4
Codogno 4
Croydon 4
Delft 4
Falkenstein 4
Genoa 4
Mazzano 4
Mumbai 4
Muratpasa 4
Oristano 4
Padova 4
Redmond 4
Renton 4
Riga 4
Santiago 4
Seville 4
Totale 3.855
Nome #
HBIM challenge among the paradigm of complexity, tools and preservation: The Basilica di Collemaggio 8 years after the earthquake (L'Aquila) 714
Bovisa. Un campus per la ricerca e il lavoro. 212
Flexural strength-ductility assessment of unreinforced masonry cross-sections: analytical expressions 144
Structural analysis of stone masonry columns of the Basilica S. Maria di Collemaggio 142
Behavior of reinforced concrete walls with welded wire mesh subjected to cyclic loading 130
From BIM to FEM: the analysis of an historical masonry building 127
A linear complementarity approach to the time integration of dynamic elastic–plastic structural problems 111
Open issues for the conservation of land-mark modern architecture: the case study of Torre Velasca 109
Cross-lam roof diaphragm for the seismic retrofitting of historical masonry churches 106
Experimental investigation on post-installed metal anchors subjected to seismic loading in R/C members 105
Stainless steel rebar for seismic applications 101
A Numerical Scheme for Integrating the Rate Plasticity Equations with an a Priori Error Control 101
Welded tempcore reinforcement behaviour for seismic applications 98
Analytical and experimental procedures for the realigning of the 26th floor of the Pirelli tall building after the airplane crash on april 2002 98
Computer Analysis of Elastic-Plastic Structures 97
A Computer System for the Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Large-Scale Structures 95
The main pillars reconstruction of the Basilica di Collemaggio 95
The historic side-walls of the navigli canals in Milano: in situ and laboratory tests for the structural conservative project 93
Minimum principles and initial stress method in elastic-plastic analysis 91
Wind loading on trees integrated with a building envelope 91
On the determination of bifurcation and limit points 90
A new bridge on the Ticino river in Italy: advanteges and problems related to the use of a new stainless steel rebar 83
Materiali innovativi e grandi opere 83
The Basilica of Collemaggio in L’Aquila: seismic assessment analysis 83
Stainless steel rebar for seismic applications 83
Estimation of wind loading on trees for a vegetated building envelope: a multi-scale experimental study 82
The Industrial Building Heritage : first steps for the Damages Evaluation of Innocenti-Maserati Structural Plant 81
An innovative approach for the finite element modelling of masonry cracking 80
Il risanamento strutturale del Grattacielo Pirelli 78
The airplane crash at the "Pirelli" tall building 77
An experimental investigation of the wind forces on trees 77
Life cycle cost of the deck of a new bridge on the Ticino river reinforced by stainless steel rebar 76
Multimodal Pushover Analysis for R.C. Bridges 76
Conservation and structural safety rehabilitation: a renewed approach needed 72
An in situ diagonal compression test for brick walls with displacement control on the two external layers 71
Retrofitting masonry heritage in seismic areas by preserving its structural historical identity 71
Numerical analysis of old masonry buildings: a debating issue 69
Adaptive remeshing in limit analysis by finite elements 69
Seismic vulnerability of a dry dock in Messina, Italy 67
A Mechanical Interpretation of Low-Cycle Fatigue in Steel Reinforcing Bars 66
The strength and strain of high-strength concrete elements with confinement and steel fiber reinforcement including the conditions of the effect of elevated temperatures 66
FE modeling of fracture in quasi-brittle material 66
An experimental investigation of the wind forces on trees 64
Cost-benefit analysis for the retrofit of masonry buildings through performance-based seismic assessment 63
A proposed methodology to evaluate the safety level of vaulted structures in seismic area 62
L' evoluzione della normativa italiana ed europea degli acciai da c.a. 61
Experimental Evaluation of Photocatalytic Cement-Based Materials: durability and photo-activity 58
Condizioni analitiche per l'individuazione di punti critici e punti limite nel problema elastoplastico incrementale discreto 57
A non-standard numerical method for finite element modelling of tensile cracks in quasi-brittle material 56
Optimized reinforcing steel bars for seismic applications: results of an ECSC european project 53
Procedura sperimentale-numerico della fase di riallineamento delle travi deel'impalcato del 26° piano del grattacielo Pirelli a Milano 52
An in situ diagonal compression test with displacement control of the two wall sides 52
An in situ diagonal compression test for brick walls with displacement control on the two external layers 50
Barre d'armatura ottimizzate per applicazioni in zona sismica: risultati di un progetto di ricerca europeo finanziato dalla ECSC 50
Unloading and Reloading Process for the Earthquake Damage Repair of Ancient Masonry Columns: The Case of the Basilica di Collemaggio 48
Material and geometric instabilities in the rate elsatic-plastic finite deformation problem 47
Stainless steel rebar under cyclic loadings 46
Experimental tests of a new durable and sustainable photo-catalytic plaster for the facades of "Torre Velasca" building in Milano 46
In-situ tests, analytical and numerical studies for the assessment capacity of a historic building in l’Aquila 43
Sistemi intelaiati in acciaio, collegamenti flangiati trave-colonna 43
Nuovi sviluppi della ricerca sugli acciai da c.a.: duttilità, fatica oligociclica, acciaio zincato e prove su colonne in c.a. per zone ad alto rischio sismico 42
Post-installed metal anchors behavior in cyclically cracked concrete 41
Stainless steel reinforcing bars for structural seismic applications 40
Nuovi orientamenti normativi in Italia ed in Europa per un utilizzo più razionale degli acciai da c.a. 40
Residual stresses in multi-pass cold drawn high-strength steel wires 39
Investigation on the cause of damages of an historical masonry industrial plant 39
Santa Maria di Collemaggio. La basilica del perdono 38
Prospettive della nuova normativa europea sugli acciai da c.a. e la ricerca in corso 37
Optimization of ductility of welded steel bars, ribbed coils and mesh fabric for reinforced concrete elements under severe seismic loads: report EUR 2056EN, European Commission - Technical Steel Research final report 36
A constitutive model for rubble masonry allowing for spread micro-cracks and localized macro-cracks 32
Seismic behavior of R.C. columns with zinc coated bars 27
Laboratory tests on unreinforced and reinforced historical masonry wall specimens in L'Aquila (Italy) 23
Some recent results of the research on steel rebars 23
Structural failure of historic buildings: masonry fatigue tests for an interpretation model 23
Post-installed anchors under seismic action 22
Interpretazione numerica della dinamica dell’incidente aereo ai piani 26° e 27° del grattacielo Pirellli 20
Experimental research on r.c. structural walls subjected to cyclic loading 20
Totale 6.170
Categoria #
all - tutte 19.159
article - articoli 6.280
book - libri 138
conference - conferenze 10.815
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.926
Totale 38.318

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 104 43 145 60
2020/2021855 70 31 96 46 110 41 72 60 51 101 46 131
2021/2022643 51 77 20 53 82 37 28 46 30 50 58 111
2022/2023992 90 71 30 87 103 113 12 71 177 97 81 60
2023/2024632 50 110 15 41 38 39 37 100 15 74 18 95
2024/2025617 22 56 42 44 248 44 59 102 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.170