Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 12.950
EU - Europa 4.244
AS - Asia 1.142
AF - Africa 38
SA - Sud America 33
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 14
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 18.425
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12.682
SE - Svezia 879
UA - Ucraina 796
IT - Italia 747
DE - Germania 488
CN - Cina 344
FI - Finlandia 342
SG - Singapore 305
VN - Vietnam 278
AT - Austria 271
CA - Canada 259
GB - Regno Unito 257
IE - Irlanda 202
FR - Francia 65
NL - Olanda 60
IN - India 46
ES - Italia 42
ID - Indonesia 35
BR - Brasile 31
KR - Corea 28
RU - Federazione Russa 28
CI - Costa d'Avorio 25
CH - Svizzera 22
JO - Giordania 18
JP - Giappone 18
BE - Belgio 17
HK - Hong Kong 17
EU - Europa 14
TR - Turchia 13
IR - Iran 12
RO - Romania 12
PH - Filippine 9
MX - Messico 8
BJ - Benin 5
KZ - Kazakistan 4
NO - Norvegia 4
PK - Pakistan 4
AU - Australia 3
EG - Egitto 3
GR - Grecia 3
MU - Mauritius 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
IL - Israele 2
TW - Taiwan 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
CL - Cile 1
CY - Cipro 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
MY - Malesia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PL - Polonia 1
SD - Sudan 1
SI - Slovenia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 18.425
Città #
Fairfield 2.083
Woodbridge 1.371
Houston 1.003
Ashburn 976
Wilmington 946
Seattle 832
Cambridge 758
Chandler 664
Ann Arbor 639
Santa Clara 485
Jacksonville 429
Dearborn 389
Boardman 290
Vienna 270
Lawrence 232
Ottawa 227
Singapore 206
Dublin 202
Milan 147
San Diego 134
Dong Ket 131
Princeton 122
Beijing 114
Medford 112
Helsinki 100
Des Moines 89
Redwood City 44
Amsterdam 38
Shanghai 37
Málaga 36
Jakarta 34
Norwalk 32
Washington 28
Grafing 27
Abidjan 25
London 24
Hefei 21
Jinan 21
Verona 21
New York 20
North York 20
Seongnam 20
Amman 18
Bonndorf 16
Rome 15
Turin 14
Brussels 13
Lappeenranta 13
Dresden 12
Monza 12
Bern 11
Guangzhou 11
Kilburn 11
Mountain View 11
Council Bluffs 10
Gudensberg 10
Portland 10
Hanover 9
Izmir 9
Los Angeles 9
Naples 9
Shenyang 9
Stuttgart 9
Berlin 8
Frankfurt am Main 8
Nanjing 8
Bergamo 7
Hanoi 7
Harbin 7
Hong Kong 7
Kunming 7
Nanchang 7
Udine 7
Atlanta 6
Auburn Hills 6
Changsha 6
Chengdu 6
Chiswick 6
Falkenstein 6
Florence 6
Munich 6
Zhengzhou 6
Zurich 6
Campinas 5
Cotonou 5
Dalian 5
Duncan 5
Eindhoven 5
Hounslow 5
Jouy-en-Josas 5
Kassel 5
Manila 5
Prescot 5
Redmond 5
San Jose 5
Tappahannock 5
Astana 4
Berkeley 4
Caxias do Sul 4
Central District 4
Totale 13.854
Nome #
Switched Positive Linear Systems 174
H and K-controllability of linear periodic systems 149
Block-wise discretization accounting for structural constraints 127
Almost Sure Stabilization of Uncertain Continuous-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems 125
Modeling simulation and control of an automotive gasoline engine 124
Computation of lower bounds for the optimal quadratic cost of linear switched systems 120
A note on existence of positive realizations 119
A distributed braking control algorithm with preview action for railroad vehicles 116
Railway collaborative ecodrive via dissension based switching nonlinear model predictive control 116
A convexity result for the optimal control of a class of positive nonlinear systems 114
An MPC approach to the design of two-layer hierarchical control systems 114
An algebraic characterization of the static output feedback stabilization problem 113
Analysis of the periodic Lyapunov and Riccati equations via canonical decomposition 112
Positive Markov Jump Linear Systems 111
Almost sure stability of stochastic linear systems with ergodic parameters 109
RMS gain with dwell time for discrete-time switched linear systems 109
Convexity of the cost functional in an optimal control problem for a class of positive switched systems 108
H-controllability and observability of linear periodic systems 106
Almost sure stability of stochastic linear systems with ergodic parameters: an average contractivity criterion 105
Adaptive nonlinear control of braking in railway vehicles 104
Braking Control in Railway Vehicles: A Distributed Preview Approach 104
Stabilization, Regulation and Optimization of Multirate Sampled-Data Systems 103
Almost Sure Stability of Markov Jump Linear Systems With Deterministic Switching 102
On state covariance bounds for linear stochastic uncertain systems 101
A note on optimal control of autonomous switched systems on a finite time interval 101
Robust Model Predictive Control of Discrete-Time Switched Systems 100
Positive systems: discretization with positivity and constraints 100
Switching strategies to mitigate HIV mutation 100
Periodic control systems: theoretical aspects 100
On robust almost sure stabilization of continuous-time Markov Jump Linear Systems 99
A Lyapunov Metzler condition for almost sure stability of Markov jump linear systems 98
The extended periodic Lyapunov lemma 98
Opinion dynamics in social networks: the effect of centralized interaction tuning on emerging behaviors 98
Zeros of discrete-time linear periodic systems 97
Optimization based AIMD saturated algorithms for public charging of electric vehicles 96
Collaborative eco-drive of railway vehicles via switched nonlinear model predictive control 96
Discrete-time analysis of HHC schemes for helicopter vibration attenuation 95
Relations between stochastic stability of Markovian jump linear systems and stabilization of deterministic switched linear systems 95
Limit Cycles in Switching Capacitor Systems: A Lur’e Approach 95
The periodic Lyapunov equation 95
Homogeneous Rational Lyapunov Functions for Performance Analysis of Switched Systems with Arbitrary Switching and Dwell-Time Constraints 95
Analysis of discrete-time linear periodic systems 94
CAD tools for control design of linear periodic discrete-time systems subject to input constraints 94
Stability and stabilization of discrete-time semi-Markov jump linear systems via semi-Markov kernel approach 94
A Toeplitz characterization of the static output feedback stabilization problem for linear discrete-time systems 93
Discrete-time, closed-loop aeromechanical stability analysis of helicopters with Higher Harmonic Control 93
Efficient Train Operation via Shrinking Horizon Parametrized Predictive Control 93
Minimax Control of Markov Jump Linear Systems 93
Optimal and MPC Switching Strategies for Mitigating Viral Mutation and Escape 93
Compensator blending: a new tool for multiobjective design 92
On the role of zeros in rotorcraft aeromechanics 92
Closed-loop aeromechanical stability of hingeless rotor helicopters with Higher Harmonic Control 92
Robustness in adaptive filtering: how much is enough? 92
The LQG problem for multirate sampled-data systems 92
Inertia theorems for the periodic Lyapunov difference equation and periodic Riccati difference equation 91
A stabilizable switched linear system does not necessarily admit a smooth homogeneous Lyapunov function 91
Optimal Switching of 1-DOF Oscillating Systems 90
Multiobjective H2 control via switched linear systems 90
Stability analysis of linear periodic systems via the Lyapunov equation 90
Families of moment matching based, low order approximations for linear systems 90
Guaranteed-cost prediction of discrete-time systems: the finite- and infinite-horizon case 90
Hierarchical Model Predictive Control 90
''Identification of a helicopter dynamic model for active control of vibrations'' 90
Time-varying filtering of perturbed linear systems 89
The static output feedback stabilization problem as a concave-convex programming problem 88
A note on the maximal solution of the periodic Riccati equation 88
Simultaneous performance achievement via compensator blending 88
An algebraic Riccati equation for the discrete-time periodic prediction problem 88
Theoretical aspects of continuous-time periodic systems 88
Stability and Stabilization of Semi-Markov Jump Linear Systems with Exponentially Modulated Periodic Distributions of Sojourn Time 88
Almost sure stability of continuous-time Markov Jump Linear Systems: a randomized approach 87
Almost sure stability of stochastic linear systems with ergodic parameters: a small-gain theorem 87
Polynomial approach to the control of SISO periodic systems subject to input constraint 86
Stabilization of periodic systems: overview and advances. 86
Companion forms and cyclic matrices for discrete-time periodic systems 86
The periodic Riccati equation 86
Almost sure stability of Markov jump linear systems with dwell-time constrained switching dynamics 86
Stochastic stability of positive Markov Jump Linear Systems 86
Optimal control of a class of positive Markovian bilinear systems 86
Periodic analysis of higher harmonic control techniques for helicopter vibration attenuation 85
A factorization approach for the L-infinity gain of discrete-time linear systems 85
Periodic solutions of periodic Riccati equations 85
A switched MPC approach to hierarchical control 84
Design of stabilizing strategies for discrete time linear systems dual switching 84
Adaptive robust stabilization of continuous casting 84
The odd world of periodic polynomials 83
H-infinity smoothing in discrete-time: a direct approach 82
A design technique for multirate control with application to a distillation column 82
Discrete-time linear periodic systems: a note on the reachability and controllability interval length 82
On the role of zeros in rotorcraft aeromechanics 82
A Hamilton-Jacobi setup for the static output feedback stabilization of nonlinear systems 82
Probabilistic consensus in Markovian multi-agent networks 82
The realization problem for linear periodic systems. 81
Dynamic Optimization Algorithms to mitigate HIV escape 81
Switching and periodic control of the Belgian chocolate system 80
Polynomial approach to the control of SISO periodic systems subject to input constraint 80
Covariance bounds for discrete-time linear systems with time-varying parameter uncertainty 80
Existence and uniqueness conditions for the periodic solutions of the discrete-time periodic Lyapunov equation 80
A novel algorithm for the solution of the static output feedback stabilization problem 80
Static output feedback stabilization: from linear to nonlinear and back 79
Totale 9.578
Categoria #
all - tutte 62.869
article - articoli 29.991
book - libri 801
conference - conferenze 28.196
curatela - curatele 337
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 135
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.409
Totale 125.738

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.198 0 0 0 0 0 650 632 437 585 234 485 175
2020/20213.097 272 132 349 112 219 273 292 280 194 396 206 372
2021/20222.124 144 283 153 127 209 79 132 128 124 129 230 386
2022/20231.670 254 110 60 145 165 233 28 141 280 71 142 41
2023/2024996 96 229 26 107 82 142 49 81 14 44 15 111
2024/20251.169 38 47 98 66 762 158 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 18.692