2-D stabilized FIT formulation for eddy-current problems in moving conductors
2015-01-01 Codecasa, Lorenzo; Alotto, Piergiorgio
3-D thermal models calibration by parametric dynamic compact thermal models
2017-01-01 Codecasa, Lorenzo; D'Alessandro, Vincenzo; Magnani, Alessandro; Rinaldi, Niccolò
A 2.5-D FEM method for the efficient analysis of waveguide geometries with cylindrical insets
In corso di stampa Codecasa, Lorenzo; D’Asta, Cristina; Gentili, GIAN GUIDO; Oldoni, Matteo; De la Rubia, Valentin
A 3-D Hybrid Cell Boundary Element Method for Time-Harmonic Eddy Current Problems on Multiply Connected Domains
2019-01-01 Moro, F.; Codecasa, L.
A 3-D Hybrid Cell Method for Induction Heating Problems
2017-01-01 Moro, F.; Codecasa, L.
A 3D hybrid cell method for induction heating problems
2016-01-01 Moro, Federico; Codecasa, Lorenzo
A comparative performance analysis of time-domain formulations for wave propagation problems
2016-01-01 Cicuttin, Matteo; Codecasa, Lorenzo; Kapidani, Bernard; Specogna, Ruben; Trevisan, Francesco
A Critical Review of Techniques for the Experimental Extraction of the Thermal Resistance of Bipolar Transistors from DC Measurements—Part I: Thermometer-Based Approaches
2023-01-01 D’Alessandro, Vincenzo; Catalano, Antonio Pio; Scognamillo, Ciro; Müller, Markus; Schröter, Michael; Zampardi, Peter J.; Codecasa, Lorenzo
A face-smoothed cell method for static and dynamic piezoelectric coupled problems on polyhedral meshes
2019-01-01 Moro, F.; Desideri, D.; Doria, A.; Maschio, A.; Mede, C.; Codecasa, L.
A FIT Formulation of Bianisotropic Materials over Polyhedral Grids
2013-01-01 Piergiorgio, Alotto; Codecasa, Lorenzo
A FIT Formulation of Bianisotropic Materials Over Polyhedral Grids,
2014-01-01 Codecasa, Lorenzo
A geometric frequency-domain wave propagation formulation for fast convergence of iterative solvers
2016-01-01 Cicuttin, Matteo; Codecasa, Lorenzo; Specogna, Ruben; Trevisan, Francesco
A Geometric Frequency-Domain Wave Propagation Formulation for Fast Convergence of Iterative Solvers
2017-01-01 Cicuttin, Matteo; Codecasa, Lorenzo; Specogna, Ruben; Trevisan, Francesco
A geometric integral formulation for eddy-currents'
2010-01-01 Codecasa, Lorenzo; R., Specogna; F., Trevisan
A Hybrid a-ϕ Cell Method for Solving Eddy-Current Problems in 3-D Multiply-Connected Domains
2021-01-01 Moro, F.; Napov, A.; Codecasa, L.
A Hybrid CM-BEM Formulation for Solving Large-Scale 3D Eddy-Current Problems Based on ℋ-Matrices and Randomized Singular Value Decomposition for BEM Matrix Compression
2023-01-01 Moro, Federico; Codecasa, Lorenzo
A new approach to model self-heating of electric circuits through thermal networks
1999-01-01 Codecasa, Lorenzo; Santomauro, Mauro
A New Set of Basis Functions for the Discrete Geometric Approach
2010-01-01 Codecasa, Lorenzo; R., Specogna; F., Trevisan
A non-destructive testing application solved with A-$\chi$ geometric eddy-current formulation
2009-01-01 Codecasa, Lorenzo; P., Dular; R., Specogna; F., Trevisan
A non-destructive testing application solved with A-\chi geometric eddy-current formulation
2010-01-01 Codecasa, Lorenzo; P., Dular; R., Specogna; F., Trevisan