"Attualità" dell'invisibile
2007-01-01 Cocchiarella, Luigi
"Translations from Drawing to Drawing" o elogio dell'intrascrivibilità
2012-01-01 Cocchiarella, Luigi
A Eulogy of Ambiguity: Between Visual Perception and Quantum Mechanics
2014-01-01 Caglioti, Giuseppe; Cocchiarella, Luigi
A glance at stereotomy: a key step from projective to computational cast
2016-01-01 Cocchiarella, Luigi
AR&VR, New Tools for Architectural Design and Architectural Visualization
2018-01-01 Tan, S.; Cocchiarella, L.; Yang, Y.
Architectural Design as Educational Strategy "Geometry Oriented"
2017-01-01 Cocchiarella, L.
Architectural Geometry and Graphics Education some Retrospective Reflections from Italy Across Three Generations
2021-01-01 Cocchiarella, L.; Fazzina, V.; Cavaglià, M.; Porro, S.
Architectural Geometry and Graphics Education Some Retrospective Reflections from Italy Across Three Generations
2021-01-01 Cocchiarella, L.; Fazzina, V.; Cavaglià, M.; Porro, S.
Architecture Mathematical Model and Modeling Based on Ancient Chinese Craftsman's Book Taking the Stone Archway as an Example
2023-01-01 Zhou, J.; Cocchiarella, L.; Wang, Q.
Architettura e ambiente: rappresentazione, analisi, prefigurazioni
1996-01-01 Cocchiarella, Luigi
Back to Incunabula: Reconsidering Orthographic Projections in De Prospectiva Pingendi
2023-01-01 Cocchiarella, L.
Back to the Babel Tower, Warning and Archetype
2017-01-01 Cocchiarella, Luigi
Behind the Image: Codes and Suggestions Between Eastern and Western Representation
2010-01-01 Cocchiarella, Luigi
Brasile 2006: mondiali del disegno, nel segno dell'amicizia
2007-01-01 Cocchiarella, Luigi
Changes in the ICGG’s Conference Topics: a Pathway Through Geometry and Graphics Over Time, from Descriptive Geometry to Artificial Intelligence
2024-01-01 Cocchiarella, L.
Cielo, figura infinita (nella versione inglese: Heaven, unbounded figure)
2009-01-01 Cocchiarella, Luigi
Connecting by Drawing: Use and Abuse
2020-01-01 Cocchiarella, L.
Cross-scale in Ancient Chinese Landscape. An Exploration of Topological Thinking in Gardens Spatial Design
2019-01-01 Liu, L.; Cocchiarella, L.
Descriptive Geometry Education in Architecture with Mobile Augmented Reality Application
2018-01-01 Tan, S.; Cocchiarella, L.
Didattica e Disegno: opere aperte nel tempo
2002-01-01 Cocchiarella, Luigi