A decision-led evaluation approach for flood forecasting system developments: An application to the Global Flood Awareness System in Bangladesh
2023-01-01 Hossain, Sazzad; Cloke, Hannah; Ficchi', Andrea; Gupta, Harshita; Speight, Linda; Hassan, Ahmadul; Stephens, Elisabeth
Advancing the operation of multipurpose water reservoirs with multi-timescale forecasts: Application to Lake Como
2022-01-01 Ficchi', A.; Castelletti, A.; Giuliani, M.; Zanutto, D.
Assessing the riverine flood forecast skill of GloFAS with streamflow observations and impact data: a case study for Mali
2022-01-01 van den Homberg, Marc; Ficchi', Andrea; Phung, Phuoc; Sangare, Sidiky; Gado Djibo, Abdouramane; Kane, Cheikh
Assessment of global reanalysis precipitation for hydrological modelling in data-scarce regions: A case study of Kenya
2022-01-01 Wanzala, Ma; Ficchi', A; Cloke, Hl; Stephens, Em; Badjana, Hm; Lavers, Da
Beyond El Niño: Unsung climate modes drive African floods
2021-01-01 Ficchi', Andrea; Cloke, Hannah; Neves, Claudia; Woolnough, Steve; Coughlan de Perez, Erin; Zsoter, Ervin; Pinto, Izidine; Meque, Arlindo; Stephens, Elisabeth
Comparative Suitability of the Global Flood Awareness System and a Catchment-based Model to Simulate Floods in Uganda
2022-01-01 Mulangwa, Douglas; Ficchi', Andrea; Nyenje, Philip; Sempewo, Jotham; Speight, Linda; Cloke, Hannah; Harrigan, Shaun; Zaake, Benon; Stephens, Liz
Detecting trends in flood series and shifts in flood timing across Kenya
2022-01-01 Wanzala, Maureen; Cloke, Hannah; Stephens, Elisabeth; Ficchi', Andrea; Harrigan, Shaun
Extracting the most valuable information from multi-timescale hydrological forecasts for informing the operation of multipurpose water systems
2022-01-01 Castelletti, ANDREA FRANCESCO; Zanutto, Dennis; Ficchi', Andrea; Giuliani, Matteo
Hydrological model preselection with a filter sequence for the national flood forecasting system in Kenya
2022-01-01 Wanzala, Ma; Stephens, Em; Cloke, Hl; Ficchi', A
Impact-Based Flood Early Warning for Rural Livelihoods in Uganda
2023-01-01 Mitheu, Faith; Stephens, Elisabeth; Petty, Celia; Ficchi', Andrea; Tarnavsky, Elena; Cornforth, Rosalind
Improving the spatial accuracy of extreme tropical cyclone rainfall in ERA5 using deep learning
2023-01-01 Ascenso, G.; Ficchì, A.; Cavicchia, L.; Scoccimarro, E.; Giuliani, M.; Castelletti, A.
Influence of ENSO and tropical Atlantic climate variability on flood characteristics in the Amazon basin
2021-01-01 Towner, J.; Ficchi', A.; Cloke, H. L.; Bazo, J.; Coughlan De Perez, E.; Stephens, E. M.
Integrated real-time control of water reservoirs with deterministic and probabilistic multi-timescale forecasts: Application to the Lake Como
2022-01-01 Ficchi', Andrea; Staffa, Federico; Cestari, RAFFAELE GIUSEPPE; Formentin, Simone; Castelletti, ANDREA FRANCESCO
Machine-learning enhanced forecast of tropical cyclone rainfall for anticipatory humanitarian action
2023-01-01 Ficchi', Andrea; Ascenso, Guido; Giuliani, Matteo; Scoccimarro, Enrico; Magnusson, Linus; Emerton, Rebecca; Stephens, Elisabeth; Castelletti, Andrea
Multi-timescale hydro-meteorological forecasts for the optimal control of the multipurpose Lake Como
2022-01-01 Zanutto, D.; Ficchi', A.; Giuliani, M.; Castelletti, A.
Recommendations to improve the interpretation of global flood forecasts to support international humanitarian operations for tropical cyclones
2023-01-01 Speight, Linda; Stephens, Elizabeth; Hawker, Laurence; Baugh, Calum; Neal, Jeffrey; Cloke, Hannah; Grey, Stephen; Titley, Helen; Marsden, Katherine; Sumner, Tim; Ficchi', Andrea; Prudhomme, Christel; Archer, Leanne; Bazo, Juan; Dambo, Jânio; Dolan, Siobhan; Huhn, Anna Lena; Moschini, Francesca; Savage, James; Smith, Andy; Towner, Jamie; Wanzala, Maureen
The utility of impact data in flood forecast verification for anticipatory actions: Case studies from Uganda and Kenya
2023-01-01 Mitheu, Faith; Tarnavsky, Elena; Ficchi', Andrea; Stephens, Elisabeth; Cornforth, Rosalind; Petty, Celia
Towards a community-led approach to improve the design of early warning systems and anticipatory action for flood risk preparedness
2022-01-01 Mitheu, Faith; Stephens, Elisabeth; Tarnavsky, Elena; Ficchi', Andrea; Cornforth, Rosalind; Petty, Celia