(In)visible. Strategic and Service Design for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage
2016-01-01 Parente, M.; Sedini, C.
A research through design practice to envision home scenarios in the post-Covid-19 future
2021-01-01 Pei, X.; Maurer, D.; Sedini, C.; Zurlo, F.
A Systemic Approach to Proximity Through Design for Relations
2022-01-01 Sedini, C.; D'Ambrosio, S.; Pei, X.; Zurlo, F.
Building an Age-friendly City for Elderly Citizens through Co-designing an Urban Walkable Scenario
2019-01-01 Pei, X.; Sedini, C.; Zurlo, F.
Co-creating social and sustainable innovation in makerspaces and fab labs. Lessons learnt from the SISCODE European project
2021-01-01 Sedini, Carla; Norregard Rasmussen, Asger; Real, Marion; Cipriani, Laura
Co-designing a walkable city for the elderly through system thinking approach
2019-01-01 Pei, X.; Sedini, C.; Zurlo, F.
Conceiving a (New) Definition of Hub for the Development of a Transnational Network for Creative Companies
2014-01-01 Sedini, Carla; Vignati, Arianna; Zurlo, Francesco
Design as Mediator Between Local Resources and Global Visions. Experiences of Design for Territories.
2018-01-01 Parente, M.; Sedini, C.
Design for Longevity (D4L): Project Your Future Self through Service and Technology.
2024-01-01 Lee, Sheng-Hung; Coughlin, Joseph F.; Hodara, Sofie; Meroni, Anna; Sedini, Carla
Design for Territories as Practice and Theoretical Field of Study
2017-01-01 Parente, M.; Sedini, C.
Design for Territories. Approaches and Methodologies for the Re-Production of Places
2022-01-01 Parente, Marina; Lupo, Eleonora; Sedini, Carla
Dialectic and Result: How Dynamics and Interactions of Students' Workgroups Have Changed within Design Schools
2021-01-01 Sedini, C.; Bolzan, P.; Standoli, C. E.
2015-01-01 Sedini, Carla
Hybrid Economies in Hybrid Cities built on Manufacturing, Networks, and Design.
2022-01-01 Sedini, C.
L’empowerment dei cittadini come co-ricercatori La diversità nelle esperienze di walkability
2024-01-01 Sedini, Carla; D'Ambrosio, Silvia; Pei, Xue
Making the difference through design: Possibilities for the re-production of Social Capital.
2019-01-01 Sedini, C.
Proximity-based urban planning models as the inter-face between governments and makers, designers, and citizens towards distributed economies.
2024-01-01 Menichinelli, M.; D'Elia, L.; D'Ambrosio, S.; Sedini, C.
Regeneration through Design. Comparing old and new phases of urban renewal strategies.
2016-01-01 Parente, Marina; Sedini, Carla; Simonelli, Giuliano
The BODYSOUND case. A tangible prototype for co-designing "intangible" healthcare solutions
2020-01-01 Cipriani, L.; Ascani, A.; Sedini, C; Bianchini, M.; Maffei, S.
THE CITY OF CARE THROUGH WALKABILITY AND PROXIMITY. Researching on and with Generation Alpha on urban walkability assessment
2023-01-01 Pei, X.; D'Ambrosio, S.; Sedini, C.