Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.755
EU - Europa 1.026
AS - Asia 503
AF - Africa 57
SA - Sud America 49
OC - Oceania 25
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
Totale 4.421
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.688
IT - Italia 482
SG - Singapore 157
DE - Germania 122
CN - Cina 77
VN - Vietnam 73
ID - Indonesia 63
CA - Canada 60
GB - Regno Unito 60
FI - Finlandia 58
FR - Francia 43
IE - Irlanda 43
NL - Olanda 43
IN - India 31
ES - Italia 23
BE - Belgio 22
IR - Iran 22
RU - Federazione Russa 21
SE - Svezia 20
AU - Australia 19
BR - Brasile 17
ZA - Sudafrica 16
CL - Cile 15
UA - Ucraina 15
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
PK - Pakistan 11
AT - Austria 9
JO - Giordania 9
LS - Lesotho 9
PL - Polonia 9
GR - Grecia 8
PH - Filippine 8
TR - Turchia 8
CI - Costa d'Avorio 7
DK - Danimarca 7
MY - Malesia 7
PE - Perù 7
VE - Venezuela 7
HK - Hong Kong 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
PT - Portogallo 6
EU - Europa 5
JP - Giappone 5
NO - Norvegia 5
TH - Thailandia 5
CH - Svizzera 4
ET - Etiopia 4
RO - Romania 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
TZ - Tanzania 4
BJ - Benin 3
EG - Egitto 3
IL - Israele 3
LT - Lituania 3
MX - Messico 3
QA - Qatar 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
CM - Camerun 2
EE - Estonia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
KE - Kenya 2
MA - Marocco 2
MU - Mauritius 2
NG - Nigeria 2
RS - Serbia 2
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AM - Armenia 1
AN - Antille olandesi 1
AR - Argentina 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BF - Burkina Faso 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CO - Colombia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
KR - Corea 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MN - Mongolia 1
PA - Panama 1
SI - Slovenia 1
YE - Yemen 1
Totale 4.421
Città #
Fairfield 359
Chandler 240
Woodbridge 234
Santa Clara 220
Seattle 165
Wilmington 164
Ann Arbor 162
Ashburn 162
Cambridge 153
Houston 152
Milan 140
Singapore 99
Boardman 60
Ottawa 50
Jakarta 49
Dearborn 44
Lawrence 44
Dublin 43
Medford 43
Dong Ket 39
Helsinki 34
Beijing 30
Redwood City 30
San Diego 22
Council Bluffs 18
New York 18
Rome 18
Amsterdam 17
Brussels 16
Redmond 14
Norwalk 13
Phoenix 12
Bergamo 11
Málaga 11
Nuremberg 11
Saronno 11
Abbadia San Salvatore 10
Amman 9
Dallas 9
Olomouc 9
Warsaw 9
Brescia 8
Des Moines 8
Inzago 8
London 8
Abidjan 7
Mountain View 7
Paris 7
Vienna 7
Cranfield 6
Falls Church 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Johannesburg 6
Malang 6
Maseru 6
Padova 6
São Paulo 6
Ankara 5
Berlin 5
Enschede 5
Hebei 5
Princeton 5
Tehran 5
Tokyo 5
Bangalore 4
Charlottesville 4
Cuneo 4
Dar es Salaam 4
Distrito Federal 4
Eindhoven 4
Hong Kong 4
Imola 4
Kilburn 4
Köln 4
Los Angeles 4
Modena 4
Pedrengo 4
Santiago 4
Shanghai 4
Tirupati 4
Trujillo 4
Washington 4
Addis Ababa 3
Adelaide 3
Athens 3
Auckland 3
Bangkok 3
Birkenau 3
Bischheim 3
Bochum 3
Castiglione Chiavarese 3
Cebu City 3
Cotonou 3
Doha 3
Gelsenkirchen 3
Genova 3
Gragnano Trebbiense 3
Haifa 3
Hanoi 3
Heusenstamm 3
Totale 3.223
Nome #
Studying the funding principles for integrating Asset Management in Operations: an empirical research in production companies 169
A Framework for Implementing Value-Based Approach in Asset Management 145
Data-driven CBM tool for risk-informed decision-making in an electric arc furnace 141
Investigating information and data criticality in Asset Management decision-making process 132
On the relationship of spare parts inventory policies with Total Cost of Ownership of industrial assets 131
Exploring the role of Digital Twin for Asset Lifecycle Management 130
Building a Total Cost of Ownership model to support manufacturing asset lifecycle management 130
Framework for simulation software selection 126
An Inventory-Location Modeling Structure for Spare Parts Supply Chain Network Design Problems in Industrial End-User Sites 118
A review of multi-criteria classification of spare parts: From literature analysis to industrial evidences 116
Cross-Correlation Method for Orchestration of Preventive Maintenance Interventions 115
The future of maintenance within industry 4.0: An empirical research in manufacturing 109
Conceptual Framework for a Data Model to Support Asset Management Decision-Making Process 105
A framework to embed Asset Management in production companies 104
On the classification of spare parts with a multi-criteria perspective 102
Factory-level performance evaluation of buffered multi-state production systems 101
Application of a Performance-driven Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Evaluation Model for Physical Asset Management 97
The link between costs and performances for total cost of ownership evaluation of physical asset: State of the art review 94
Risk Sources Affecting the Asset Management Decision-Making Process in Manufacturing: A Systematic Review of the Literature 88
The perceived value of additively manufactured digital spare parts in industry: An empirical investigation 88
The implications of condition monitoring on asset-related decision-making in the Italian power distribution sector 87
Linking the spare parts management with the total costs of ownership: An agenda for future research 85
A Conceptual Model of the IT Ecosystem for Asset Management in the Global Manufacturing Context 85
Model-based evaluation of Asset Operational Availability 84
A criticality-driven methodology for the selection of spare parts stock management policies: the case of a beverage industry company 84
Exploring Synergies Between Circular Economy and Asset Management 81
Role of simulation in industrial engineering: focus on manufacturing systems 79
Remaining useful life estimation for informed end of life management of industrial assets: A conceptual model 77
Total Cost of Ownership Driven Methodology for Predictive Maintenance Implementation in Industrial Plants 77
System-Oriented Reliability-Based Methodology for Optimal Joint Maintenance and Production Planning 76
Modelling and solving spare parts supply chain network design problems 76
Application of Artificial Neural Networks to a Model of a Helicopter Rotor Blade for Damage Identification in Realistic Load Conditions 75
Information as a key dimension to develop industrial asset management in manufacturing 74
TCO evaluation in physical asset management : benefits and limitations for industrial adoption 71
A methodology to boost data-driven decision-making process for a modern maintenance practice 71
Knowledge reuse for ontology modelling in Maintenance and Industrial Asset Management 71
On the Advancement of Maintenance Management Towards Smart Maintenance in Manufacturing 70
Analysing the support of sustainability within the manufacturing strategy through multiple perspectives of different business functions 69
Aligning classification and inventory control of spare parts in the frame of an integrated management process 66
Experimental comparison of spare parts inventory models through simulation: The case of a railway line 60
Data taxonomy to manage information and data in Maintenance Management 57
On the focal concepts of Maintenance in the Digital era 55
Big Data Adoption in Strategic Decision-Making for Railway Infrastructure Asset Management 48
Multi-attribute ontology-based criticality analysis of manufacturing assets for maintenance strategies planning 47
Ontology-augmented Prognostics and Health Management for shopfloor-synchronised joint maintenance and production management decisions 46
Enterprise information systems interoperability for asset lifecycle management to enhance circular manufacturing 43
System-Level Overall Equipment Effectiveness for Improving Asset Management Performance: A Case Study Application 42
A Methodology for Ensuring Strategic Alignment of Railway Infrastructure Asset Management Processes 40
An ontological modelling of multi-attribute criticality analysis to guide Prognostics and Health Management program development 40
Maintenance concepts evolution: a comparative review towards Advanced Maintenance conceptualization 40
A Decision Support Tool for the Economic Impact Assessment of Structural Health Monitoring Systems in Composite Rotorcraft Elements 37
Advances in Production Management Systems: Issues, Trends, and Vision Towards 2030 37
Application of Total Cost of Ownership Driven Methodology for Predictive Maintenance Implementation in the Food Industry 34
Economic Impact Assessment of Structural Health Monitoring Systems on Helicopter Blade Beginning of Life 32
Integrating Modelling of Maintenance Policies within a Stochastic Hybrid Automaton Framework of Dynamic Reliability 27
Sustainable Maintenance Performances and EN 15341:2019: An Integration Proposal 26
Proposal and test of a configurable production system Digital Model to support Energy-based Asset Management 25
Semantic Interoperability in Industrial Maintenance-related Applications: Multiple Ontologies Integration towards a Unified BFO-compliant Taxonomy 21
Norm-based data labelling in supervised learning for fault detection and diagnostics of rotating elements towards maintenance servitisation 18
Totale 4.574
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.392
article - articoli 6.262
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 11.223
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 907
Totale 36.784

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020421 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 111 65 93 50
2020/2021710 48 56 39 23 63 50 70 57 60 94 47 103
2021/2022450 43 20 28 19 14 54 40 42 25 41 51 73
2022/2023614 57 93 22 64 60 76 10 48 87 36 42 19
2023/2024432 34 54 22 30 32 60 27 40 18 24 24 67
2024/2025804 14 43 95 59 329 132 103 29 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.574