Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.442
EU - Europa 2.105
AS - Asia 447
AF - Africa 10
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
SA - Sud America 2
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 6.012
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.335
SE - Svezia 445
UA - Ucraina 445
IT - Italia 328
DE - Germania 220
AT - Austria 185
FI - Finlandia 164
SG - Singapore 162
VN - Vietnam 119
GB - Regno Unito 117
CA - Canada 106
CN - Cina 94
IE - Irlanda 73
ES - Italia 42
FR - Francia 28
JO - Giordania 26
NL - Olanda 24
IN - India 18
KR - Corea 15
CH - Svizzera 14
BE - Belgio 11
CI - Costa d'Avorio 10
TR - Turchia 9
EU - Europa 5
HU - Ungheria 3
BR - Brasile 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
AM - Armenia 1
AU - Australia 1
HR - Croazia 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MX - Messico 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PH - Filippine 1
PT - Portogallo 1
Totale 6.012
Città #
Chandler 348
Fairfield 299
Wilmington 278
Jacksonville 260
Santa Clara 221
Ashburn 213
Dearborn 193
Vienna 182
Woodbridge 164
Ann Arbor 136
Seattle 124
Cambridge 115
Singapore 114
Boardman 112
Lawrence 108
Houston 106
Medford 104
Ottawa 104
Dublin 72
Dong Ket 59
Helsinki 56
Málaga 39
Beijing 38
Auburn Hills 32
Amman 26
Milan 26
Columbus 22
San Diego 22
Amsterdam 21
Des Moines 20
Duncan 17
Norwalk 16
Verona 15
Bern 14
Seongnam 14
Brussels 11
Fremont 11
Abidjan 10
Catania 10
Florence 10
Redwood City 9
Hefei 8
Shanghai 8
Guangzhou 6
Izmir 6
Washington 6
Mcallen 5
Turin 5
Miami 4
Princeton 4
Budapest 3
Kunming 3
Madrid 3
Mountain View 3
Nanjing 3
New York 3
Rome 3
Schio 3
Shenyang 3
Berlin 2
Bologna 2
Bovisio Masciago 2
Cisano Bergamasco 2
Hong Kong 2
Jinan 2
Kilburn 2
London 2
Los Angeles 2
Munich 2
Nanchang 2
Naples 2
North York 2
Nürnberg 2
Portland 2
Bollate 1
Centrale 1
Chengdu 1
Clifton 1
Como 1
Corciano 1
Council Bluffs 1
Dronten 1
Düzce 1
Falkenstein 1
Forano 1
Fuzhou 1
Gratacasolo 1
Gunzenhausen 1
Hangzhou 1
Hanover 1
Harbin 1
Hounslow 1
Huzhou 1
Joinville 1
João Monlevade 1
Lisbon 1
Luxembourg 1
Madison 1
Manila 1
Montecorvino Rovella 1
Totale 3.886
Nome #
Absolute frequency stabilization of diode-pumped Er-Yb lasers around 1500 nm wavelength 115
Amplitude and frequency noise sensitivities of optical frequency discriminators based on Fabry-Perot interferometers and the frequency modulation technique 110
Absolute frequency stabilization of two diode-pumped Er-Yb:glass lasers to the acetylene P(15) line at 1534 nm 107
Metal-semiconductor point-contact diodes for frequency mixing in near infrared 105
Amplitude response of Fabry-Perot frequency discriminators 101
New Schottky diodes with very broad frequency band 99
Measurements of Near Infrared Frequency Mixing by Metal-Semiconductor Point-Contact Diodes 93
High-Stability 72-GHz Gunn Oscillator for the Characterization of Ultra-High-Speed Optical Receivers Based on InP and InSb Schottky Diodes 92
Measurements of Near Infrared Frequency Mixing by Metal-Semiconductor Point-Contact Diodes 92
A 100 MHz to 5.4 GHz frequency multiplier with low phase noise degradation 91
High.stability 72 GHz Gunn oscillator for the characterization of ultra-high-speed optical receivers based on InP and InSb Schottky diodes 91
Absolute Laser Frequency Stabilization to R(3) Absorption Line of HI at 1541.06 nm 90
Absolute frequency stabilization of 1.54 um solid-state Er-Yb: glass lasers against 39K and 13C2H2 satured absorptions 89
Frequency stabilization of DBR diode laser against Cs absorption lines at 852 nm using the modulation transfer method 89
Frequency-noise sensitivity and amplitude-noise immunity of discriminators based on fringe-side Fabry-Perot cavities 88
Lock-in amplifier up to 530 MHz with phase and amplitude demodulation 82
Absolute Frequency Stabilization of 1.54 um Solid State Er Yb:glass Lasers Against 39K and 13C2H2 Saturated Absorptions 82
Nuovi diodi Schottky a larga banda 79
Frequency-Noise Sensitivity and Amplitude-Noise immunity of Discriminators Based on Fringe-Side Fabry-Perot Cavities 79
High-stability 72 GHz gunn oscillator for the characterization of ultra-high-speed optical receivers based on InP and InSb Schottky diodes 77
High-Resolution Spectroscopy of the 39K Transitions at 770 nm and 13C2H2 Saturated Lines by a Solid-State Laser at 1.54 um: Toward an Accurate Frequency Standard in the Optical Communication Band 75
Ultrastable Diode Pumped Er-Yb Solid State Laser For High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Optical Frequency Standard at 1.5 um 75
Amplificatore lock-in fino a 530 MHz con demodulazione di fase e ampiezza 73
Frequency stabilized 1.54 um Er-Yb bulk laser against sub-Doppler 13C2H2 absorption lines 72
Stabilizzazione di un laser a cavità estesa sulla riga di assorbimento dello ioduro d’idrogeno a 1.541 µm 72
Compact and accurate digital thermometer based on an Anderson’s loop and a Pt-100 sensor 72
IDEFIX-Innovative devices for frequency mixing from infrared to near ultraviolet 71
Fabry-Perot frequency discriminators: sensitivity, amplitude noise immunity and noise limits 71
Frequency stabilization of frequency-doubled Nd:YAG lasers at 532 nm 71
Compact and accurate digital thermometer based on an Anderson’s loop and a Pt-100 sensor 71
Frequency stabilization of DBR diode laser against Cs absorption lines at 852 nm using the modulation transfer method 71
Schottky diodes with very broad frequency band 69
Frequency stabilization of frequency-doubled Nd:YAG lasers at 532 nm by Frequency Modulation Spectroscopy technique 68
Characterization of a novel high-power fiber-pumped Er-Yb microlaser in single-frequency operation at 1.5 um 67
Frequency stabilization to a molecular line of a diode-pumped Er-Yb laser at 1533-nm wavelength 66
Spettroscopia laser della molecola di Ioduro d’Idrogeno a 1.54 um 64
Campioni d frequenza a 1.54 um mediante laser a Er-Yb stabilizzati su righe sature di 39K e 13C2H2 63
Frequency stabilized Er-Yb laser on 13C2H2 satured absorptions around 1.54 um 63
Absolute frequency stabilization of solid state Er-Yb lasers at 1.5 um 62
Non-linear spectroscopy of isotopic acetylene at lambda=1.5 um for absolute frequency stabilization of diode-pumped Er-Yb:glass laser 61
Spettroscopia Diretta e FM con Laser ECLD di Righe Spettrali di HI e CH3D a 1.54 um 60
Laser a Tm-Ho: YAG stabilizzato in frequenza rispetto ad assorbimenti di HBr e CO2 a 2.1 um 60
Amplitude-noise response of Fabry-Perot frequency discriminators based on the Pound-Drever technique 60
Absolute frequency stabilization of erbium microlasers to C2H2 and 13C2H2 lines in the 1530-1550 nm wavelength interval 60
Measurement methods of frequency noise in optical sources based on Fabry Perot discriminators 60
Realizzazione di un accurato termometro digitale basato su sensore Pt-100 eccitato da un anello di corrente. 59
Characterization of Er-Yb:glass lasers at 1.5 um wavelength in terms of amplitude and frequency stability 59
Frequency stabilization of a 1.54 µm Er-Yb laser against Doppler-free 13C2H2 lines 59
Stabilizzazione in frequenza di laser a 2.1 um rispetto ad assorbimenti molecolari di CO2 58
Caratterizzazione a temperatura ambiente di un laser Yb:KYF4 pompato a diodo 57
Misure Elettroniche di Laboratorio 56
Frequency stabilized Er-Yb laser to several molecular lines in the 1541-1551 nm range for WDM systems 56
Spettroscopia non lineare ad elevata risoluzione di 127I2 a 532 nm e misure di separazione iperfine 54
Polyphase synthesizer for unlike-impedance intercomparison system 54
Stabilizzazione Assoluta in Frequenza di Sorgenti Laser a Er-Yb su Righe di Assorbimento di C2H2 52
Highly sensitive heterodyne receivers for submillimeter-wave astronomy 51
Spettroscopia laser a 1.54 um di transizioni molecolari di HI 51
Misure Elettroniche di Laboratorio 50
Frequency noise and tunability measurements for diode-pumped Er-Yb bulk lasers at 1.5 um: optical frequency standard based on saturated acetylene 50
Campione di frequenza a 1.54 um basato su laser a Er-Yb e assorbimenti saturi di 39K e13 C2 H2 50
Diode Pumped 2 um Optical Oscillator for High Resolution Spectroscopy and Frequency Metrology 49
Laser a stato solido pompati a diodi per applicazioni in metrologia e come campioni di frequenza ottica 48
Diode-pumped 2 um optical oscillator for high-resolution spectroscopy and frequency metrology 48
High-stability fiber-pumped room-temperature Tm-Ho: YAG laser at 2.097 mm and spectroscopy of HBr 47
Fondamenti della Misurazione 47
Realizzazione di laser Tm:Yag in singolo modo a 2 um per applicazioni metrologiche LIDAR-Doppler 46
Amplitude and frequency stability measurements of 195-THz erbium-microlaser oscillators 46
Nuovo laser a Er-Yb in singola frequenza a 1.5 um con pompa in fibra e potenza d'uscita di 20 mW 45
Oscillatore stabilizzato a 72 GHz per caratterizzare mescolatori di frequenze ottiche a diodi Schottky in InP e InSb 45
Toward the realization of a frequency standard at 1.5 um based on narrow linewidth erbium lasers and saturated acetylene lines 45
Characterization of the modulation transfer spectroscopy method by means of He-Ne lasers and 127I2 absorption lines at lambda=612nm 45
High frequency stability diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers using the FM side-bands method and Doppler-free iodine at 532 nm 44
Campione di frequenza ottico basato su laser a Nd:YAG e assorbimenti saturi di iodio a 532 nm 44
Innovative devices for frequency mixing from infrared to near ultraviolet 43
Experimental characterization of FM spectroscopy of 127I2 at 532 nm using a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser 42
High-resolution spectroscopy of the 39K transitions at 770 nm by a solid-state 1.54 um laser: toward an optical frequency standard in th optical communication band 42
Stato ed evoluzione della ricerca metrologica in Italia 41
Stabilizzazione Assoluta in Frequenza di Sorgente laser a Er-Yb su Righe di Assorbimentodi C2H2 41
Campione di frequenza ottica a 1.5 um basato su assorbimenti saturi di acetilene e laser a Er-Yb pompati da diodi 41
Toward a 1.54 um Frequency Standard with Er-Yb (13C2H2) 41
Optical frequency standard at 194 369 569.4(5) MHz by solid-laser locked against P(16) line of 13C2H2 41
Laser Spectroscopy of Hidrogen Iodide molecule at 1.54?um 40
Sviluppo e caratterizzazione di laser a stato solido operanti in singola frequenza a 2 um 40
Stabilization of a 2.1 um diode-pumped Tm-Ho:YAG laser against linear transitions of CO2 39
Realizzazione di Riferimenti di Frequenza Ottiche per per applicazioni in Metrologia, Spettroscopia e Comunicazioni. 39
Misura delle Fluttuazioni e Stabilizzazione di Frequenza Laser per la Sensoristica, la Spettroscopia e le Comunicazioni 38
Frequency stability measurements of 1.5 um erbium lasers locked to acetylene absorption lines 38
Frequency-noise and amplitude-noise immunity of discriminators based on fringe-side Fabry-Perot 36
Measurement and characterization of the frequency noise of a laser-diode-pumped single-frequency Tm-Ho: YAG laser 34
Realization and characterization of fiber-pumped room temperature Tm:YAG and Tm-Ho:YAG lasers at 2 um wavelength 34
Frequency stability measurements of 1.5 um erbium lasers locked to acetylene absorption lines 33
Stabilizzazione in frequenza di laser a 2 um rispetto ad assorbimenti molecolari 31
Principi di Misura 30
Saturated absorption spectroscopy of 127I2 at 532 nm and hyperfine splitting measurements 30
Frequency noise measurements of 1.5 um erbium lasers against molecular and Fabry-Perot reference lines 29
Novel fiber-pumped quasi-monolithic Er-Yb: glass laser with single-frequency output power of 60 mW at 1.534 um 28
Misure di Stabilità in Frequenza di Microlaser a Er-Yb riferiti a Transizioni Molecolari tra 1532 e 1551 nm 28
Non linear spectroscopy of isotopic acetylene at lambda=1.5 um for absolute frequency stabilization of diode pumped Er Yb:glass lasers 27
FM Spectroscopy of Monodeuterated Methane as a Frequency Standard at 1.54 um 25
Totale 5.917
Categoria #
all - tutte 20.340
article - articoli 4.907
book - libri 659
conference - conferenze 14.277
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 497
Totale 40.680

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020689 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 66 151 92 151 60
2020/2021974 91 16 113 13 115 97 67 84 62 117 66 133
2021/2022698 65 91 22 62 101 10 15 28 26 60 66 152
2022/2023862 124 54 25 71 83 115 0 75 147 65 70 33
2023/2024441 34 71 49 40 24 57 16 12 1 74 4 59
2024/2025512 16 31 41 31 341 41 11 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.056