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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A research through design practice to envision home scenarios in the post-Covid-19 future 1-gen-2021 x. PeiD. MaurerC. SediniF. Zurlo
A Systemic Approach to Proximity Through Design for Relations 1-gen-2022 C. SediniS. D'AmbrosioX. PeiF. Zurlo
About the relation between design and strategy 1-gen-2006 CAUTELA, CABIRIOZURLO, FRANCESCO
An Exploratory Study of the Business Strategies for Virtual Idols in the Era of Phygitalization—Analysis in the Perspective of Cases in China 1-gen-2021 Zurlo, Francesco +
Barriers and capabilities for embedding a Strategic Design for Sustainability approach in organisation 1-gen-2022 M. ItaliaF. Zurlo
Building an Age-friendly City for Elderly Citizens through Co-designing an Urban Walkable Scenario 1-gen-2019 X. PEIC. SEDINIf. zurlo
Co-designing a walkable city for the elderly through system thinking approach 1-gen-2019 X. PeiC. SediniF. Zurlo
Conceiving a (New) Definition of Hub for the Development of a Transnational Network for Creative Companies 1-gen-2014 SEDINI, CARLAVIGNATI, ARIANNAZURLO, FRANCESCO
Creativity and ICT to drive new entrepreneurship education 1-gen-2017 VIGNATI, ARIANNAZURLO, FRANCESCO +
Design and competence. Design process as the result of interactive relationships between key actors, within context-specific boundaries. Evidence from Italy 1-gen-2000 MAFFEI, STEFANOZURLO, FRANCESCO
Design and Gamification for Reshaping Relations and Services in Social Cooperatives 1-gen-2016 MELAZZINI, MICHELEPEI, XUEVIGNATI, ARIANNAZURLO, FRANCESCO +
Design as a creative mean in response to COVID-19 1-gen-2021 Gianluca CarellaMattia ItaliaSilvia D'AmbrosioFrancesco Zurlo
Design as strategy to improve wooden furniture production, through a network perspective 1-gen-2012 NUNES, VIVIANEZURLO, FRANCESCO
Design for enabling bottom-up creative thinking in organisations through shaping the workplace 1-gen-2020 Xue PEIDaniela MAURERFrancesco ZURLO
Design for Management: new ways for decision making 1-gen-2008 ZURLO, FRANCESCOCAUTELA, CABIRIO
Design process for ipercompetitive markets 1-gen-2005 CAUTELA, CABIRIOZURLO, FRANCESCO
Design Project in wooden furniture MSEs: limits of collaboration in a Brazilian local context 1-gen-2013 NUNES, VIVIANEZURLO, FRANCESCO
Design Thinking Methods to Activate Co-creation Process Among Policymakers, Creative Industries and SMEs 1-gen-2020 M. MelazziniG. CarellaA. VignatiF. Zurlo +
Design-led Approaches as Catalyst for New Paradigm: Social engagement for empowering vulnerable communities and organisations 1-gen-2016 PEI, XUEZURLO, FRANCESCO
Designing a competence. Design process as the result of a “learning by interacting” practice. Evidence from Italy 1-gen-2000 MAFFEI, STEFANOZURLO, FRANCESCO