3D Refraction statics in the wavenumber domain
2001-01-01 Zanzi, Luigi; S., Bellotti; E., Stucchi
A customized resistivity system for monitoring saturation and seepage in earthen levees: Installation and validation
2017-01-01 Arosio, Diego; Munda, Stefano; Tresoldi, Greta; Papini, Monica; Longoni, Laura; Zanzi, Luigi
A new geological model for Spriana landslide
2014-01-01 Longoni, Laura; Papini, Monica; Arosio, Diego; Zanzi, Luigi; Brambilla, Davide
Analysis of Approximations and Aperture Distortion for 3D Migration of Bistatic Radar Data with the Two-Step Approach
2010-01-01 Zanzi, Luigi; Lualdi, Maurizio
Analysis of microseismic signals collected on an unstable rock face in the Italian Prealps
2018-01-01 Arosio, Diego; Longoni, Laura; Papini, Monica; Boccolari, Mauro; Zanzi, Luigi
Analysis of the CROP-04 seismic data
2007-01-01 A., Mazzotti; E., Stucchi; G., Fradelizio; Zanzi, Luigi
Analytical Models and Laboratory Measurements to Explore the Potential of GPR for Quality Control of Marble Block Repair through Resin Injections
2022-01-01 Izadi-Yazdanabadi, M.; Hojat, A.; Zanzi, L.; Karimi-Nasab, S.; Arosio, D.
Avaliaçao da constituiçao de elementos estruturais através do radar de prospecçao geotécnica
2006-01-01 F., Fernandes; P., Lourenco; Zanzi, Luigi
Calibration of sonic pulse velocity tests for detection of variable conditions in masonry walls
2018-01-01 Rosa Valluzzi, Maria; Cescatti, Elvis; Cardani, Giuliana; Cantini, Lorenzo; Zanzi, Luigi; Colla, Camilla; Casarin, Filippo
Designing the expanded microseismic monitoring network for an unstable rock face in Northern Italy
2022-01-01 Zhang, Z.; Arosio, D.; Hojat, A.; Zanzi, L.
Detection of linear objects in GPR data
2004-01-01 Dell'Acqua, Andrea; Sarti, Augusto; Tubaro, Stefano; Zanzi, Luigi
ESP Experiments along CROP profiles (03 and 18): remarks on the optimal source-receivers configuration
1998-01-01 E., Stucchi; Zanzi, Luigi
Expanding spread experiments: data processing and contributions
1998-01-01 Zanzi, Luigi
Forward Modeling Simulations to Validate Changes in Electrical Resistivity Tomography Monitoring Data for a Slope with Complex Geology
2025-01-01 Hojat, A.; Zanzi, L.; Tresoldi, G.; Loke, M. H.
2020-01-01 Tresoldi, G.; Hojat, A.; Zanzi, L.
Geoelectrical characterization and monitoring of slopes on a rainfall-triggered landslide simulator
2019-01-01 Hojat, A.; Arosio, D.; Ivanov, V. I.; Longoni, L.; Papini, M.; Scaioni, M.; Tresoldi, G.; Zanzi, L.
Geological and geophysical investigations to analyse a lateral spreading phenomenon: the case study of Torrioni di Rialba, northern Italy
2019-01-01 Arosio, D.; Longoni, L.; Papini, M.; Bievre, G.; Zanzi, L.
GPR investigations to assess the state of damage of a concrete water tunnel
2012-01-01 Arosio, Diego; Munda, Stefano; Zanzi, Luigi; Longoni, Laura; Papini, Monica
GPR measurements to detect major discontinuities at Cheshmeh-Shirdoosh limestone quarry, Iran
2017-01-01 Zanzi, Luigi; Hojat, Azadeh; Ranjbar, Hojjatollah; Karimi-Nasab, Saeed; Azadi, Asghar; Arosio, Diego
Ground Penetrating Radar antennas: theoretical and experimental directivity functions
2001-01-01 S., Valle; Zanzi, Luigi; M., Sgheiz; G., Lenzi; J., Friborg