Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.871
NA - Nord America 5.672
AS - Asia 1.438
SA - Sud America 243
AF - Africa 160
OC - Oceania 69
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
Totale 13.464
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.451
IT - Italia 2.859
DE - Germania 507
UA - Ucraina 439
SG - Singapore 308
CN - Cina 293
GB - Regno Unito 281
SE - Svezia 267
FI - Finlandia 219
NL - Olanda 177
IN - India 172
AT - Austria 159
CA - Canada 155
FR - Francia 153
ES - Italia 151
IE - Irlanda 136
VN - Vietnam 134
CH - Svizzera 127
DK - Danimarca 105
ID - Indonesia 81
CO - Colombia 71
BR - Brasile 67
AU - Australia 65
TR - Turchia 56
PL - Polonia 52
BE - Belgio 49
MX - Messico 48
JP - Giappone 45
AR - Argentina 37
PK - Pakistan 36
HK - Hong Kong 34
IR - Iran 34
NO - Norvegia 34
TW - Taiwan 31
TH - Thailandia 30
CL - Cile 27
EG - Egitto 27
NG - Nigeria 27
SA - Arabia Saudita 26
GY - Guiana 25
KR - Corea 25
PH - Filippine 24
PT - Portogallo 24
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 23
RU - Federazione Russa 22
GR - Grecia 21
JO - Giordania 18
BG - Bulgaria 17
ZA - Sudafrica 17
CI - Costa d'Avorio 16
RO - Romania 16
MY - Malesia 14
HR - Croazia 13
GH - Ghana 12
PE - Perù 11
KE - Kenya 10
BJ - Benin 9
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 9
EU - Europa 9
ZM - Zambia 9
IL - Israele 8
KW - Kuwait 8
KZ - Kazakistan 8
LK - Sri Lanka 6
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 6
EE - Estonia 5
MD - Moldavia 5
QA - Qatar 5
SO - Somalia 5
CM - Camerun 4
HU - Ungheria 4
MZ - Mozambico 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
RS - Serbia 4
AL - Albania 3
BB - Barbados 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
BY - Bielorussia 3
CD - Congo 3
MA - Marocco 3
UG - Uganda 3
YE - Yemen 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
IQ - Iraq 2
JM - Giamaica 2
KH - Cambogia 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
MU - Mauritius 2
PA - Panama 2
SD - Sudan 2
SS - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.SS??? 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
UY - Uruguay 2
VE - Venezuela 2
AM - Armenia 1
BH - Bahrain 1
BW - Botswana 1
CY - Cipro 1
EC - Ecuador 1
Totale 13.452
Città #
Milan 602
Fairfield 457
Woodbridge 452
Chandler 392
Ann Arbor 388
Ashburn 376
Santa Clara 347
Houston 310
Wilmington 281
Seattle 223
Singapore 212
Rome 171
Cambridge 168
Boardman 165
Vienna 140
Helsinki 125
Dearborn 122
Dublin 116
Lawrence 107
Shanghai 106
Jacksonville 102
Kyiv 100
Ottawa 97
Redwood City 95
Beijing 86
Dong Ket 79
Málaga 69
Bern 61
Amsterdam 60
Princeton 57
Medford 53
Jakarta 52
Stockholm 45
New York 39
Washington 36
London 35
Brussels 34
Bogotá 32
Des Moines 32
Frankfurt am Main 31
Bangkok 29
Brescia 29
Istanbul 29
San Diego 27
Miami 26
Sydney 26
Turin 26
Georgetown 25
Lviv 25
Munich 23
Paris 23
Taipei 23
Torino 23
Lappeenranta 22
Norwalk 22
Dnipro 21
Genoa 21
Berlin 20
Buenos Aires 20
Dallas 20
Mumbai 20
Copenhagen 19
Duncan 19
Zurich 19
Corciano 18
Lecco 18
Riyadh 18
Santiago 18
Amman 17
Como 17
Hong Kong 17
Madrid 17
Naples 17
Toronto 17
Warsaw 17
Abidjan 16
Frederiksberg 16
Los Angeles 16
Chennai 15
Columbus 15
Hamburg 15
Lagos 15
Menlo Park 15
Mountain View 15
Melbourne 14
Bologna 13
Falls Church 13
Venice 13
Verona 13
Bergamo 12
Busto Arsizio 12
Cairo 12
Cassina Rizzardi 12
Chernivtsi 12
Dortmund 12
Falkenstein 12
Mexico City 12
Porto Alegre 12
Potenza 12
Stuttgart 12
Totale 7.539
Nome #
A New Path Toward a Hybrid Model: Insights from PwC’s Italian Experience Centre 2.560
Orthogonal two-sided markets: strategies and new opportunities through breakthrough innovations 560
Platform Thinking: Read the past. Write the future. 270
Disrupting the Disruptors or Enhancing Them? How Blockchain Re-Shapes Two-Sided Platforms 210
Exploring the inbound and outbound strategies enabled by user generated big data: Evidence from leading smartphone applications 190
Le relazioni tra imprese e università nel paradigma dell’open innovation 184
Data-Driven Innovation: switching the perspective on Big Data 181
Leadership and Design in Innovation: from Process management to People-Object interaction 173
Do you care how digital platforms use your data? The role of transparency in Data-Driven Business Models 164
Idle Asset Hunters—The Secret of Multi-sided Platforms 156
Platform strategies: how the position in the network drives success 154
IDeaLs (Innovation and Design as Leadership): Transformation in the Digital Era 154
Attitude vs involvement: a systematic literature review at the intersection between engagement and innovation 145
Fostering digital platform innovation: From two to multi‐sided platforms 144
Business Model Transparency: do you care how digital platforms use your data? 140
An Experience in Applying User Centered Design to Search Computing 139
Digital Platform and Complementors: An Empirical Analysis Based on YouTube Content Creators 139
Adoption of NPD Flexibility Practices in New Technology-Based Firms 138
New frontiers of Platform Thinking in the Metaverse: the blurred line between innovation and transactional platforms 133
Organisational implications of Open Innovation: An analysis of inter-industry patterns 131
The design process of corporate universities: A stakeholder approach 131
Virtual-Real Seamless Services: Mass Personalization in the mobile-app industry 130
Developing a shared vision: strong teams have the power 130
Engaging companies in relevant and rigorous research: a hybrid approach at the intersection between Action Research, Collaborative Management Research and Design Science Research 129
Analysis of Business Models for Search Computing 127
Unveiling the Potentialities Provided by New Technologies: A Process to Pursue Technology Epiphanies in the Smartphone App Industry 125
Launching a Two-Sided Platform: The Role of Platform Enhancers 119
Exploring The Relationships Between Product Development and Environmental Turbulence: The Case of Mobile Tlc Services 118
Interplay between technology and meaning: How music majors reacted? 118
How do Big Bang Disruptors look like? A Business Model perspective 118
Landlords with no lands:a systematic literature review on hybrid multi-sided platforms and platform thinking 105
Design Inertia: Designing for life-cycle flexibility in Internet-based services 103
Limitless personalisation: the role of Big Data in unveiling service opportunities 100
Crowdsourcing intermediaries and problem typologies: An explorative study 100
Motivational Orientations in the Innovation Contests: why people decide to participate? 98
Quantity or quality? Value creation in two-sided platforms 97
The power of storymaking: engaging people in organization to make innovation happen 97
How music majors survived radical innovations of meaning? 96
Design Inertia: Designing for life-cycle flexibility in Internet-based services 95
Figures of Speech as Semantic Operators in the Innovation Process 95
Measuring the impact of a major project management educational program: The PMP case in Finmeccanica 95
Story-making for innovation: creating a transformation journey to make transformation happen 94
The role of partnership in the transition towards industrialized solutions 91
Extracting value from Big Data: Two-sided market strategy 86
Re-design two-sided markets strategies in high-tech industries 86
Exploring the Relationships between Product Development and Environmental Turbulence: The Case of Mobile TLC Services 86
Life-Cycle Flexibility: How to measure and improve the innovative capability in turbulent environments 85
Assessing the Impact of Project Management Corporate Training Programs 85
Investigating inter-industry differences in the implementation of open innovation 85
Studying the solver’s motivation in participating to a contest: the case of University Contests 84
New service development: exploratory study on innovation processes in experience intensive services 82
Give Away Your Digital Services: Leveraging Big Data to Capture Value 79
Shared Vision as a guide to Organizational Innovation: A Systematic Literature Review 78
Benefits Planning Roadmap 76
performance control for projects 76
Life-Cycle Flexibility: how to measure and improve the innovative capability in turbulent environments 75
Exploring the Inbound and Outbound Strategies enabled by User Generated Big Data: Evidences from Leading Smartphone Applications 74
Disrupting the Disruptors or Enhancing Them? How Blockchain Re-Shapes Two-Sided Platforms 74
Intimacy for fruitful Sensemaking: How intimate moments of reflection nurture individual’s sensemaking of change 74
Drivers of value creation in two-sided digital platforms: an exploratory analysis 72
From Two to Multi-Sided Markets: Fostering Innovation on Digital Platforms 72
When agility meets open innovation: two approaches to manage inbound projects 72
Strategic intent and new service development: the case of Italian theme park destinations 71
How SMEs can climb the ivory tower: evidence from Italy 69
Effects of technological discontinuity: when the incumbents don’t fall 68
Incumbents’ survival after innovation of meaning: the case of Music Majors 68
The evolution of meanings: an empirical analysis of the social media industry 66
Collaborate as a flock in the organization: how selection and synthesis influence knowledge convergence within a complex adaptive system 64
Language Brokering: stimulating creativity during the concept development phase 63
It’s not Uber!: using an amended model based on the utaut perspective to explore the adoption of covid-19 contact tracing apps 63
Studying The Extra-Role Innovation Activities: New Framework For The Idea Management System 62
Unveiling the Potentialities provided by New Technologies: Technologies Epiphanies in the Smartphone App Industry 62
An empirical analysis on stakeholder involvement in new service development 61
The Flocking Behaviour of Firms: an Agent-based Simulation of Organizational Sensemaking 61
NPD flexibility in New Technology Based Firms 60
Assessing the maturity of project management competences and organization in industrial contexts 60
Life-Cycle Flexibility: How to measure and improve the innovative capability in turbulent environments 59
Mistaken without knowing it: the role of heuristics and biases in project management 58
Platform-driven innovation: Unveiling research and business opportunities 58
An empirical analysis on stakeholder involvement in new service development 57
Story-making to nurture change: creating a journey to make transformation happen 56
Data scandals, data breaches, and many more 56
Innovation services for SMEs: a user centred analysis 51
Swarming effect: testing alternative decision-making methods to let people converge towards a new strategic vision 51
Il processo di innovazione 50
Employees As A Source Of Innovation: Antecedents Of Participation In Idea Generation And Implementation 50
null 49
The antecedents of disruption: Business Model configurations of Big Bang Disruptors 49
Language Brokering: teaching the essentials by simulating the concept development phase 48
Re-design two-sided markets strategies in high-tech industries 48
Leveraging employee communities as a source of innovation: Why do employees decide to participate? 48
Open innovation process to inbound knowledge. Collaboration with universities in four leading firms. 47
Quantity or Quality? Feeding cross-side network externalities through alternative strategies 47
Open Innovation, Processes and Organization in 4 Italian leading firms 46
I servizi di supporto all’innovazione e il trasferimento tecnologico nella prospettiva delle imprese 45
I processi di sensemaking nei progetti di innovazione congiunti università – imprese: una ricerca empirica nel settore informatica e telecomunicazioni in Italia 45
Totale 12.403
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.756
article - articoli 17.436
book - libri 1.232
conference - conferenze 17.029
curatela - curatele 139
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.920
Totale 75.512

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.061 0 0 0 0 0 165 188 118 150 87 244 109
2020/20211.714 121 55 136 85 163 208 145 148 149 177 104 223
2021/20222.097 160 206 144 88 208 108 146 186 181 157 220 293
2022/20232.170 197 96 148 121 180 238 107 168 322 166 216 211
2023/20242.334 318 272 142 171 147 236 186 183 76 260 105 238
2024/20251.662 181 194 238 157 645 247 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.745