'Bring Anina to the Surface'. The Intangible Aspects of the Industrial Heritage in Anina between Experiment and Reality
2020-01-01 Pascu, G.; Tiganea, O. C.
Collaboration for the “Post-Industrial” Romanian Cities
2014-01-01 Rotaru, Irina; Tiganea, OANA CRISTINA
Creative si industrial sustenabil in Anina / Sustainable and creative post-industrial revitalization in Anina
2016-01-01 Tiganea, OANA CRISTINA; Rotaru, Irina
Facing the Recent Past: Romanian Industrial Architecture and Modernit Legacy, 1948-1965
2016-01-01 Tiganea, O. C.; Di Biase, C.
From Socialist Industrial Iconic Representation to Present Patrimonial Perception (The Case Study of Hunedoara Steelworks Transylvania)
2016-01-01 Tiganea, OANA CRISTINA
Impressions from the TICCIH Congress
2022-01-01 Tiganea, O. C.
La Comunità e il patrimonio industriale di Anina (Romania). Un processo bottom-up per il dialogo tra passato e futuro
2020-01-01 Tiganea, O. C.; Coletto, M.
La corsa verso il capitalismo (It) / Bucharest and the Capitalist Rush (En)
2012-01-01 Tiganea, OANA CRISTINA
Lecturi interpretative ale proiectelor de arhitectură industrială în perioada postbelică / Lecture notes on projects of industrial architecture in the post-war period
2016-01-01 Tiganea, OANA CRISTINA
Mina de idei Anina. Peisajul industrial Anina: reprezentări şi interpretări patrimoniale
2017-01-01 Tiganea, OANA CRISTINA; Pascu, Gabriela
Modern Industrial Heritage in Romania: Extending the Boundaries to Protect the Recent Past
2013-01-01 Tiganea, OANA CRISTINA
Ongoing territorial transformations in Romania: urbanization through industrialisation and vice versa
2013-01-01 Tiganea, OANA CRISTINA
Patrimoniul urban ca resursă creativă de dezvoltare comunitară. Cetatea Alba Iulia / Urban Heritage as a Creative Resource for Community Development.The Citadel of Alba Iulia
2016-01-01 Tiganea, OANA CRISTINA
Post-industrial Anina / Anina post-industriala
2015-01-01 Tiganea, OANA CRISTINA; Rotaru, Irina
Review to Roberta Grignolo „Diritto e salvaguardia dell’architettura del XX secolo / Law and Conservation of the 20th Century Architecture”
2017-01-01 Tiganea, O. C.
Reviews Daniela Maria Puia, Arhitectura urbană în Transilvania în perioada interbelică (București: Pro Cultura, 2020), 296 p.
2020-01-01 Tiganea, OANA CRISTINA
The Conservation of the Industrial Heritage: Theoretical Approaches and Territorial Experimentations in the Case of Anina (Romania)
2020-01-01 Tiganea, O. C.
The Shift in Paradigm of the (Post)Mining Landscapes, Between Risks and Recognitions
2022-01-01 Tiganea, O. C.; Vigotti, F.
Un'allegoria mistificata / A mystified allegory
2024-01-01 Brenu, Nathan; Pessina, Gloria; Tiganea, Oana
Urban extent of the epidemics: reflections on towns and plagues in Europe in the 19th century / La dimensione urbana delle epidemie: riflessioni su citt e malattie in Europa nel XIX secolo
2021-01-01 Oteri, A. M.; Tiganea, O. C.