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'Bring Anina to the Surface'. The Intangible Aspects of the Industrial Heritage in Anina between Experiment and Reality 1-gen-2020 O. C. Tiganea +
Acciaio e prefabbricati in calcestruzzo nell'architettura industriale rumena, 1948-1965. A confronto con l'eredità del secondo Novecento 1-gen-2016 DI BIASE, CAROLINAOana Tiganea
Alba Verde. Civic Activism and Cultural Initiatives for Now and for the Future / Alba Verde. Activism civic si initiative culturale pentru prezent si viitor 1-gen-2019 O. C. Tiganea
Anina from Mining for Coal to Mining for Ideas. A Possible Path for Regeneration / Anina, de la Mina de carbuni la Mina de idei. O posibilă renastere 1-gen-2019 Oana Tiganea +
Anina in oglinda timpului: confruntarea intre trecut si prezent 1-gen-2019 O. C. Tiganea +
Aspectul intangibil al patrimoniului industrial din Anina intre experiment si realitate 1-gen-2019 O. C. Tiganea
Authenticity between social awareness and conservation. A case study in Bucharest 1-gen-2013 ARESI, MONICATIGANEA, OANA CRISTINA +
Authenticity between social awareness and conservation: a case study in Bucharest 1-gen-2012 ARESI, MONICAPATERNO', DAMIANA LUCIATIGANEA, OANA CRISTINA
Collaboration for the “Post-Industrial” Romanian Cities 1-gen-2014 ROTARU, IRINATIGANEA, OANA CRISTINA
Community-Driven Initiatives for Heritage Acknowledgement, Preservation and Enhancement in European Marginal Area. The case of Rosia Montana (Romania) 1-gen-2022 O. C. TiganeaF. Vigotti
Creative si industrial sustenabil in Anina / Sustainable and creative post-industrial revitalization in Anina 1-gen-2016 Oana TiganeaIrina Rotaru
Ex Cartiera Burgo. Architettura industriale tra conservazione e continuità produttiva 1-gen-2024 O. C. Tiganea
Facing the Recent Past: Romanian Industrial Architecture and Modernit Legacy, 1948-1965 1-gen-2016 O. C. TiganeaC. Di Biase
Fragile Tangible and Intangible Constellations in a Divided City. Urban Planning and Architectural Preservation Perspectives in Nicosia 1-gen-2023 Buoli, AliceTiganea, Oana Cristina
From Socialist Industrial Iconic Representation to Present Patrimonial Perception (The Case Study of Hunedoara Steelworks Transylvania) 1-gen-2016 Oana Tiganea
Impressions from the TICCIH Congress 1-gen-2022 O. C. Tiganea
In the aftermath of nuclear energy production: inherited ‘toxic’ and cultural legacies in Ştei, Romania 1-gen-2024 Tiganea O. C.Vigotti F.
Introduction: Crossing Borders/Building Bridges. An Interdisciplinary and Research-By-Design Approach to Nicosia’s Territorial Fragilities 1-gen-2023 Buoli, AliceTiganea, Oana Cristina
La Comunità e il patrimonio industriale di Anina (Romania). Un processo bottom-up per il dialogo tra passato e futuro 1-gen-2020 O. C. Tiganea +
La corsa verso il capitalismo (It) / Bucharest and the Capitalist Rush (En) 1-gen-2012 TIGANEA, OANA CRISTINA