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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
3D printing of shape memory Alloys for complex architectures of smart structures 1-gen-2024 Biasutti T.Bettini P.Grande A. M.Colosimo B. M.Sala G. +
3D Printing of Shape Memory Alloys for Complex Architectures of Smart Structures 1-gen-2023 Biasutti, T.Bettini, P.Grande, A.Colosimo, B.Sala, G. +
A load identification sensor based on distributed fiber optic technology 1-gen-2017 BETTINI, PAOLOSALA, GIUSEPPE +
A Study on Damping Property of NiTi Elements Produced by Selective Laser‐Beam Melting 1-gen-2021 Bettini, PaoloSala, GiuseppeGrande, Antonio Mattia +
Actuated Composite Corrugated Laminates for Morphing Aerodynamic Surfaces 1-gen-2019 Airoldi, A.Bettini, P.Boiocchi, M.Rigamonti, D.
Advanced Application of Composite Materials in Helicopter and Formula 1 Italian Industries 1-gen-2006 SALA, GIUSEPPEAIROLDI, ALESSANDROBETTINI, PAOLO
An Efficient Approach for Modeling Interlaminar Damage in Composite Laminates with Explicit Finite Element Codes 1-gen-2013 AIROLDI, ALESSANDROSALA, GIUSEPPEBETTINI, PAOLOBALDI, ANDREA
An Integrated Fiber Optic Based SHM System for Structural Composite Components: Application to a Racing Motorbike Fork 1-gen-2023 Rigamonti, D.Bettini, P.Sala, G. +
Analysis of residual stresses and interface damage propagation in hybrid composite/metallic elements monitored through optical fiber sensors 1-gen-2022 Ghiasvand S.Airoldi A.Bettini P. +
Approaches for Numerical Analysis and Experimental Monitoring of Manufacturing Process and Damage Evolution in Carbon/Titanium Hybrid Structures 1-gen-2019 Ghiasvand, S.Airoldi, A.Bettini, P. +
Birefringent optical fibers to decouple thermo-mechanical effects on FBG sensors 1-gen-2024 Casciaro, EmanueleRigamonti, DanielaBettini, Paolo
Blade Load Reconstruction from Embedded Strain Measurements 1-gen-2022 Talamo, C.Bettini, P.Rigamonti, D.Masarati, P. +
Burning Rate Measurements on Damaged Propellant Samples Under Mechanical Loads 1-gen-2006 TUSSIWAND, GIUSEPPEMAGGI, FILIPPODE LUCA, LUIGISALA, GIUSEPPEBETTINI, PAOLO +
Caratterizzazione meccanica e applicazione di modelli iperelastici ad un materiale plastico a base di legante per uso propulsivo spaziale 1-gen-2005 MAGGI, FILIPPOBETTINI, PAOLOSALA, GIUSEPPE
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Smart Laminates Based on NiTiNOL Microactuators: Embedding Techniques and Interface Analysis 1-gen-2008 BETTINI, PAOLOSALA, GIUSEPPEDI LANDRO, LUCA ANGELORIVA, MARCO +
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Smart Laminates Based on NiTiNOL Microactuators: Numerical Modelling and Empirical Correlations 1-gen-2008 RIVA, MARCOBETTINI, PAOLOSALA, GIUSEPPEDI LANDRO, LUCA ANGELO
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Smart Laminates with Embedded SMA Actuators-Part I: Embedding Techniques and Interface Analysis 1-gen-2009 BETTINI, PAOLORIVA, MARCOSALA, GIUSEPPEDI LANDRO, LUCA ANGELOAIROLDI, ALESSANDRO +
Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Smart Laminates with Embedded SMA Actuators-Part II: Numerical Models and Empirical Correlations 1-gen-2009 RIVA, MARCOBETTINI, PAOLODI LANDRO, LUCA ANGELOSALA, GIUSEPPEAIROLDI, ALESSANDRO
Characterization of the Interface Between Composites and Embedded Fiber Optic Sensors or NiTiNOL Wires 1-gen-2011 BETTINI, PAOLODI LANDRO, LUCA ANGELOAIROLDI, ALESSANDROBALDI, ANDREASALA, GIUSEPPE
Chiral topologies for composite morphing structures - Part I: Development of a chiral rib for deformable airfoils 1-gen-2015 AIROLDI, ALESSANDROBETTINI, PAOLOPANICHELLI, PAOLOSALA, GIUSEPPE +