A Deployment Framework for Formally Verified Human-Robot Interactions
2021-01-01 Lestingi, Livia; Askarpour, Mehrnoosh; Bersani, Marcello M.; Rossi, Matteo Giovanni
A logical characterization of timed regular languages
2017-01-01 Bersani, MARCELLO MARIA; Rossi, MATTEO GIOVANNI; SAN PIETRO, Pierluigi
A Model-Driven Approach for the Formal Verification of Storm-Based Streaming Applications
2017-01-01 Marconi, F; Bersani, Mm; Rossi, M
A tool for deciding the satisfiability of continuous-time metric temporal logic
2016-01-01 Bersani, MARCELLO MARIA; Rossi, MATTEO GIOVANNI; SAN PIETRO, Pierluigi
An SMT-based approach to satisfiability checking of MITL
2015-01-01 Bersani, MARCELLO MARIA; Rossi, MATTEO GIOVANNI; SAN PIETRO, Pierluigi
Analyzing the impact of human errors on interactive service robotic scenarios via formal verification
2024-01-01 Lestingi, Livia; Manglaviti, Andrea; Marinaro, Davide; Marinello, Luca; Askarpour, Mehrnoosh; Bersani, Marcello M.; Rossi, Matteo
Constraint LTL Satisfiability Checking without Automata
2014-01-01 Bersani, MARCELLO MARIA; Frigeri, Achille; Morzenti, ANGELO CARLO; Pradella, Matteo; Rossi, MATTEO GIOVANNI; SAN PIETRO, Pierluigi
Data-Driven Energy Modeling of Machining Centers Through Automata Learning
2024-01-01 Lestingi, Livia; Frigerio, Nicla; Bersani, Marcello M.; Matta, Andrea; Rossi, Matteo
Edge-based Runtime Verification for the Internet of Things
2022-01-01 Tsigkanos, Christos; Bersani, Marcello M.; Frangoudis, Pantelis A.; Dustdar, Schahram
Event-sourced, observable software architectures: An experience report
2022-01-01 Alongi, F.; Bersani, M. M.; Ghielmetti, N.; Mirandola, R.; Tamburri, D. A.
Expressiveness and complexity of regular pure two-dimensional context-free languages
2013-01-01 Bersani, MARCELLO MARIA; Frigeri, Achille; Cherubini, Alessandra
Model Checking MITL Formulae on Timed Automata: A Logic-based Approach
2020-01-01 Menghi, C.; Bersani, M. M.; Rossi, M.; San Pietro, P.
Model-Driven Development of Service Robot Applications Dealing with Uncertain Human Behavior
2022-01-01 Lestingi, L.; Bersani, M. M.; Rossi, M.
On the Initialization of Clocks in Timed Formalisms
2019-01-01 Bersani, Marcello M.; Rossi, Matteo; Pietro, Pierluigi San
Online verification in cyber-physical systems: Practical bounds for meaningful temporal costs.
2018-01-01 Bersani, Marcello M.; Garcia-Valls, Marisol
PuRSUE -from specification of robotic environments to synthesis of controllers
2020-01-01 Bersani, Marcello M.; Soldo, Matteo; Menghi, Claudio; Pelliccione, Patrizio; Rossi, Matteo
Specification, stochastic modeling and analysis of interactive service robotic applications
2023-01-01 Lestingi, Livia; Zerla, Davide; Bersani, Marcello M.; Rossi, Matteo
Using formal verification to evaluate the execution time of Spark applications
2020-01-01 Baresi, L.; Bersani, M. M.; Marconi, F.; Quattrocchi, G.; Rossi, M.
Verifying big data topologies by-design: a semi-automated approach
2019-01-01 Bersani, M. M.; Marconi, F.; Tamburri, D. A.; Nodari, A.; Jamshidi, P.