Air contamination control in hybrid operating theatres. Particle content during different types of surgery with focus on diathermy
2016-01-01 Romano, Francesco; Gustén, Jan; DE ANTONELLIS, Stefano; Joppolo, CESARE MARIA
Clean Lift: a Case Study from Industrial to Civil Application
2024-01-01 Romano, Francesco; Pedranzini, Federico; Motta, Mario
Dispersal chambers used for evaluation of cleanroom and surgical clothing systems - Examples of performed tests and results
2016-01-01 Romano, Francesco; Ljungqvist, B; Reinmüller, B; Gustén, J; Joppolo, CESARE MARIA
Effect of desiccant wheel revolution speed control on performances of solar desiccant cooling systems
2009-01-01 DE ANTONELLIS, Stefano; Joppolo, CESARE MARIA; Pasini, Alberto; Romano, Francesco
Energy management e benchmarking per le cleanroom: dall'analisi dei consumi alla progettazione dell'efficienza energetica
2009-01-01 Joppolo, CESARE MARIA; Romano, Francesco
On field ventilation performance in operating theaters against airborne contamination: a comparison of unidirectional and mixed airflow systems
2016-01-01 Joppolo, CESARE MARIA; Romano, Francesco; Ricci, R; DE ANTONELLIS, Stefano; Gustén, J.
Performance test of technical cleanroom clothing systems
2016-01-01 Romano, Francesco; Ljungqvist, B; Reinmüller, B; Gustén, J; Joppolo, CESARE MARIA
Physical collection efficiency of a single stage centrifugal air sampler. Analytical, CFD and experimental results
2016-01-01 Sabatini, L; Romano, Francesco; Marocco, LUCA DAVIDE; Gustém, J; Joppolo, CESARE MARIA
Reliability of Standard Models for Operational Air Leakage Assessment in HVAC Air Systems
2024-01-01 Pedranzini, F.; Romano, F.
Single stage centrifugal air sampler: a theoretical and experimental approach for cut-off size (d50) evaluation
2016-01-01 Sabatini, L; Romano, Francesco; Marocco, LUCA DAVIDE; Gustén, J; Joppolo, CESARE MARIA
Temperature and humidity in museum display case: a simulation tool and experimental validation
2013-01-01 Romano, Francesco; M., Gaudenzi; Joppolo, CESARE MARIA; L. P., Romano
Theoretical aspects on microbiological air sampling and environmental monitoring in cleanrooms
2008-01-01 Joppolo, CESARE MARIA; Romano, Francesco; C., Rossi