Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 13.327
EU - Europa 11.465
AS - Asia 2.468
AF - Africa 92
SA - Sud America 75
OC - Oceania 58
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 27.489
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.015
IT - Italia 6.671
DE - Germania 625
CN - Cina 616
SG - Singapore 611
UA - Ucraina 553
AT - Austria 533
VN - Vietnam 518
SE - Svezia 470
GB - Regno Unito 463
FI - Finlandia 454
FR - Francia 412
RU - Federazione Russa 351
CA - Canada 304
IE - Irlanda 279
NL - Olanda 187
ES - Italia 132
BE - Belgio 108
TR - Turchia 102
IN - India 99
ID - Indonesia 85
PH - Filippine 85
CH - Svizzera 78
HK - Hong Kong 75
KR - Corea 66
AU - Australia 54
IR - Iran 52
PL - Polonia 52
BR - Brasile 51
JP - Giappone 43
CI - Costa d'Avorio 39
PK - Pakistan 32
JO - Giordania 31
DK - Danimarca 22
RO - Romania 21
BJ - Benin 16
PT - Portogallo 16
MU - Mauritius 14
CO - Colombia 12
TW - Taiwan 11
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 9
CY - Cipro 8
DZ - Algeria 8
GR - Grecia 8
CL - Cile 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
ET - Etiopia 7
MX - Messico 7
MY - Malesia 7
SA - Arabia Saudita 7
EU - Europa 4
HU - Ungheria 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
RS - Serbia 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
SD - Sudan 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
EC - Ecuador 2
EG - Egitto 2
HR - Croazia 2
IL - Israele 2
LT - Lituania 2
SI - Slovenia 2
TN - Tunisia 2
YE - Yemen 2
AN - Antille olandesi 1
AR - Argentina 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NP - Nepal 1
PE - Perù 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
Totale 27.489
Città #
Milan 2.806
Fairfield 1.514
Woodbridge 1.231
Chandler 1.008
Wilmington 822
Ashburn 810
Houston 803
Ann Arbor 731
Seattle 653
Cambridge 553
Santa Clara 533
Vienna 517
Singapore 425
Boardman 370
Dearborn 343
Jacksonville 326
Dong Ket 295
Lawrence 272
Medford 267
Dublin 264
Rome 258
Ottawa 251
Helsinki 218
Zibido San Giacomo 196
Bovisio Masciago 175
Beijing 157
Redwood City 117
Málaga 97
Amsterdam 96
Des Moines 93
Jakarta 85
Segrate 85
San Diego 81
Davao City 73
Nanjing 68
Ciampino 60
Giussano 51
London 47
Redmond 47
Auburn Hills 46
Norwalk 46
Istanbul 43
Brussels 42
Abidjan 39
Brescia 39
Boltiere 38
Pedrengo 38
Crema 36
Mountain View 36
Moscow 35
Pavia 35
Bristol 34
Los Angeles 33
Delft 32
Amman 31
Bresso 31
Brindisi 30
Marnate 30
Falkenstein 29
Sesto San Giovanni 29
Shanghai 29
Bergamo 26
New York 26
Rho 26
Stuttgart 26
Melbourne 25
Munich 25
Fremont 24
Monza 23
Naples 23
Gavirate 22
Hong Kong 22
Verona 22
Duncan 21
Phoenix 21
Berlin 19
Marseille 19
Turin 19
Uccle 19
Lecco 18
Tokyo 18
Chicago 17
Seongnam 17
Atlanta 16
Bareggio 16
Cotonou 16
Falls Church 16
Harbin 16
Torino 16
Biandronno 15
Busto Arsizio 15
Legnano 15
Montréal 15
Padova 15
Washington 15
Ankara 14
Changsha 14
Frankfurt am Main 14
Lappeenranta 14
Liverpool 14
Totale 18.313
Nome #
Cabin Layout Optimization for Vibration Hazard Reduction in Helicopter Emergency Medical Service 380
PoliMIce: A simulation framework for three-dimensional ice accretion 317
Shape optimization under uncertainty of morphing airfoils 261
Numerical assessment of an L-shaped Gurney flap for load control 222
Design of a Morphing Actuated Aileron with Chiral Composite Internal Structure 221
Aeroelastic Analysis of a Cycloidal Rotor Under Various Operating Conditions 216
Robust Stability Analysis of Adverse Aeroelastic Roll/Lateral Rotorcraft–Pilot Couplings 211
Sensore di pressione ottico 211
Evaluation of vibration reduction devices for helicopter ride quality improvement 206
Prediction and Simulator Verification of Roll/lateral Adverse Aeroservoelastic Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings 197
Helicopter Pilot Biomechanics by Multibody Analysis 196
Cyclogyro Thrust Vectoring for Anti-Torque and Control of Helicopters 194
Aeroelastic Rotorcraft–Pilot Couplings in Tiltrotor Aircraft 193
Multiple input describing function analysis of non-classical aileron buzz 189
Ice Accretion Effects on Helicopter Rotor Performance, via Multibody and CFD Approaches 189
Aerodynamic models for cycloidal rotor analysis 186
On Task Dependence of Helicopter Pilot Biodynamic Feedthrough and Neuromuscular Admittance: An Experimental and Numerical Study 182
Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Analysis of a Cycloidal Rotor 181
Assessment of 2D/3D Numerical Modeling for Deep Dynamic Stall Experiments 176
Instability Mechanism of Roll/Lateral Biodynamic Rotorcraft–Pilot Couplings 173
Wing–Pilot Vertical Bounce in Tiltrotors 163
Robust Aerodynamic Optimization of Morphing Airfoils for Helicopter Rotor Blades 162
Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings Caused by Biodynamic Interaction 162
Bioaeroservoelastic Analysis of Involuntary Rotorcraft-Pilot Interaction 161
The Role of Rotor Coning in Helicopter Proneness to Collective Bounce 160
Development of a Virtual Reality Real Time Helicopter Flight Simulator 157
Aerodynamic Analysis of an Unmanned Cyclogiro Aircraft 152
In-flight Icing: Modeling, Prediction, and Uncertainty 152
Robust Optimization of a Helicopter Rotor Airfoil Using Multi-fidelity Approach 150
A comparative assessment of vibration control capabilities of a L-shaped Gurney flap 150
Physics-Based Piloted Flight Simulation of Helicopters Using Multibody Dynamics 148
Active Flutter Suppression for a Three-Surface Transport Aircraft by Recurrent Neural Networks 147
Open-Source 3D CFD of a Quadrotor Cyclogyro Aircraft 147
Structural Coupling and Whirl-Flutter Stability with Pilot-in-the-Loop 147
Application of Navier-Stokes Simulations for Aeroelastic Stability Assessment in Transonic Regime 146
Dynamic mode decomposition analysis of plasma aeroelastic control of airfoils in cascade 146
Feasibility Assessment: a Cycloidal Rotor to Replace Conventional Helicopter Technology 146
Rotorcraft Aeroelastic Stability Using Robust Analysis 145
A Physically Consistent Reduced Order Model for Plasma Aeroelastic Control on Compressor Blades 145
Drag Minimization of an Isolated Airfoil in Transonic Inviscid Flow by Means of Genetic Algorithms 143
Influence of airfoil thickness on unsteady aerodynamic loads on pitching airfoils 143
Drivetrain Modeling Effects on Tiltrotor Aeroelastic Analysis 143
Biodynamic Modeling Techniques for Rotorcraft Comfort Evaluation 143
Experimental and Numerical Helicopter Pilot Characterization for Aeroelastic Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling Analysis 142
Helicopter Kit 142
Lead-Lag Damper Robustness Analysis for Helicopter Ground Resonance 141
Solution of the Riemann Problem of Classical Gasdynamics 140
Multifidelity Physics-Based Method for Robust Optimization Applied to a Hovering Rotor Airfoil 140
Numerical Investigation of Ice Formation on a Wing with Leading-Edge Tubercles 140
A Conservative Mesh-Free Approach for Fluid Structure Interface Problems 133
Assessment of Geometry Reconstruction Techniques for the Simulation of Non-Classical Aileron Buzz 133
Experimental study of a helicopter model in shipboard operations 133
A Closed Loop Experiment of Collective Bounce Aeroelastic Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling 131
Active Flutter Suppression for a Three Surface Transport Aircraft by Recurrent Neural Networks 131
Dependence of Helicopter Pilots' Biodynamic Feedthrough on Upper Limbs' Muscular Activation Patterns 131
A Pilot-Control Device Model for Helicopter Sensitivity to Collective Bounce 130
Design of a Morphing Airfoil with Composite Chiral Structure 130
Rotor For A Hover-Capable Aircraft And Method For Containment Of Vibrations Transmitted To The Mast Of A Rotor Of A Hover-Capable Aircraft 130
Linear Reduced-Order Model for Unsteady Aerodynamics of an L-Shaped Gurney Flap 128
Flight Simulator Testing to Enhance Comprehension and Modeling of Rotorcraft Pilot Couplings 127
Dynamic Characterization and Stability of a Large Size Multibody Tiltrotor Model by POD Analysis 125
Coupled Multibody/Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Maneuvering Flexible Aircraft 124
Adaptive deformation of 3D unstructured meshes with curved body fitted boundaries with application to unsteady compressible flows 124
Assessing the Local Stability of Periodic Motions for Large Multibody Non-Linear Systems Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition 123
Aircraft T-Tail Flutter Predictions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics 123
Active Control on Helicopter Blades with a L-Shaped Gurney Flap 123
Numerical Investigation of Three-Dimensional Effects on Deep Dynamic Stall Experiments 123
A quasi-Linear Parameter Varying (qLPV) Approach for Tiltrotor Conversion Modeling and Control Synthesis 121
Multibody Simulation of Integrated Tiltrotor Flight Mechanics, Aeroelasticity, and Control 120
Numerical Evaluation of Limit Cycles of Aeroelastic Systems 119
Practises to identify and prevent adverse aircraft-and-rotorcraft-pilot couplings - A ground simulator perspective 119
Helicopter Kit 119
Assessment of robust optimization for design of rotorcraft airfoils in forward flight 119
Helicopter Shipboard Operation: Effect of Atmospheric Boundary Layer on Turbulent Ship Airwake and Rotor Aerodynamic Loads 119
A Voluntary/Involuntary Pilot Model for Helicopter Flight Dynamics and Aeroservoelasticity 118
Novel Approach to Interaction Between Engine-Drive Train System and Deformable Rotorcraft Airframes 118
Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Inflow for a Helicopter Model in Shipboard Operations 118
Human Biodynamic Models for Rotorcraft Comfort Assessment 117
Voluntary Pilot Action Through Biodynamics for Helicopter Flight Dynamics Simulation 117
Numerical Simulation of Nonclassical Aileron Buzz over 3D Unstructured Adaptive Meshes 117
Linear Parameter Varying Models for the Optimization of Tiltrotor Conversion Maneuver 116
Assessment of the Feasibility of an Extended Range Helicopter Operational Standard for Offshore Flights 115
Rotorcraft Pilot Impedance from Inverse Dynamics-Based Biomechanical Model 114
Finite-volume solution of two-dimensional compressible flows over dynamic adaptive grids 113
A Virtual Reality Approach to Piloted Flight Simulation 113
Aeroelastic Investigation and Design Improvements on a Three Surface Transport Airplane 112
Application of Navier-Stokes Simulations for Aeroelastic Stability Assessment in Transonic Regime 111
Adverse Rotorcraft Pilot Couplings - Past, Present and Future Challenges 111
A Physically Consistent Reduced Order Model for Plasma Aeroelastic Control on Compressor Blades 110
Vibration Rating of Medical Helicopters 109
Physically-based Reduced Order Model for Unsteady Aerodynamic Loads of a L-shaped Gurney Flap 108
An Optical Pressure Measurement System for Control Inceptors to Evaluate Pilots’ Workload 108
Soft-Inplane Tiltrotor Aeromechanics Investigation Using Two Comprehensive Multibody Solvers 107
Impact of Pilots' Biodynamic Feedthrough on Rotorcraft by Robust Stability 106
Numerical Evaluation of Gust Loads on Tiltrotor 105
Flight Simulator Testing to Enhance Comprehension and Modeling of Rotorcraft Pilot Couplings 105
Enhanced Gust Load Recovery for the AW609 Tiltrotor 105
Multiple Input Describing Function Analysis of Non-Classical Aileron Buzz 103
Unsteady Aerodynamic Optimization of the Camber of a Morphing Airfoil for Rotorcraft Blades 103
Totale 14.668
Categoria #
all - tutte 77.532
article - articoli 26.761
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 46.546
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 2.045
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.180
Totale 155.064

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.838 0 0 0 0 0 515 534 320 461 206 591 211
2020/20213.407 298 123 267 186 236 301 227 324 229 326 249 641
2021/20223.084 130 316 268 184 354 147 176 242 219 193 375 480
2022/20233.511 382 168 205 315 384 452 97 304 503 221 297 183
2023/20242.386 101 379 139 218 150 192 205 97 98 253 101 453
2024/20252.873 414 152 243 309 1.259 496 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 27.769