A Benchmarking Service for the evaluation and comparison of scheduling techniques
2007-01-01 Cavalieri, Sergio; Terzi, Sergio; Macchi, Marco
A Benchmarking Service For The Manufacturing Control Research Community
2004-01-01 S., Cavalieri; B., Saint Germain; Terzi, Sergio; P., Valckenaers; H., Van Brussel; P., Verstraete
A competency map for circular economy education
2025-01-01 Vitti, Micaela; Trevisan, Adriana Hofmann; Ocampo, Hernan Ruiz; Cuentas, Vlatka Katusic; Sarbazvatan, Saman; Terzi, Sergio; Sassanelli, Claudio
A comprehensive Engineering Environment to conceptualize, design and monitor Product Service Systems (PSS): An application case
2017-01-01 Sala, R.; Sassanelli, C.; Pezzotta, G.; Terzi, S.
A Customizable Lean Design Methodology for Maritime
2018-01-01 Sullivan, B.; Rossi, M.; Terzi, S.
A holonic metamodel for product traceability in Product Lifecycle Management
2007-01-01 Garetti, Marco; G., Morel; H., Panetto; Terzi, Sergio
A maturity model for assessing the digital readiness of manufacturing companies
2017-01-01 De Carolis, Anna; Macchi, Marco; Negri, Elisa; Terzi, Sergio
A model to classify manufacturing archetypes for distributed production
2018-01-01 Sassanelli, Claudio; Terzi, Sergio; Pinna, Claudia
A new point of view on Product Lifecycle Management
2008-01-01 P. D., Ball; A., Bouras; D., Dutta; Garetti, Marco; B., Gurumoorthy; S., Han; D., Kiritsis; Terzi, Sergio
A Prospective Data-Oriented Framework for New Vessel Design
2019-01-01 Sullivan, B. P.; Desai, S.; Klein, P.; Rebull, J. S.; Rossi, M.; Ramundo, L.; Terzi, S.; Dieter-Thoben, K.
A quality assurance process of the Model-Based Design assets of the HUBCAP platform
2022-01-01 Sassanelli, C.; Acerbi, F.; Campos, I. T.; Terzi, S.; Mossa, G.
A Quality-Oriented Decision Support Framework: Cyber-Physical Systems and Model-Based Design to Develop Design for Additive Manufacturing Features
2024-01-01 Sassanelli, Claudio; Borzi, Giovanni Paolo; Quadrini, Walter; De Marco, Giuseppe; Mossa, Giorgio; Terzi, Sergio
A Review of Changeability in Complex Engineering Systems
2018-01-01 Sullivan, BRENDAN PATRICK; Rossi, M.; Terzi, S.
A review of circularity performance assessment methods
2019-01-01 Rosa, P.; Sassanelli, C.; Rocca, R.; Terzi, S.
A serious game approach for learning lean product development
2012-01-01 Kerga, ENDRIS TEMAM; Taisch, Marco; Rossi, Monica; Terzi, Sergio
A serious game for introducing set-based concurrent engineering in industrial practices
2014-01-01 Kerga, ENDRIS TEMAM; Rossi, Monica; Taisch, Marco; Terzi, Sergio
A state-of-the-art of industrial sustainability:definitions, tools and metrics
2009-01-01 Arena, Marika; DUQUE CICERI, Natalia; Terzi, Sergio; Bengo, Irene; Azzone, Giovanni; Garetti, Marco
A Systematic Literature Review of Changeability in Engineering Systems Along the Life Cycle
2023-01-01 Sullivan, B. P.; Arias, E.; Rossi, M.; Terzi, S.
A Systematic Literature Review of Existing Methods and Tools for the Criticality Assessment of Raw Materials: A Focus on the Relations between the Concepts of Criticality and Environmental Sustainability
2024-01-01 Perossa, D.; Rosa, P.; Terzi, S.
A systematic literature review on data and information required for circular manufacturing strategies adoption
2021-01-01 Acerbi, F.; Sassanelli, C.; Terzi, S.; Taisch, M.