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Laser scanner integrated by photogrammetry for reverse engineering to support architectural site restoration of the mosaic floor inside St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice 1-gen-2005 MONTI, CARLOBRUMANA, RAFFAELLAMONTI, GIADA CARLA +
SIDART- A New Integrated System for diagnostic of the cultural heritages 1-gen-2005 FASSI, FRANCESCOBRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFREGONESE, LUIGIMONTI, CARLO +
3D Laser Scanner Points Clouds and 2D Multi-spectral images: a data matching software for cultural heritage conservation 1-gen-2005 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFASSI, FRANCESCOFREGONESE, LUIGI +
International Design Competition for the Refurbishment and Enhancement of the Villa Reale in Monza. Thematical map: from clouds point to surface analysis. Cases study: Salone d’Onore, Scalone and Sala del Trono 1-gen-2005 ACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLA
From the guide of georeferencing cultural heritage for the map of risk (Regione Lombardia) to the georeferencing  and troubleshooting in historical sites 1-gen-2005 ACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLAORENI, DANIELAPRANDI, FEDERICO
Structuring 3D numeric cartography in GML3 1-gen-2005 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAPRANDI, FEDERICO
Metodi avanzati di analisi e monitoraggio delle superfici musive pavimentali della Basilica di San Marco a Venezia 1-gen-2005 MONTI, CARLOACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFREGONESE, LUIGIPRANDI, FEDERICOSAVI, CARLO LUIGI +
An university interdisciplinary research and didactical yard: the 'continuous fabbrica' of Basilica of San Lorenzo in Milan 1-gen-2005 ACHILLE, CRISTIANAR. Brumana +
Complex analyses of surface, modelling and comparison of the 3D orthophoto to real scale with historical cartography: mosaic surface of Basilica of San Marco in Venice 1-gen-2006 MONTI, CARLOFREGONESE, LUIGIBRUMANA, RAFFAELLAMONTI, CHIARA CARLOTTAMONTI, GIADA CARLA +
Tecnologie GIS a supporto di metodologie di georeferenziazione del patrimonio culturale rurale e degli antichi nuclei storici 1-gen-2006 ACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLAORENI, DANIELA
E-historical sites. Georeferencing as availability of space-time data: historical cartography towards advanced 3Dview 1-gen-2006 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAACHILLE, CRISTIANA
Il pavimento della Basilica di San Marco. La modellazione del pavimento entro gli alzati architettonici 1-gen-2006 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFREGONESE, LUIGIMONTI, CARLOPRANDI, FEDERICO +
3D Data model for representing an historical Centre Site 1-gen-2006 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAACHILLE, CRISTIANAPRANDI, FEDERICOORENI, DANIELA
Il pavimento della Basilica di San Marco. Il progetto di rilievo digitale e della restituzione alla scala reale 1:1 1-gen-2006 ACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFREGONESE, LUIGIMONTI, CARLO +
Definition of the 3D content and geometric level of congruence of numeric cartography 1-gen-2006 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFASSI, FRANCESCO +
E-historical Site. Documentation and Protecting Sharing 3D geodbase. 1-gen-2006 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAPRANDI, FEDERICO
Application of multiple techniques for the survey, 3D modeling and virtual representation of the internal rooms of the Real Villa in Monza 1-gen-2007 FASSI F.ACHILLE C.BRUMANA R.
Il rilievo e la modellazione degli apparati architettonici e decorativi della “scala santa” nel complesso del palazzo ducale in Mantova 1-gen-2007 FREGONESE, LUIGIFASSI, FRANCESCOBRUMANA, RAFFAELLATAFFURELLI, LAURA +
Relief and documental representation of mosaics to support the restoration 1-gen-2007 BEZOARI, GIORGIOBRUMANA, RAFFAELLAMONTI, CARLO
High density digital form for cultural heritage: Synthetic modeling and reverse engineering of the four horses of the basilica of san marco in venice 1-gen-2007 Fassi F.Fregonese L.Brumana R.Monti C.Achille C. +
Application of mixed technique for the 3D modelling of the Noble floor of the Real Villa in Monza 1-gen-2007 FASSI, FRANCESCOACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLATUNCER, HANDE
Relief and documental representation of mosaics to support the restoration 1-gen-2007 BEZOARI, GIORGIOBRUMANA, RAFFAELLAMONTI, CARLO
Ortofoto 3D digitale alla scala 1:1 dell’intero pavimento musivo della Basilica di San Marco a Venezia. Uso dell’ortofoto per la manutenzione e i restauri 1-gen-2007 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFREGONESE, LUIGIMONTI, CARLOMONTI, CHIARA CARLOTTATAFFURELLI, LAURA +
Complex analyses of surface, modelling and comparison of the 3D orthophoto to the real scale with historical cartography: mosaic surface of basilica of San Marco in Venice 1-gen-2007 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFREGONESE, LUIGIMONTI, CARLO +
High density digital form for cultural heritage: syntetic modelling and reverse engineering of the four horses of the Basilica of San Marco in Venice 1-gen-2007 FASSI, FRANCESCOFREGONESE, LUIGIBRUMANA, RAFFAELLAMONTI, CARLOACHILLE, CRISTIANA +
Ortofoto 3d digitale alla scala 1:1 dell’intero pavimento musivo della basilica di San Marco a Venezia. Uso dell’ortofoto per la manutenzione e i restauri 1-gen-2007 MONTI, CARLOFREGONESE, LUIGIBRUMANA, RAFFAELLATAFFURELLI, LAURAMONTI, CHIARA CARLOTTAMONTI, GIADA CARLA +
e-Historical sites. Georeferencing as availability of space-temporal data: Historical cartography towards advanced 3D view 1-gen-2007 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAACHILLE, CRISTIANA
Interoperabily 3D City model as support to the planning and to the project 1-gen-2007 PRANDI, FEDERICOBRUMANA, RAFFAELLAMONTI, CARLO
Laser scanning support architectural mappings and historical urban view analysis 1-gen-2007 ORENI, DANIELABRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFASSI, FRANCESCOPRANDI, FEDERICOTUNCER, HANDE
Transportable 3D acquisition systems for cultural heritage. Reverse engineering and rapid prototyping of the bronze lions of the saint Isidoro chapel in the Basilica of San Marco in Venice 1-gen-2007 FASSI, FRANCESCOFREGONESE, LUIGITAFFURELLI, LAURAACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLAMONTI, CARLO +
Application of multiple techniques for the survey, 3D modeling and virtual representation of the internal rooms of the Real Villa in Monza, Italy 1-gen-2007 ACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFASSI, FRANCESCO
Use of 3D GIS to Model Urban environment 1-gen-2007 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAPRANDI, FEDERICO
"Perspectives" on the 3D analysis through the cadastral map series (XVIII – XX sec.) and the first geodetic large scale map of Milan realized by Astronomi di Brera 1-gen-2008 MONTI, CARLOBRUMANA, RAFFAELLAACHILLE, CRISTIANAORENI, DANIELA +
Integrazione di metodologie per la rappresentazione e la diagnosi del complesso monumentale di San Lorenzo Maggiore a Milano 1-gen-2008 MONTI, CARLOACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLA +
Remote virtual access to 3D photogrammetry: e-VMV virtual museum of Villa Reale in Monza. 1-gen-2008 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLACUCA, BRANKAFASSI, FRANCESCOORENI, DANIELA
La georeferenziazione del patrimonio architettonico ed ambientale 1-gen-2008 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAACHILLE, CRISTIANAMONTI, CARLO
Misura della 'forma totale'. Fotogrammetria digitale e laser scanner: aspetti critici, prospettive, opportunità future 1-gen-2008 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAMONTI, CARLOACHILLE, CRISTIANA
Il complesso monastico di San Nicola a Mesopotam. Saggio di ricostruzione tridimensionale 1-gen-2009 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLA
La Chiesa di San Nicola. Rilievo topografico, fotogrammetrico e laser scanner 1-gen-2009 MONTI, CARLOBRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFREGONESE, LUIGI
Local and global approaches for the integration of up-to-date geo-db and ancient maps within the Atl@s portal 1-gen-2009 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAPRANDI, FEDERICO +
“Perspectives” on the 3-D analysis through the cadastral map series (XVIII – XX sec.) and the first geodetic large scale map of Milan realized by the ‘Astronomi di Brera’ (Astronomers of Brera): toward an advanced portal 1-gen-2009 MONTI, CARLOACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLAORENI, DANIELA +
La Chiesa di San Nicola. Forme, strutture e geometrie nella costruzione di un modello virtuale tridimensionale Alinea Editrice (Published in: TaylorandFrancisOnLine http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15583058.2012.756077, Accepted Manuscript, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Strategy for integrated surveying techniques finalized to interpretive models in a byzantine church, Mesopotam, Albania, R. Brumana, L. Binda, P. Condoleo, et altri, DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2012.756077). 1-gen-2009 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLA
Local and global approaches for the integration of up-to-date geo-db and ancient maps within the Atl@s portal 1-gen-2009 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAPRANDI, FEDERICO +
RC-Heli and Structure & Motion Techniques for the 3-D Reconstruction of a Milan Dome Spire 1-gen-2009 SCAIONI, MARCOBARAZZETTI, LUIGIBRUMANA, RAFFAELLACUCA, BRANKAFASSI, FRANCESCOPRANDI, FEDERICO
Geometric and radiometric analysis of paintings 1-gen-2010 BARAZZETTI, LUIGISCAIONI, MARCOBRUMANA, RAFFAELLA +
Il rilievo degli ambienti interni della Villa Reale di Monza. Applicazioni di tecniche multisensore laser scanner e fotogrammetriche 1-gen-2010 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAACHILLE, CRISTIANAORENI, DANIELA
Communicating the cultural heritage using Photogrammetry: Documentation and information management of Villa Reale in Monza survey 1-gen-2010 CUCA, BRANKABRUMANA, RAFFAELLA +
Navigating on the past, as a bird flight, at the territorial scale of historical topographic maps. WMS on the "Corografie delle Province del Regno Lombardo-Veneto”, for accessing cadastral map catalogue 1-gen-2010 ORENI, DANIELABRUMANA, RAFFAELLASCAIONI, MARCOPRANDI, FEDERICO
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