A meso-scale model of progressive damage and failure in LSI-produced ceramic matrix composites for aerospace applications
2023-01-01 Airoldi, A.; Riva, M.; Novembre, E.; Caporale, A. M.; Sala, G.; De Stefano Fumo, M.; Cavalli, L.
Characterization and numerical interpretation of non-linear tensile response in UHTCMC
2023-01-01 Caporale, A. M.; Airoldi, A.; Novembre, E.; Galizia, P.; Sciti, D.; Zoli, L.
Development of a Multi-Scale Numerical Approach for the Crashworthiness of eVTOL Aircrafts
2024-01-01 Novembre, E.; Caporale, A. M.; Di Mauro, S.; Astori, P.; Mirani, C.; Airoldi, A.
Impact of Arc-Jet Tests at 2200°C and Thermal Vacuum Cycles on Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour of Cf-ZrB2 UHTCMCs
2024-01-01 Galizia, P.; Vinci, A.; Zoli, L.; Airoldi, A.; Caporale, A. M.; Mungiguerra, S.; Savino, R.; De Stefano Fumo, M.; Sciti, D.
Impact Tolerance of Ceramic Matrix Composites for Aerospace Applications
2024-01-01 Janszen, G.; Caporale, A. M.; Cavalli, L.; De Stefano Fumo, M.; Airoldi, A.
Implementation of a Damage Model for Tension and Bending of Ceramic Matrix Composites with Statistical Distribution of Proprerties
2023-01-01 Novembre, E.; Airoldi, A.; Riva, M.; Caporale, A. M.; Cavalli, L.; De Stefano Fumo, M.
Modelling of Residual Deformations, Failure and Delaminations in SPS ZrB2/SiC UHTCMC in Complex Stress States
2024-01-01 Caporale, A. M.; Airoldi, A.; Galizia, P.; Sciti, D.
Numerical and Experimental Approach for the Impact Response of Electric Battery Modules
2023-01-01 Caporale, A. M.; Airoldi, A.
Numerical and Experimental Methods for the Identification of Interlaminar Properties in LSI Manufactured C/SiC Composite
2023-01-01 Riva, M.; Airoldi, A.; Caporale, A. M.; Cavalli, L.; De Stefano Fumo, M.
Plasma Wind Tunnel Test of UHTCMC Leading Edge Prototypes in Hypersonic Conditions
2024-01-01 Sciti, D.; Vinci, A.; Zoli, L.; Mor, M.; Servadei, F.; Galizia, P.; Airoldi, A.; Caporale, A. M.; Guida, D.; De Stefano Fumo, M.
Testing and Analyses of Foam-Filled Auxetic Absorbers for Localized Impacts and Graded Responses
2023-01-01 Airoldi, A.; Novak, N.; Astori, P.; Caporale, A. M.; Chen, C.