Risultati 1 - 10 di 10 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.008 secondi).
Energy poverty among elderly women in the Hungarian countryside
2019-01-01 Bajomi, ANNA ZSOFIA
Five fields of action: Research, built heritage, entrepreneurship, school, cultures
2021-01-01 Bajomi, A. Z.; Bovo, M.; Galimberti, B.
Hogyan kezeljük az energiaszegénységet? Helyi szintű bevált gyakorlatok
2016-01-01 Bajomi, A.
Housing Studies Association Annual Conference 2020 Housing, devolution and localities: Inventing a future or more of the same?
2020-01-01 Bajomi, ANNA ZSOFIA
How to Tackle Energy Poverty?
2016-01-01 Bajomi, ANNA ZSOFIA
Obstacles to overcome for improving energy efficiency and affordability of the private rental sector.
2017-01-01 Bajomi, ANNA ZSOFIA
Phenomens de précarité observe en Hongrie dans le domaine du logement
2019-01-01 Bajomi, ANNA ZSOFIA
Steps Towards Energy Efficiency In: Historical Districts. How to rehabilitate old housing buildings in a sustainable manner.
2014-01-01 Bajomi, ANNA ZSOFIA; B., Imre; M., Mihály; H., Polomik
Trapped in politics: energy poverty in Hungary
2020-01-01 Bajomi, ANNA ZSOFIA; N., Feldmár; L., Kőszeghy
Will Plans to Ease Energy Poverty Go Up in Smoke? Assessing the Hungarian NECP through the Lens of Solid Fuel Users’ Vulnerabilities
2021-01-01 Bajomi, A. Z.; Feldmar, N.; Tirado-Herrero, S.