A stimulated Raman loss spectrometer for metrological studies of quadrupole lines of hydrogen isotopologues
2023-01-01 Lamperti, M; Rutkowski, L; Gatti, D; Gotti, R; Moretti, L; Polli, D; Cerullo, G; Marangoni, M
Absolute spectroscopy near 7.8 μm with a comb-locked extended-cavity quantum-cascade-laser
2018-01-01 Lamperti, Marco; Alsaif, Bidoor; Gatti, Davide; Fermann, Martin; Laporta, Paolo; Farooq, Aamir; Marangoni, Marco
Accurate deuterium spectroscopy and comparison with ab initio calculations
2020-01-01 Wojtewicz, S.; Gotti, R.; Gatti, D.; Lamperti, M.; Laporta, P.; Jozwiak, H.; Thibault, F.; Wcislo, P.; Marangoni, M.
Broadly tunable mid-infrared femtosecond pulses directly generated by an optical parametric amplifier
2021-01-01 Villa, Andrea; Ross, Aaron M.; Gotti, Riccardo; Lamperti, Marco; Scotognella, Francesco; Cerullo, Giulio; Marangoni, Marco
Characterizing the nonclassicality of mesoscopic optical twin-beam states
2013-01-01 Allevi, A.; Lamperti, M.; Bondani, M.; Perina, J.; Michalek, V.; Haderka, O.; Machulka, R.
Collective excitability, synchronization, and array-enhanced coherence resonance in a population of lasers with a saturable absorber
2016-01-01 Perego, A. M.; Lamperti, M.
Comb-calibrated sub-Doppler spectroscopy with an external-cavity quantum cascade laser at 7.7 μm
2019-01-01 Alsaif, B.; Gatti, D.; Lamperti, M.; Laporta, P.; Farooq, A.; Marangoni, M.
Comb-locked frequency-swept synthesizer for high precision broadband spectroscopy
2020-01-01 Gotti, R.; Puppe, T.; Mayzlin, Y.; Robinson-Tait, J.; Wojtewicz, S.; Gatti, D.; Alsaif, B.; Lamperti, M.; Laporta, P.; Rohde, F.; Wilk, R.; Leisching, P.; Kaenders, W. G.; Marangoni, M.
Conjugating precision and acquisition time in a Doppler broadening regime by interleaved frequency-agile rapid-scanning cavity ring-down spectroscopy
2017-01-01 Gotti, Riccardo; Gatti, Davide; Masłowski, Piotr; Lamperti, Marco; Belmonte, Michele; Laporta, Paolo; Marangoni, Marco
Editorial: Cavity-enhanced optical spectroscopy
2024-01-01 Lamperti, Marco; Gatti, Davide; Moretti, Luca; Womack, Caroline C.; Saavedra, Carlos; Gotti, Riccardo
Effects of non-CpG site methylation on DNA thermal stability: A fluorescence study
2015-01-01 Nardo, L.; Lamperti, M.; Salerno, D.; Cassina, V.; Missana, N.; Bondani, M.; Tempestini, A.; Mantegazza, F.
Fast rate dual-comb spectrometer in the water-transparent 7.5–11.5 µm region
2024-01-01 Moretti, Luca; Walsh, Mathieu; Abualsaud, Nawaf; Gatti, Davide; Lamperti, Marco; Genest, Jérôme; Farooq, Aamir; Marangoni, Marco
High accuracy line positions of the ν1 fundamental band of 14N216O
2018-01-01 Alsaif, B.; Lamperti, M.; Gatti, D.; Laporta, P.; Fermann, M.; Farooq, A.; Lyulin, O.; Campargue, A.; Marangoni, M.
High-resolution molecular fingerprinting in the 11.6-15 µm range by a quasi-CW difference-frequency-generation laser source
2023-01-01 Elkhazraji, Ali; Shakfa, Mohammad Khaled; Lamperti, Marco; Hakimov, Khaiyom; Djebbi, Khalil; Gotti, Riccardo; Gatti, Davide; Marangoni, Marco; Farooq, Aamir
Invited Article: Filamentary deposition of laser energy in glasses with Bessel beams
2018-01-01 Lamperti, M.; Jukna, V.; Jedrkiewicz, O.; Di Trapani, P.; Stoian, R.; Itina, T. E.; Xie, C.; Courvoisier, F.; Couairon, A.
Laser-Based Primary Thermometry: A Review
2021-01-01 Gotti, R; Lamperti, M; Gatti, D; Marangoni, M
Lineshape of Amplitude-Modulated Stimulated Raman Spectra
2024-01-01 Lamperti, Marco; Rutkowski, Lucile; Vesco, Guglielmo; Moretti, Luca; Gatti, Davide; Cerullo, Giulio; Polli, Dario; Marangoni, Marco
Multispectrum rotational states distribution thermometry: Application to the 3ν 1+ ν 3band of carbon dioxide
2020-01-01 Gotti, R.; Lamperti, M.; Gatti, D.; Wojtewicz, S.; Puppe, T.; Mayzlin, Y.; Alsaif, B.; Robinson-Tait, J.; Rohde, F.; Wilk, R.; Leisching, P.; Kaenders, W. G.; Laporta, P.; Marangoni, M.
Optical black hole lasers
2012-01-01 Faccio, D.; Arane, T.; Lamperti, M.; Leonhardt, U.
Optical frequency metrology in the bending modes region
2020-01-01 Lamperti, M.; Gotti, R.; Gatti, D.; Shakfa, M. K.; Cane, E.; Tamassia, F.; Schunemann, P.; Laporta, P.; Farooq, A.; Marangoni, M.