Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 614
EU - Europa 116
AS - Asia 85
AF - Africa 1
Totale 816
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 610
IT - Italia 60
VN - Vietnam 22
SE - Svezia 18
SG - Singapore 15
CN - Cina 11
KR - Corea 8
FR - Francia 7
MY - Malesia 7
BE - Belgio 6
HK - Hong Kong 6
DE - Germania 5
FI - Finlandia 5
IE - Irlanda 5
CA - Canada 4
PH - Filippine 4
ID - Indonesia 3
IN - India 3
GB - Regno Unito 2
JP - Giappone 2
NL - Olanda 2
PT - Portogallo 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AT - Austria 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
IR - Iran 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PL - Polonia 1
TR - Turchia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 816
Città #
Fairfield 88
Chandler 70
Ashburn 54
Wilmington 49
Seattle 45
Houston 43
Woodbridge 36
Cambridge 34
Santa Clara 34
Ann Arbor 31
Dearborn 17
Boardman 15
Milan 13
Dong Ket 10
Singapore 9
Lawrence 8
Medford 7
Beijing 6
Brussels 6
Redwood City 6
Seoul 6
Bitritto 5
Dublin 5
Rome 5
Helsinki 4
Kuala Lumpur 4
Ottawa 4
Torino 4
Berlin 3
Florence 3
Hong Kong 3
Norwalk 3
Renault 3
Bayan Lepas 2
Corridonia 2
Jakarta 2
Jersey City 2
Kavali 2
Kunming 2
Lincoln 2
Mountain View 2
Naic 2
Paris 2
Porto 2
Sesto San Giovanni 2
Apo 1
Belfort 1
Cagayan de Oro 1
Coccaglio 1
Cremona 1
Dubai 1
Falls Church 1
Hefei 1
Hounslow 1
Kilburn 1
Lappeenranta 1
Laurel 1
Leawood 1
Makilala 1
Oslo 1
Oswego 1
Penang 1
Prague 1
Princeton 1
Royal Oak 1
Salzburg 1
San Diego 1
Schijndel 1
Taipei 1
Trento 1
Washington 1
Weifang 1
Wiesenburg 1
Wroclaw 1
Wuhan 1
Totale 687
Nome #
Differential braking-based anti-rollover control for non-tilting narrow-track vehicles 99
Design of a lane change driver assistance system, with implementation and testing on motorbike 94
Automatic Detection of Driver Impairment Based on Pupillary Light Reflex 94
A Dual-Level Lane Departure Avoidance System Based on Differential Torque 83
A Low-Cost System for Dynamic Analysis of Pupillary Light Response for a Driver Drowsiness Detection System 78
Model-based diagnosis and fault tolerant control for ensuring torque functional safety of pedal-by-wire systems 69
Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control for electrified vehicle torque security 66
Motocicletta con dispositivo di rilevamento di un veicolo che sopraggiunge dal retro 66
Fault Diagnosis and Fault Mitigation for Torque Safety of Drive-by-Wire Systems 49
Totale 830
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.001
article - articoli 869
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 1.726
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 406
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 6.002

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020153 0 0 0 0 0 36 29 28 28 14 10 8
2020/2021125 5 8 8 3 9 11 2 6 16 15 12 30
2021/202285 3 7 4 6 8 4 1 15 4 8 16 9
2022/2023131 9 25 8 6 27 19 0 16 15 4 1 1
2023/202458 5 11 6 4 5 3 5 0 2 6 1 10
2024/202559 3 1 3 2 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 830