A prototype soil column to calibrate numerical models accounting for soil-atmosphere interaction
2010-01-01 Caruso, Marco; Jommi, Cristina
An evaluation of indirect methods for the estimation of hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils
2005-01-01 Caruso, Marco; Jommi, Cristina
Calibration in the laboratory of capacitance sensors for water content monitoring
2013-01-01 Avanzi, Francesco; Caruso, Marco; Jommi, Cristina
Compressibilità e resistenza di un terreno arginale rinforzato con fibre da scarti tessili
2024-01-01 Rossignoli, C.; Caruso, M.; Sterpi, D.
Design and assessment of a new model device for testing internal erosion and piping
2014-01-01 Caruso, Marco; Sterpi, DONATELLA VALERIA; Jommi, Cristina
Enhancement of a Commercial Pressure Plate Apparatus for Soil Water Retention Curves
2012-01-01 Caruso, M.; Jommi, Cristina
Infiltration and evaporation from bare soil: a comparison between experimental data and predictive models.
2011-01-01 Caruso, M.; Jommi, Cristina
Influence of installation procedures on the response of capacitance water content sensors
2013-01-01 Caruso, Marco; Avanzi, Francesco; Jommi, Cristina
Influenza della compattazione su struttura e ritenzione idrica di un materiale a doppia porosità
2013-01-01 Caruso, Marco; Sterpi, DONATELLA VALERIA
Mechanical characterization of hemp-lime blocks
2021-01-01 Caruso, Marco; Cefis, Nicola; Dotelli, Giovanni; Sabbadini, Sergio
Messa a punto di un edometro per la determinazione sperimentale dei parametri di trasporto elettrocinetico
2009-01-01 Caruso, Marco; Jommi, Cristina; C., Tamagnini
2015-01-01 Caruso, Marco; Jommi, Cristina; Sterpi, DONATELLA VALERIA
Numerical modeling of a hemp-lime blocks wall subject to horizontal in-plane loads
2021-01-01 Caruso, Marco; Cefis, Nicola; Dotelli, Giovanni; Moletti, Chiara; Sabbadini, SERGIO RENATO MARIA
On the effects of density on water retention properties of expanded perlite
2014-01-01 Caruso, Marco; Sterpi, DONATELLA VALERIA
On the role of soil properties and initial conditions in the response of river levees to flood events
2023-01-01 Rossignoli, C.; Caruso, M.; Sterpi, D.
Rammed Earth stabilised with waste materials: A sustainable and resistant solution
2019-01-01 Arrigoni, A.; Simoni, G.; Dotelli, G.; Pelosato, R.; Caruso, M.
Ritenzione idrica di un geomateriale a doppia porosità
2011-01-01 Caruso, M.; Sterpi, DONATELLA VALERIA
Triaxial Tests on Hempcrete for Prefabricated Blocks Production
2022-01-01 Caruso, M.; Cefis, N.; Dotelli, G.; Moletti, C.; Sabbadini, S.
Water retention properties and microstructure of compacted expanded perlite
2012-01-01 Caruso, M.; Sterpi, DONATELLA VALERIA