A Bayesian hindcasting method of levee failures applied to the Breitenhagen slope failure
2021-01-01 Kool, J. J.; Kanning, W.; Jommi, C.; Jonkman, S. N.
A comparison between numerical integration algorithms for unsaturated soils constitutive models
2010-01-01 F., Cattaneo; DELLA VECCHIA, Gabriele; Jommi, Cristina; G., Maffioili
A driver for the integration of coupled hydro-mechanical constitutive laws for unsaturated soils
2010-01-01 F., Cattaneo; DELLA VECCHIA, Gabriele; Jommi, Cristina
A framework for the constitutive modelling of dry granular snow at low strain rates
2005-01-01 Cresseri, SILENE ITALA; Jommi, Cristina
A fully coupled elastic-plastic hydro-mechanical model for compacted soils accounting for clay activity
2013-01-01 DELLA VECCHIA, Gabriele; Jommi, Cristina; E., Romero
A laboratory investigation on an undisturbed silty sandfrom a slope prone to landsliding
2010-01-01 F., Casini; Jommi, Cristina; S., Sprimngman
A microstructure-based elastoplastic model to describe the behaviour of a compacted clayey silt in isotropic and triaxial compression
2020-01-01 Musso, Guido; Azizi, Arash; Jommi, Cristina
A model for coupled electro-hydro-mechanical processes in fine grained soils accounting for gas generation and transport
2010-01-01 Tamagnini, C; Jommi, Cristina; Cattaneo, F.
A numerical assessment of variable saturation of the upper layers on the ground borne vibrations from underground trains: A case history
2023-01-01 Pontani, N.; Martinelli, L.; Acquati, M.; Jommi, C.
A numerical model for the electrokinetic treatment of natural soils with calcite
2010-01-01 F., Cattaneo; Jommi, Cristina; G., Musso
A POD-TANN Approach for the Multiscale Modeling of Materials and Macro-Element Derivation in Geomechanics
2025-01-01 Piunno, G.; Stefanou, I.; Jommi, C.
A processing–modeling routine to use SNOTEL hourly data in snowpack dynamic models
2014-01-01 Avanzi, Francesco; DE MICHELE, Carlo; Antonio, Ghezzi; Jommi, Cristina; Monica, Pepe
A prototype soil column to calibrate numerical models accounting for soil-atmosphere interaction
2010-01-01 Caruso, Marco; Jommi, Cristina
A strategy for numerical analysis of the transition between saturated and unsaturated flow conditions
1997-01-01 Vaunat, J.; Jommi, Cristina; Gens, A.
A study of the microstructure to assess the reliability of laboratory compacted soils as reference material for earth constructions
2003-01-01 Jommi, Cristina; A., Sciotti
A transfer function of a soil water characteristic curve model for sands
2010-01-01 E., Imre; K., Rajkai; R., Genovese; Jommi, Cristina
A water retention model accounting for the hysteresis induced by hydraulic and mechanical wetting-drying cycles
2017-01-01 Azizi, Arash; Jommi, Cristina; Musso, Guido
A water retention model for compacted clayey soils
2013-01-01 A. C., Dieudonnè; S., Levasseur; R., Charlier; DELLA VECCHIA, Gabriele; Jommi, Cristina
Accounting for evolving pore size distribution in water retention models for compacted clays
2015-01-01 DELLA VECCHIA, Gabriele; Dieudonné, Anne Catherine; Jommi, Cristina; Charlier, Robert
Advances in the monitoring of geo-structure subjected to climate loading
2016-01-01 Tarantino, Alessandro; Gallipoli, Domenico; Jommi, Cristina; Mendes, Joao; Capotosto, Anastasia; Amabile, Alessia; Pedrotti, Matteo; Pozzato, Annarita; Beneš, Vojtěch; Bottaro, Fabio; Denzer, Heiner; Boeck, Fabian