Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.711
EU - Europa 3.311
AS - Asia 777
AF - Africa 76
SA - Sud America 37
OC - Oceania 32
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 9.953
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.565
IT - Italia 1.272
DE - Germania 363
UA - Ucraina 261
SE - Svezia 234
GB - Regno Unito 223
CN - Cina 195
FI - Finlandia 192
AT - Austria 190
SG - Singapore 189
IE - Irlanda 145
CA - Canada 137
VN - Vietnam 128
FR - Francia 103
ES - Italia 98
NL - Olanda 68
CH - Svizzera 50
IN - India 48
TR - Turchia 32
MY - Malesia 30
AU - Australia 26
BE - Belgio 22
BR - Brasile 21
HK - Hong Kong 20
JO - Giordania 20
CI - Costa d'Avorio 18
DK - Danimarca 17
HU - Ungheria 15
PL - Polonia 13
TH - Thailandia 13
TW - Taiwan 13
ID - Indonesia 12
IR - Iran 12
ZA - Sudafrica 12
NG - Nigeria 11
NO - Norvegia 11
EG - Egitto 10
PK - Pakistan 10
EU - Europa 8
KR - Corea 8
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
JP - Giappone 6
MX - Messico 6
RO - Romania 6
CO - Colombia 5
IQ - Iraq 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
PH - Filippine 5
PT - Portogallo 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
EC - Ecuador 4
ET - Etiopia 4
GH - Ghana 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
BJ - Benin 3
BO - Bolivia 3
CL - Cile 3
CY - Cipro 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
GR - Grecia 3
KE - Kenya 3
OM - Oman 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
JM - Giamaica 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LB - Libano 2
MG - Madagascar 2
MT - Malta 2
SM - San Marino 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
ZW - Zimbabwe 2
AM - Armenia 1
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BH - Bahrain 1
DZ - Algeria 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
RE - Reunion 1
RS - Serbia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
UG - Uganda 1
VU - Vanuatu 1
ZM - Zambia 1
Totale 9.953
Città #
Woodbridge 658
Fairfield 639
Houston 438
Chandler 416
Ann Arbor 405
Ashburn 362
Wilmington 340
Milan 334
Seattle 256
Cambridge 228
Vienna 184
Jacksonville 167
Dearborn 154
Boardman 142
Ottawa 125
Singapore 116
Lawrence 106
Dublin 102
Málaga 79
Beijing 75
Helsinki 75
Medford 75
Dong Ket 59
Des Moines 52
Redwood City 50
Menlo Park 45
Rome 45
Washington 45
Florence 42
Princeton 41
Bern 35
San Diego 26
London 23
New York 23
Artane 20
Turin 20
Amman 19
Shanghai 19
Abidjan 18
Miami 18
Padova 18
Brussels 16
Paris 16
Izmir 15
Columbus 14
Norwalk 14
Mountain View 13
Redmond 13
Osnabrück 11
Trieste 11
Aachen 10
Amsterdam 10
Auburn Hills 10
Bari 10
Munich 10
Berlin 9
Stuttgart 9
Taipei 9
Zurich 9
Hayes 8
Bangkok 7
Bologna 7
Boydton 7
Cologne 7
Duncan 7
Gießen 7
Ho Chi Minh City 7
Istanbul 7
Lyngby 7
Perth 7
Phoenix 7
Ponte San Pietro 7
Torino 7
Budapest 6
Central District 6
Düsseldorf 6
Fremont 6
Hobart 6
Hong Kong 6
Madrid 6
Nanchang 6
Petaling Jaya 6
Reggio Emilia 6
Verona 6
Zhengzhou 6
Cento 5
Chennai 5
Council Bluffs 5
Johannesburg 5
Kelsterbach 5
Kunming 5
Lappeenranta 5
Lentini 5
Lessolo 5
Los Angeles 5
Manchester 5
Meaux 5
Moss 5
Naples 5
Nardò 5
Totale 6.549
Nome #
Supplier Scouting and Artificial Intelligence: An information processing theory approach 296
Il processo decisionale - le fasi, gli approcci, il rischio e l'incertezza 206
Forecasting demand fluctuations due to promotional activities: a case in the fresh food industry 192
The benefits of supply chain finance: a value assessment model 186
Logistics and supply chain management in luxury fashion retail: empirical investigation of Italian firms 185
The Age of Science-Tech Universities. Responsibilities, Challenges and Strategies 170
Does finance solve the supply chain financing problem? 162
Prendere Decisioni 158
Assessing the use of External Grand Theories in Purchasing and Supply Management research 147
The role of artificial intelligence in the procurement process: State of the art and research agenda 143
Measuring supply chain performance: a lifecycle framework and a case study 142
Supply chain finance: From traditional to supply chain credit rating 139
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Procurement Performance Management Systems in Local Governments 136
Le scelte strategiche di make or buy - La tendenza verso l'outsourcing 134
Forecasting demand fluctuations due to promotional activities: a case in the fresh food industry 131
Clustering customers to forecast demand 130
Purchasing performance management systems: an empirical investigation 129
A transaction costs approach to purchasing portfolio management 123
A journey through manufacturing and supply chain strategy research: A tribute to Professor Gianluca Spina 123
Increasing the effectiveness of procurement decisions: The value of big data in the procurement process 120
Clustering customers to forecast demand 115
The impact of supplier performance measurement systems on supplier performance: A dyadic lifecycle perspective 115
Total Cost of Ownership along the supply chain: a model applied to the tinting industry 114
Effects of monitoring and incentives on supplier performance: An agency theory perspective 113
Location drivers, governance model and performance in service offshoring 110
The path of innovation: Purchasing and supplier involvement into new product development 106
Cinderella purchasing transformation: linking purchasing status to purchasing practices and business performance 106
A portfolio approach in the e-purchasing of materials 105
The path of innovation: purchasing and supplier involvement into new product development 105
Which shape fits best? Designing the organizational form of local government procurement 105
Total cost of ownership along the supply chain: A model applied to the tinting industry 104
An overview of customer attractiveness: outcomes and antecedents 98
The impact of supplier performance measurement system use on supplier performance: the mediation effect of relationship trust 97
Achieving innovation through supplier collaboration: the role of the purchasing interface 96
A portfolio approach to purchasing strategy 95
Clustering customers to forecast demand 95
Organizing the Purchasing Department for Innovation 92
Organizational Configurations for Local Government Procurement 90
The effects of the internet adoption in customer-supplier relationships: the markets – vertical alliances divergence and the emergence of collaborative markets 89
Research perspectives on public procurement: Content analysis of 14 years of publications in the journal of public procurement 89
Supply Chain Management in the luxury segment: case studies from the fashion industry 87
The Internet and the Customer-Supplier Relationship 87
Purchasing management in the luxury industry: organization and practices 86
Supply Chain Finance - Empirical evidences from multiple cases 86
Greening the public procurement in healthcare 85
Effects of strategic supplier performance measurement systems on supplier performance: the role of supplier opportunism and goal congruence 85
Towards full integration: eProcurement implementation stages. 84
A systematic literature review on public procurement: past trends, future developments 84
The Art and Science of Procurement: Revisiting Leonardo da Vinci: Editorial of the 2019 IPSERA Conference Special Issue 84
Gianluca Spina’s contribution to manufacturing and supply chain strategy research and management education 83
The cost of supply chain finance: a total cost of ownership approach 83
The value of SCF: an ambidexterity perspective 82
Collaborative Markets in B2B Relationships 80
Captive or outsourcing offshoring? The performance implications of locations specific characteristics under different governance models 80
E-sourcing in a buyer-operator-seller perspective: benefits and criticalities 79
Past, present and future trends of purchasing and supply management: An extensive literature review 79
E-sourcing in a buyer-operator-seller perspective: benefits and criticalities 79
The contribution of big data analytics to support purchasing process 76
Attraction in Business Relationships: the strategic relevance of customer attractiveness to improve supply performance 75
Analysis of equivalence among sub-samples: preliminary results of the International Purchasing Survey 74
Supplier and Purchasing Function involvement in NPD: what are the effects? 73
Designing a public procurement strategy: Lessons from local governments 72
Measuring the financial performance of a supply chain: theory and practice 70
What is the value of an IT e-procurement system? 70
Supply Chain Coordination: the problem of risk and benefit sharing 69
Knowledge management in continuous product innovation: a contingent approach 69
Supply chain coordination: the problem of risk and benefit sharing 69
Improving new product development performance – the mediating effect of supplier involvement and the role of the Purchasing Function 68
To greener pastures: An action research study on the environmental sustainability of humanitarian supply chains 68
Purchasing Performance Management Systems and Strategy: classification of KPIs and empirical analysis 67
Attraction in buyer–supplier relationships Improving supply network performance through purchasing recognition and proficient collaboration initiatives 67
Knowledge Management in Continuous Product Innovation: a Contingent Approach 66
Internet supporting the procurement process: lessons from four case studies 66
A portfolio approach to purchasing strategy 65
Cinderella Purchasing 64
Knowledge management in continuous product innovation: a contingent approach 64
Te role of contingencies in Continuous Product Innovation 63
Managing sub-contractors and suppliers in the construction industry 63
Purchasing Organization in Engineering-To-Order companies: the SMEs perspective 62
On the role of regional hubs in the environmental sustainability of humanitarian supply chains 62
Internet supporting the procurement process: lessons from four case studies 59
Purchasing Managed Innovation 58
Strategic partnership: collaboration, alliances & the coordination spectrum 58
Knowledge Management in Continuous Product Innovation: A Contingent Approach 58
Integrating quantitative and qualitative forecasting approaches: organizational learning in an action research case 57
The internet and the customer-supplier relationship 55
Artificial intelligence for supplier scouting: an information processing theory approach 54
Knowledge and Continuous Innovation: The CIMA Methodology 53
Tools without skills: Exploring the moderating effect of absorptive capacity on the relationship between e-purchasing tools and category performance 53
Supply chain coordination through supply contracts: a new simulation approach 50
Defining the purchasing strategy: an empirical exploration of its content and the relation with purchasing status and maturity 50
Continuous Product Innovation and Knowledge Management: The CIMA Supporting Methodology 49
Governing offshoring: evidence from an international survey 49
Managing Knowledge and Continuous Innovation in Process-Based Organizations for Sustainable Competitive Advantage 48
Location drivers as antecedents of offshoring performance: the effect of the governance mode 48
L’organizzazione degli acquisti negli atenei: rilievi sperimentali 48
Supply chain management - Gestione di una rete complessa di imprese 47
Managing sub-contractors and suppliers in the construction industry 46
Purchasing Performance Management Systems and Strategy:classification of KPIs and empirical analysis 45
The Strategic Choice between Outsourcing and FDI in Assessing the Effects of Location Characteristics on the Offshoring Performance 45
Totale 9.196
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.796
article - articoli 13.467
book - libri 1.381
conference - conferenze 11.809
curatela - curatele 332
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.807
Totale 57.592

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.463 0 0 0 0 213 232 247 138 232 103 227 71
2020/20211.436 115 99 167 40 153 89 86 127 112 159 124 165
2021/20221.128 42 102 71 110 129 52 56 98 79 65 113 211
2022/20231.435 171 99 56 117 136 153 50 111 211 124 117 90
2023/20241.042 109 115 72 98 89 109 67 74 38 106 35 130
2024/2025545 67 72 166 76 164 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.094