Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 175
AS - Asia 45
NA - Nord America 40
AF - Africa 4
Totale 264
Nazione #
IT - Italia 120
US - Stati Uniti d'America 38
RU - Federazione Russa 19
NL - Olanda 15
SG - Singapore 14
CN - Cina 13
FR - Francia 10
IN - India 6
PH - Filippine 5
AT - Austria 4
BJ - Benin 4
IE - Irlanda 3
CA - Canada 2
DE - Germania 2
FI - Finlandia 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
ID - Indonesia 2
PK - Pakistan 2
TR - Turchia 1
Totale 264
Città #
Milan 56
Santa Clara 23
Singapore 14
Amsterdam 13
Boardman 7
Paris 7
Hyderabad 6
Giussano 5
Rome 5
Boltiere 4
Chongqing 4
Cotonou 4
Davao City 4
Novara 4
Pedrengo 4
Vienna 4
Bergamo 3
Dublin 3
The Dalles 3
Bareggio 2
Brescia 2
Islamabad 2
Jakarta 2
Kowloon 2
Lappeenranta 2
Lecco 2
Montello 2
Montichiari 2
Montreal 2
Monza 2
Pavia 2
Robbiate 2
Xi'an 2
Arluno 1
Berlin 1
Busto Arsizio 1
Delft 1
Gallarate 1
Los Angeles 1
Manila 1
Melbourne 1
Nuremberg 1
St. George 1
Valenza 1
Wuhan 1
Totale 213
Nome #
3D printing of shape memory Alloys for complex architectures of smart structures 77
Hingeless arm for space robotics actuated through shape memory alloys 63
3D Printing of Shape Memory Alloys for Complex Architectures of Smart Structures 57
Shape Memory Alloy Structural Damper Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting 29
Hingeless Arm for Space Applications: Development of a Composite Morphing Structure Actuated Through Shape Memory Alloys 24
Functional Behaviour of an Innovative Complex Nitinol Structure for Space Applications Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting 20
Totale 270
Categoria #
all - tutte 867
article - articoli 385
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 482
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 1.734

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202493 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 25 9 10 6 23
2024/2025177 25 4 22 23 69 33 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 270