Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.998
EU - Europa 3.147
AS - Asia 984
SA - Sud America 41
AF - Africa 24
OC - Oceania 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 11.203
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.883
IT - Italia 1.363
DE - Germania 266
CN - Cina 259
UA - Ucraina 251
SG - Singapore 244
GB - Regno Unito 202
AT - Austria 196
VN - Vietnam 196
SE - Svezia 182
FI - Finlandia 158
ES - Italia 139
CA - Canada 109
IE - Irlanda 93
NL - Olanda 73
IN - India 68
BE - Belgio 64
IR - Iran 55
FR - Francia 52
ID - Indonesia 36
BR - Brasile 28
PL - Polonia 23
TR - Turchia 23
HK - Hong Kong 21
BD - Bangladesh 18
JP - Giappone 18
DK - Danimarca 17
RO - Romania 17
KR - Corea 14
RU - Federazione Russa 14
CH - Svizzera 11
CI - Costa d'Avorio 10
PK - Pakistan 9
EG - Egitto 6
PH - Filippine 6
CO - Colombia 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
EU - Europa 4
AR - Argentina 3
AU - Australia 3
CL - Cile 3
GR - Grecia 3
HR - Croazia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
JO - Giordania 3
MD - Moldavia 3
MU - Mauritius 3
MX - Messico 3
NO - Norvegia 3
PE - Perù 3
AM - Armenia 2
DZ - Algeria 2
IL - Israele 2
JM - Giamaica 2
LB - Libano 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PT - Portogallo 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AL - Albania 1
BJ - Benin 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CY - Cipro 1
EE - Estonia 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MY - Malesia 1
NP - Nepal 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 11.203
Città #
Fairfield 796
Santa Clara 684
Woodbridge 612
Ashburn 549
Chandler 457
Milan 424
Ann Arbor 404
Wilmington 402
Houston 365
Seattle 332
Cambridge 295
Vienna 190
Singapore 156
Boardman 149
Jacksonville 149
Dearborn 144
Málaga 124
Dong Ket 120
Lawrence 108
Ottawa 106
Medford 96
Beijing 91
Dublin 91
Washington 84
Helsinki 65
Council Bluffs 49
Redwood City 47
Des Moines 46
San Diego 46
Brussels 45
Amsterdam 36
Jakarta 34
Rome 34
New York 27
Frankfurt am Main 25
Norwalk 25
Princeton 25
Falkenstein 23
Falls Church 23
Mumbai 20
Turin 20
Varese 20
Cagliari 19
Los Angeles 16
Verona 16
Auburn Hills 15
Monza 15
Bovisio Masciago 14
Guangzhou 14
Delft 12
Frederiksberg 12
London 12
Ecully 11
Genoa 11
Abidjan 10
Bergamo 10
Central 10
Marnate 10
Bresso 9
Clifton 9
Florence 9
Gavirate 9
Berlin 8
Bystra 8
Chennai 8
Dallas 8
Mountain View 8
Phoenix 8
Pusan 8
Stralsund 8
Zurich 8
Bologna 7
Chengdu 7
Harbin 7
Pisa 7
Rhode 7
Segrate 7
Shanghai 7
Shenyang 7
Wuhan 7
Brescia 6
Dalian 6
Duncan 6
Fremont 6
Hangzhou 6
Hefei 6
Hong Kong 6
Rho 6
Udine 6
Zhengzhou 6
Campinas 5
Manila 5
Munich 5
Naaldwijk 5
Nanjing 5
Napoli 5
St Louis 5
Trento 5
Ankara 4
Arosio 4
Totale 8.024
Nome #
Experimental observation and thermodynamic modeling of non-ideal expanding flows of siloxane MDM vapor for ORC applications 213
Preliminary characterization of an expanding flow of siloxane vapor MDM 198
Development of a Background-Oriented Schlieren Technique with Telecentric Lenses for Supersonic Flow 191
Experimental observation of non-ideal expanding flows of Siloxane MDM vapor for ORC applications 190
Stagger angle and pitch-chord ratio effects on secondary flows downstream of a turbine cascade at several off-design conditions 182
Impeller-Vaned Diffuser Interaction in a Centrifugal Compressor at Off Design Conditions 170
Experimental evidence of non-ideal compressible effects in expanding flow of a high molecular complexity vapor 166
Experimental and numerical analysis of supersonic blade profiles developed for highly loaded impulse type steam turbine stages 161
Design, simulation, and construction of a test rig for organic vapors 156
Experimental investigation of a non-ideal expansion flow of siloxane vapor MDM 152
An Experimental Study of the Aerodynamics and Performance of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine in a Confined and Unconfined Environment 147
A parametrical analysis on the effects produced by leaning and bowing techniques on turbine cascades flow field 142
Preliminary Design of a Centrifugal Turbine for Organic Rankine Cycle Applications 141
Aerodynamic design and analysis of centrifugal turbine cascades 141
A Combined Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Wake Structure and Performance of a H-Shaped Darrieus Wind Turbine 135
Experimental benchmark data for H-shaped and troposkien VAWT architectures 135
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Flashing Flow in Convergent-Divergent Nozzle 135
The influence of blade lean on straight and annular turbine cascade flow field 134
On the effects of leaning and bowing techniques on turbine cascades flow field: experimental and numerical analysis 127
Aerodynamics of centrifugal turbine cascades 123
Design of a test rig for organic vapours 121
On the influence of back pressure and size on the performance of safety valves 120
High pressure fluctuations induced by safety valves operating with liquids at very low lift 119
An experimental study of the aerodynamics and performance of a vertical axis wind turbine in confined and non-confined environment 119
Editorial 119
Time-Resolved Experimental Characterization of the Wakes Shed by H-Shaped and Troposkien Vertical Axis Wind Turbines 118
Editorial of the Proceedings of ORC2017: 4th International Seminar on ORC 115
Dynamic simulation of a test rig for organic vapours 113
Numerical and experimental investigation on the performance of safety valves operating with different gases 113
Experimental Observation of Non-Ideal Nozzle Flow of Siloxane Vapor MDM 113
Wind tunnel testing of the DeepWind demonstrator in design and tilted operating conditions 112
Impeller – vaned diffuser interaction in a centrifugal compressor at the best efficiency point 111
Experimental and numerical investigation of the performance impact of a heavily off-design inlet swirl angle in a steam turbine stage 111
Impeller – vaned diffuser interaction in a centrifugal compressor at off design conditions 109
An experimental study of the aerodynamic forcing function in a 1.5 steam turbine stage 108
Numerical wind tunnel tests of an open data IPC-VAWT 107
Detailed analysis of the wake structure of a straight-blade H-darrieus wind turbine by means of wind tunnel experiments and CFD simulations 106
Impact of shape-optimization on the unsteady aerodynamics and performance of a centrifugal turbine for ORC applications 106
An Experimental Study of the Aerodynamic Forcing Function in a 1.5 Steam Turbine Stage 105
Investigation of the Flow Field in a HP Turbine Stage for two Stator-Rotor Axial Gaps: Part II - Unsteady Flow Field 104
Reynolds number effects on the performance of safety valves operating with incompressible flows 101
Flow evolution in a one and a half axial steam turbine stage under different operating conditions 101
Back pressure effects on safety valves operating with compressible flow 100
Numerical modelling of flashing flow phase change in convergent-divergent nozzle: A sensitivity analysis 100
Wake measurements of small-scale vertical axis wind turbines at Politecnico di Milano: A critical review 98
Investigation of the Flow Field in a HP Turbine Stage for Two Stator-Rotor Axial Gaps: Part II –Unsteady Flow Field 97
Comparison of experimental and numerically predicted three-dimensional wake behaviour of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine 97
Aerodynamics of Centrifugal Turbine Cascades 95
Optimal Aerodynamic Design of a Transonic Centrifugal Turbine Stage for Organic Rankine Cycle Applications 95
turbulence measurements downstream of a turbine cascade at different incidence angles and pitch-chord ratios 94
Valve Size influence on the Discharge Capacity of Spring Loaded Safety Valves 93
On the definition of the secondary flow in three-dimensional cascades 93
preliminary design of a Ljungstrom-like centrifugal turbine for ORC applications 92
Detailed Analysis of the Wake Structure of a Straight-Blade H-Darrieus Wind Turbine by Means of Wind Tunnel Experiments and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations 92
Aerodynamic and Performance Measurements of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine in a Large Scale Wind Tunnel 91
Influence of Molecular Complexity on Nozzle Design for an Organic Vapor Wind Tunnel 91
Normalized performance and load data for the deepwind demonstrator in controlled conditions 90
Investigation of flow phenomena in air-water safety relief valves by means of a discontinuous Galerkin solver 89
The Influence of roughness on a high-pressure steam turbine stage: An experimental and numerical study 87
Three-dimensional character of vawt wakes: An experimental investigation for h-shaped and troposkien architectures 86
Investigation of the Flow Field in a Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser at Design and Part Load Conditions 85
Advanced medium-order modelling for the prediction of the three-dimensional wake shed by a vertical axis wind turbine 85
Caratterizzazione sperimentale e analisi parametrica del campo di moto 3D e delle prestazioni del profilo FTR7015 per schiere di turbina a vapore 83
Development of high response pressure probes for time-resolved 2D and 3D flow measurements in turbomachines 82
Numerical and experimental investigation on the performance of safety valves operating with different gases 82
Development and first application of a single hole fast response pressure probe 81
Start-up of a Test Rig for Organic Vapors 81
A review based on evaluation experiences with ten-years activity in VAWT experimental wind tunnel testing 81
Valvole di sicurezza: Certificazione di prodotto e ricerche in corso 80
aerodynamic measurements on a vertical axis wind turbine in a large scale wind tunnel 80
On the Definition of Secondary Flows in Annular Cascades 79
A critical analysis on low-order simulation models for darrieus vawts: How much do they pertain to the real flow? 77
Quantification of the Dynamic-stall Model Uncertainty in the Performance Prediction of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines 77
Sviluppo di una sonda sferica miniaturizzata ad alta risposta in frequenza per il rilievo del campo di moto 3D 75
Experimental and Computational Study of the Aerodynamics of a Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser in Different Operating Conditions 75
Design of Experiments for Supersonic ORC Nozzles in Linear Cascade configuration 75
Valve Size Influence on the Discharge Capacity of Spring Loaded Safety Valves 74
Design and operation of a low speed test turbine facility 72
Investigation of the Flow Field in a HP Turbine Stage for Two Stator-Rotor Axial Gaps: Part I - 3D Time Average Flow Field 71
Analysis of the impeller – vaned diffuser interaction in a centrifugal compressor by means of an aerodynamic fast response pressure probe 71
Reliability of numerical wind tunnels for VAWT simulation 71
The Influence Of Roughness On A High-Pressure Steam Turbine Stage: An Experimental And Numerical Study 70
Performance and midspan wake measurements on a H-Darrieus in controlled conditions 69
A critical analysis on low-order simulation models for Darrieus VAWTs: How much do they pertain to the real flow? 69
Simulation of R718 flash boiling flow inside motive nozzle of ejector 66
Uncertainty evaluation on multi-hole aerodynamic pressure probes 65
Progetto e realizzazione di un dispositivo per la taratura non stazionaria di sonde di pressione 63
Influence of molecular complexity on nozzle design for an organic vapor wind tunnel 63
Design and commissioning of experiments for supersonic ORC nozzles in linear cascade configuration 60
Applicazione della tecnica dei cristalli liquidi allo studio del raffreddamento a film su lastra piana 59
Recent research activities on turbomachines fluiddynamics at Politecnico di Milano 58
Indagine sperimentale del campo termo-fluidodinamico a valle del rotore di turbine eoliche ad asse orizzontale 57
Funzionamento di valvole di sicurezza in presenza di contropressione 55
Totale 10.208
Categoria #
all - tutte 36.307
article - articoli 14.659
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 20.086
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.562
Totale 72.614

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020973 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 199 292 129 257 96
2020/20211.444 113 72 105 72 137 85 83 117 128 120 132 280
2021/20221.067 80 121 50 59 115 60 63 95 66 75 95 188
2022/20231.316 140 50 54 97 164 179 21 128 182 175 97 29
2023/2024916 83 124 29 117 59 161 40 38 10 124 10 121
2024/20251.566 29 68 78 128 765 280 89 129 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.347